Chapter 820 Mysterious Cave [2]

The soil here is very wet, it is no longer earthy yellow but the color of black mud, which is completely different from the dryness in the cave just now, making people feel very uncomfortable, as if something is stuck to the body .

There is also a rotten stench floating in the air, and it can't help but make people's stomach twitch when it enters the nasal cavity. The light here is very dim, and things can be seen vaguely. There are countless small people around them The red dots are flashing, densely packed.

Everyone was surprised, where are they now?It seems to have changed a place, this place is completely different from the place where they rested just now, or is it that the place where they rested has become what it is now without knowing it?

But this is too strange, even if it is the above two possibilities, they should not be unaware, they don’t feel anything at all, they are all people who wake up easily, and they usually sleep lightly when they rest and sleep, if there is a little The sound of the wind will wake you up, not to mention the strong breath here, there is no reason not to be woken up!

The three of them glanced at each other, and stood up from the ground with a "chuckle". The three of them stood back to back and formed a circle, holding their own weapons in their hands. This place is so weird that people dare not be careless. All vigilant, looking carefully at the flashing red dots in all directions, where are the ordinary little red dots, but the eyes of bats.

"Sister, did you hear a strange laughter just now, what the hell is this place?" Ni Yu muttered dissatisfiedly, this place really made him feel very uncomfortable.

"It's really strange, there is still no soul power, why did we come to this place after just sleeping for a while?" Li Chenxing was also very strange, looking at the blinking bat eyes in front of him, he clenched the soft sword that slipped out of his cuff even more.

Jue Wushuang didn't speak, she squinted her eyes and looked at this place. She didn't know why she came here all of a sudden. When the sleepiness swept her brain just now, she felt that something was wrong, or she felt something was wrong since entering this cave. It's just that she didn't open her eyes just now, but now that she woke up, it was in this place.

"Hahahaha... My little dim sums, are you looking for me?" There was another sharp voice, yin and yang, which made Niyu and Li Chenxing frown rapidly, and Jue Wushuang just looked at the red eyes lightly. bat.

"Who are you? You are a human or a ghost. If you have the ability to speak out, what kind of ability is it to pretend to be a ghost?" Niyu yelled at the top of her voice, startling some upside-down bats into the air.

"'s almost becoming my snack and you are so stubborn, but I like it, hahahaha, otherwise I wouldn't have stayed until now. If you wanted to take advantage of others, you would have disappeared in this world forever Come on, I just like to watch you resist, see your powerless resistance, tsk tsk...Look at the delicate skin and tender meat, it really increases my appetite!"

Jue Wushuang and the others could only hear voices, but they couldn't see anyone. Except for those red eyes, they were still red eyes.

"Get out, get out." Li Chenxing also yelled, this person is too weird and cunning, they are in the light, she is in the dark, there are so many red-eyed bats around, I don't know this Whether bats bite or not, this situation makes them feel like they are catching a turtle in a urn, and the feeling of being watched by others really makes him uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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