Chapter 828 Mysterious Cave [10]

"Sister, be careful, these bats are as sharp as flying knives." Ni Yu raised her head, the big knife was stuck in the ground, her eyes were full of brilliance.

"Boom, boom, boom." The mountain wall touched by the flying red-eyed bat was cut open, the stones fell down with a rush, and the stone dust flew all over the sky. Jue Wushuang dodged left and right, spinning and turning. Shrinking her body, she kept stepping on the mountain wall and walked quickly. These red-eyed bats, which were as fast as lightning, were coming fiercely. Everywhere she went, there were these red-eyed bats to fight against.

"Hiss." Jue Wushuang couldn't dodge, and the wings of two or three red-eyed bats scratched Jue Wushuang's thigh directly, and the blood gushed out immediately, drawing a perfect arc in the air, so painful that she couldn't help but gasp in one breath.

"Sister... Damn old monster, I'm going to kill you." Niyu clenched the sword tightly in her hand, her naked upper body, the veins on the back of his hand protruding because of the violent rise of anger, can be seen at this time Niyu is really non-judgmental.

"Niyu, you won't be able to climb that high. Jue Wushuang asked us to guard this place. If these red-eyed bats escape, the old monster will become even more powerful. At that time, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to deal with him like this!" Chenxing grabs Niyu and doesn't let him go up.

Don't act impulsively now. Although these red-eyed bats can't tear your clothes for the time being, there are still a lot of them, and they are all rolling and making noise inside. If you accidentally miss them, the bats and monsters will be even more difficult to deal with when they have a body. up.

Jue Wushuang clasped the mountain wall with both hands, resisted the pain from his legs and hands, and squinted his eyes to look at the bat and shemale. What kind of monster is this? It's okay to be a clone, and it won't burn to death, and it can blow the wind. Now she And without soul power, if he had soul power, he could completely destroy him with soul power, how could he be proud of having only one head?
Now he had to find a way to get rid of him completely, and it would be even worse when those red-eyed bats broke through the shackles of his clothes.

"Hahaha... how about it, my bat gust is not good, let me tell you, this is just the beginning, look at the trick!" The bat shemale looked at Jue Wushuang's bleeding thigh and laughed triumphantly, and then sucked the air again, At this time, the face was bigger than before, five times bigger. Jue Wushuang knew that the wind that would blow out later would definitely be five times stronger than the one just now.

"Niyu, give me the big knife." Jue Wushuang roared at Niyu below, with murderous intent in his eyes, which distracted the bat and shemale who was inhaling.

The mountain wall that was blown by the gust of bats just now was full of potholes, but this created an excellent foothold for Jue Wushuang. She found an excellent position to put her toes into the pits, and her body stuck tightly The mountain wall, so as not to fall, freed up both hands to accurately catch the big knife that Ni Yu threw up.

Jue Wushuang glanced at the broadsword in her hand, holding it in her hand, it was like the god of death had a scythe, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, success or failure was determined by one move.

"Huh..." The bat-human demon blew the wind in the air towards Jue Wushuang, the red-eyed bat spread its wings in the air and flew towards Jue Wushuang rapidly, and all the red-faced bats rushed towards Jue Wushuang densely.

"Ding, ding, ding." It was the sound of the red-eyed bat hitting the big knife. Jue Wushuang was constantly waving the big knife. The big knife was like a silver-white dragon, constantly devouring these dark bats.

(End of this chapter)

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