Chapter 829 Mysterious Cave [11]

"Huh..." The bat-human demon blew the wind in the air towards Jue Wushuang, the red-eyed bat spread its wings in the air and flew towards Jue Wushuang rapidly, and all the red-faced bats rushed towards Jue Wushuang densely.

"Ding, ding, ding." It was the sound of the red-eyed bat hitting the big knife. Jue Wushuang was constantly waving the big knife. The big knife was like a silver-white dragon, constantly devouring these dark bats.

Her eyes were full of murderous intent, and her whole body was chilled.

Forehand, backhand, Jue Wushuang's slender wrist kept flipping, and her feet were firmly stepped on the cracks in the stone. She was holding a big knife in her hand, moving clouds and flowing water, as fast as lightning, piercing the Changhong, and constantly blocking the red eyes rushing towards her face. bat.

The cold light flickered and blocked many bats, but the wind was also very strong. Jue Wushuang's slender body was shaken by the strong wind, and the mountain wall behind her was blown by the strong wind. Internal force stabilized his footsteps, not allowing his body to sway any further. Niyu and Li Chenxing watched her swinging the sword continuously, her body seemed to be on the verge of falling. If she really fell, the two of them would rush up immediately catch her.

"Hahaha...hahaha...Stupid human being, you can hold on for a while at most." The bat demon looked at the struggling human being, so small, that he still wanted to resist him.

"I advise you to let me eat it obediently. Why is it so painful? Why don't you want to eat me after you call and fight? If I eat you, I can save 200 years of cultivation, especially the little purple heart, no , you have already taken off/naked at this time, and you are no longer purple, but you make me want to eat more!" After the bat ladyboy finished speaking, he continued to look up to the sky and laugh, but he didn't even know that this was his Laughed out loud for the last time.

"Should die!" Jue Wushuang stabbed the sword into the mountain wall fiercely, stepped on the sword with her toes, and jumped fiercely at the end of the sword. With a bounce of force, she jumped into the air with one leap, which was weird He turned around, stretched out his hand and flew the ice blade towards the head of the bat shemale.

"Ah!" The bat and shemale screamed, and the white blade quickly pierced his forehead.

Jue Wushuang quickly threw the prepared cloak at the bat-woman. Before the bat-woman could react, he felt his eyes darken. Just as he was breathing in again, he felt a cold wave, which instantly froze him. His thoughts froze his brain, it felt really cold.

Jue Wushuang had already embraced the head of the bat and shemale at this time, her body was still spinning in the air, like a lightly fallen leaf fluttering in the wind, she stretched out her hand and slapped his celestial cap with a "snap" sound , this palm exhausted her greatest internal strength. At this moment, her brains and bones must be completely smashed, and she could feel the wetness of the cloak wrapped around it. disadvantage.

"Follow Niyu." Jue Wushuang threw the head of the bat and shemale to Niyu, and Niyu jumped onto the side of the mountain wall on tiptoe, kicked hard, and stretched out her hand to catch the head of the bat and shemale thrown down by Jue Wushuang.

Jue Wushuang endured the pain and jumped up and down the mountain wall, walking on the mountain wall on tiptoe, her eyes were always on the big knife inserted into the mountain wall, she must have wanted to kill the big knife take it off.

Her figure moved rapidly on the mountain wall, and soon reached the big knife, stretched out her hand and pulled the big knife out of the mountain wall with difficulty, and her figure with the big knife in her hand flickered again and again.

She quickly descended from the mountain wall, her eyes burst out with coldness, but she couldn't help frowning slightly when she landed, a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth again with a "wow", soaking the veil, she Hitting the ground with the tip of the knife to support her body that was about to fall, she had consumed too much physical energy just now, and there were countless wounds on her body, and the blood on her thigh was still slowly gushing out.

(End of this chapter)

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