Chapter 863 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [25]

At this time, the bat shemale also took off from the ground, and when he waved his wings, he could hear the "whoosh" sound brought by the wings passing through the air. It dared to kick its head, which really made it very angry. Now, it must kill her, thinking of its mouth wide open, its fangs white in the sun, it is terrifying!
Jue Wushuang didn't dodge, a sneer curled up on the corner of his mouth, he didn't know who would win the battle!

"Hula" a bat shemale flew towards Jue Wushuang, Jue Wushuang's body moved strangely to the left, avoiding its fierce attack, stomping his feet on the ground, his body jumped up with force, as light as a feather , She stretched out her hand and directly grabbed the wings of the bat shemale, turned over with her hand and sat on the body of the bat shemale, with one hand firmly encircling its neck.

She was holding a white blade in one hand and was about to strike. The bat and shemale felt it, and couldn't help shaking violently to resist, trying to forcefully throw Jue Wushuang off his back.

The bat shemale swayed very strongly, it kept flapping its wings and flew towards the dense trees, Jue Wushuang had to stick to its back tightly, avoiding the branches and leaves that would blow her down, and her hand still It must be tightly wrapped around its neck. Once you let go, you will definitely be thrown off. The fall is small. When the main fall, the bat and shemale will bite off her head with fangs. Its attack method, she It has already mastered most of it from its fight with Li Chenxing.

What's abominable is that the bat-human monster not only shook its body violently, but also kept shaking its head. Jue Wushuang couldn't find its fatal point at this moment, and the white blade in his hand was delayed.

The bat shemale was constantly shuttling between the branches. With the help of these trunks and branches, what it wanted was to make Jue Wushuang roll off his back.

It didn't expect Jue Wushuang to act like this at all just now, and now Jue Wushuang's mount is undoubtedly not good for it. It can neither stretch out its claws to scratch her, nor turn its head to bite her. I have to keep shaking, or I think I will die under her knife.

The small blade has swayed in front of its forehead several times, and it has shaved off a lot of hair on its forehead. Every time, it almost hit its life. The woman on the back is really unbearable. It underestimates.

It took Li Chenxing a long time to stand up from the ground. He had just fallen from the tree, and the fall was not light. He looked at the bat shemale that kept flying past his eyes, then at Jue Wushuang on its back, and at her firm back view.

Li Chenxing couldn't help but sigh to himself, how many people can have the courage of Jue Wushuang, as if she can't see fear in her body.

Such a woman is so strong that he feels so weak, as if she is invincible!
Jue Wushuang lay on the bat shemale, and we walked through the woods with it for a while, the speed was like a gust of wind, the bat shemale's breathing was a little rough, and it didn't take Jue Wushuang off its back after a long time. Shake it off, and if it goes on like this, it will die of exhaustion.

Constantly flying, constantly shaking, these all require physical strength, and Jue Wushuang's clothes have been scratched by these branches, and there are scars everywhere on his face and body. Think of a way!
(End of this chapter)

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