Chapter 864 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [26]

The bat shemale let out a roar, her body continued to swell again, and the neck surrounded by Jue Wushuang's arms also continued to expand. Her hands began to circle more and more unsteadily, and the bat shemale's neck was supported by a stream of air, getting bigger and bigger , getting stronger and stronger!

With a sound of "bang", the powerful airflow shook Jue Wushuang into the air. Once his body lost its support, it began to lose weight and fell like a meteor.

"Don't!" Li Chenxing shouted to the sky, and then ran towards the direction where Jue Wushuang fell. He saw Jue Wushuang's body falling down quickly, and he would be smashed to pieces if he fell like this.

Jue Wushuang opened her arms and fell against the wind. In the vast sky, she was like a fallen leaf. She squinted her eyes to observe the falling terrain. The robe on her body was blown by the wind. That piece of black cloud, the light body fluttered with the wind.

Jue Wushuang is now on the four sides of the mountain, so she can naturally see the outside situation. If she falls naturally like this, she will fall to her death. She must stop the current landing, or change her direction to a place that is more conducive to her descent.

Jue Wushuang's eyes scanned the ground sharply like an eagle. Suddenly, his eyes moved, maybe there would be salvation.

She condenses all the air currents in her dantian, she must use her internal force to block the gravity, and the wind in the air, the speed must be fast, I saw that she was falling in mid-air, she shrank strangely, The body kept spinning, and the strange thing was that her body didn't descend, and the speed of her rotation was like the blades of a fan.

After a while, she opened her arms and feet and rowed towards a big mountain, as if swimming in the air. Due to the gravity, her body was still falling, and her body was still choosing due to inertia. The strange thing was that there happened to be a gust of wind It blew over, rolled her soft body and floated towards the mountain, spinning, falling, and floating.

Jue Wushuang didn't do any movements, just let her body fall with the wind, as long as she grabs it later, she can get out of this predicament!

After a while, she reached the edge of the mountain, Jue Wushuang's body was still falling, her eyes were locked on the edge of the cliff, she moved flexibly, broke the resistance of the air with all her strength, and turned towards the mountain in the air with her hands and legs Going, like a whipped top, keeps turning, but keeps counting the distance in my heart.

"Crack" just before reaching the edge of the mountain, Jue Wushuang stretched out her hand and grabbed the edge of the cliff. It was very dangerous. She calculated very accurately, and her hands just held onto the mountain firmly. There was also a high cliff below, luck Even better, there was a pool below, which was exactly the pool she went to take a bath in last night.

Just jump into the pool later and she'll be fine.

With a sound of "huh", the bat and shemale flew over, the wind brought by the wings, the red one was particularly alluring under the blue sky, and the hair on the forehead was bloody and bloody, which looked very disgusting.

How could this bat and shemale let Jue Wushuang go, it managed to stop the blood on its forehead, wiped the blood in front of its eyes, and then saw things clearly, and saw it with its hands clasped on the edge of the cliff, its whole body hanging Jue Wushuang in the air, it really wanted to bite off her head, and then put it into its mouth to crush it, with sharp teeth, it flew towards Jue Wushuang with its mouth wide open.

(End of this chapter)

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