Chapter 879 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [41]

Unless Li Chenxing was allowed to say it himself, otherwise, no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible for Li Chenxing to tell why.

Li Chenxing looked at Jiu Lan, then shook his head and said, "I don't know why, but I just watched them together, so I don't know why."

"And, do you know who I saw?"


"It seems to have something to do with Jue Wushuang, the maid calls him Your Highness."

"What did you say?" Jiu Lan couldn't believe what Li Chenxing said at all, but looked at his back curiously, feeling a little confused.

Some people are like that, making you feel that his appearance has amazed the time and warmed the years.

It's just that this kind of feeling makes people feel a little painful and sad?

Because he is so tormenting.

Li Chenxing never knew that his every word, deed, and action, even his normal breathing, could move a person's heart.

"I mean, what does that maid call him His Highness the eldest grandson, Junior Sister? Do you know this His Highness the eldest grandson? If Jue Wushuang has anything to do with him, then things are not as simple as we imagined. Maybe the leader got it Kui Niu still needs help from Jue Wushuang!" After Li Chenxing said this, he felt something was wrong, because there was no movement behind him, and he didn't hear Jiu Lan's voice.

He turned around, and sure enough, he saw Jiu Lan standing there blankly.

Standing upright like a tree, motionless, as if she was frightened by something, or maybe what he said surprised her so much that she couldn't walk?
Jiu Lan stood there blankly, breathing heavily, her eyes widened, she couldn't believe this fact.

Your Highness the eldest grandson!

Who else in the world is His Highness the eldest grandson!
Hasn't he been dead for more than ten years?

How could he still be alive?

Or is this His Highness the eldest grandson his son?No, no, His Royal Highness Changsun didn't record that he had wives and concubines before he died, and he didn't even marry his main wife, so where did he come from?

Not to mention posthumous children, this is simply a fantasy.

"Little Junior Sister, you...what's the matter with you?" Li Chenxing walked back, stood beside her, looked at her deeply, always felt that something was wrong, what was going on with this Junior Junior Sister, why did she suddenly stop talking I was still standing there trembling uncontrollably.

Shouldn't you be frightened by his news?

No, no, it must have been frightened by the news that Jue Wushuang might help Kui Niu just now.

He has self-knowledge, so he naturally knows that Jiu Lan doesn't like Jue Wushuang, so even when she is following Jue Wushuang during missions, she will always have an inexplicable feeling.

Although he couldn't detect what kind of emotion it was, he could clearly feel that there was a faint murderous intent in it.

I don't know how Jue Wushuang offended Jiu Lan, they don't have any intersection at all, okay?
"Brother, do you still remember the time when the demon clan was exterminated?" Jiu Lan looked at him in a daze, her eyes filled with surprise.

Li Chenxing shook his head, how did he know about all these years, because he was still young at that time, so he didn't participate in it at all.

"The remnants of the demon clan suddenly came to disturb the Li Huan Continent. It was him... His Highness Changsun led a group of heaven-defying soul masters and chased them out." Jiu Lan said, only thinking about those things back then .

(End of this chapter)

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