Chapter 880 Fragment of Eight Desolation Maps Part Five [42]

"The remnants of the demon clan suddenly came to disturb the Li Huan Continent. It was him... His Highness Changsun led a group of heaven-defying soul masters and expelled them." Jiu Lan said, only thinking about those things back then .

She will never forget how magnificent that war was, and how many people sweated and galloped on the battlefield.

Not to mention that there is such an unforgettable past event, because this eldest grandson is the son of a generation of arrogance, very powerful, courageous and resourceful, he is a very powerful figure.

How many heroes are crazy about it and are fascinated by it.

That war was the most powerful war His Royal Highness Changsun had ever faced, and it was a war on a grand scale.

I don't know how many people still remember this kind of past events, but those warriors back then are all gone, some continue to wander in the rivers and lakes, and some even died tragically on the battlefield.

Only His Royal Highness Changsun's name is engraved in everyone's hearts. His success restored peace to the Li Huan Continent, allowing everyone in the Li Huan Continent to live a peaceful life!
Jiu Lan thought about it, but she was a little bit absent-minded.

Li Chenxing saw that there was no focus in her eyes, and his mood suddenly became a little uncomfortable.

"Little Junior Sister...Little Junior Sister, what are you thinking?" Li Chenxing raised his hand and shook it in front of her eyes. What can be seen in his eyes is the deep inquiry, which is a bit inexplicable .

Does she think that a person can be so fascinated, that a person can forget everything around him like this.

What kind of character is His Highness the eldest grandson, and how powerful he is, able to summon all the soul masters.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that Jiu Lan still didn't answer himself, Li Chenxing became a little anxious.

He glanced back, his voice carrying a deep magnetism.

"Senior Brother, His Highness the eldest grandson should be him." Jiu Lan said, raising her leg and continuing to walk a few steps ahead, she did not expect her to move like this, but Li Chenxing felt a little surprised by her actions like this.

"What and what? Junior sister, you have to make it clear, or I won't let you go." Li Chenxing really didn't know much about those famous people in history, that's why he thought of Jiulan just now.

This girl is not only a super tracking master, but also a master who can take a look and never forget.

Therefore, she has read countless books since she was a child, and those knowledge and history are all printed in his mind, making it impossible for people to forget.

"Brother..." Jiulan looked at Li Chenxing's anxious look, her cheeks were a little red, but all the shyness was under the blue veil, she pouted and looked at Li Chenxing, and then said softly: "I I think, His Highness the eldest grandson should be that person, he used to be the number one expert in Li Huan Continent and killed all the demons, so he was worshiped by the world later."

"However, he is already dead. Many people watched him die. He was sacrificed in the last stand with the demons. He used his own soul source to commit suicide and exploded, and died with the demons. Without the soul source, his physical strength weakened, and he passed away not long after."

"If you see that person now, I wonder if someone used some strange spell on him to bring him back to life."

"Huh? He's dead? But, he looks very young. I also know about that war, which happened more than ten years ago, but he hasn't aged at all!" Li Chenxing said strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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