Chapter 945 A Man Like a Demon 【5】

"Shuang'er... I'm sorry..."

The man whispered softly in the air, full of sadness.

That voice was filled with incomparable pain, and there was even extreme reluctance.However, he has nothing to do, he can only watch his body slowly change, but he is helpless.

Before he completely lost his xinxing, he must find a way to leave her and prevent her from any harm.

"Shuang'er, I... miss you so much..."

A soft murmur made the whole room instantly warm.

"I really, really miss you...but I can't see you."

Such sadness, such loss.

It was almost unimaginable that such a man would have such a weak side.

Slowly, his head began to lower slowly, and then, he lightly touched the girl's forehead, and lightly kissed the girl's lips.

This kiss is so kind, so soft, full of the man's unspeakable difficulties, unspeakable sourness, and unspeakable sadness.

However, he felt that such a kiss was not enough!

Her lips are so soft, so sweet, so warm, let him want more, more...

Immediately afterwards, he slowly opened her lips with the tip of his tongue, wanting to slowly poke it in, but at this moment...

The girl who had her eyes closed, suddenly opened them!
Their eyes met, a kind of shock appeared unconsciously!
The man's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't have the slightest intention of letting go.

Jue Wushuang narrowed his eyes, raised his leg and kicked the man fiercely, but the man didn't dodge the slightest bit, and stood here and took the kick firmly.

No matter how powerful he is, the pain is still very obvious.

He snorted, but he refused to let go of the girl at all, and even wrapped around her body directly, pressing her on the bed!


Jue Wushuang's face darkened little by little, and his momentum was not relaxed at all.

She clearly felt the dangerous aura of this man, he was dangerous, and his strength was higher than her own!

"You woke up so soon?" The man was a little surprised.

Instead, Jue Wushuang chuckled and said, "I'm also an alchemist, I've already smelled your drug, how long do you think you can keep me stunned?"

"At first, I thought it was an old friend, but who knows, it's a daring gangster!"

"Old man? Which old man?"

Jue Wushuang turned his face away and stopped looking at him at all. "You don't deserve to know my husband's name!"

The man's movements stopped, and he looked at the girl's face hesitantly. The defense he saw on her face had already hurt him deeply.

My heart seemed to be stabbed deeply by something sharp.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts so much that I can't extricate myself.

"Who am I, you will know later. Hmph!"

Now, she can't know that she has been demonized. If that is the case, she will definitely feel distressed. He is such a person, and he is reluctant to let the person she loves suffer a little bit of harm, even if the source of the harm is herself.

Yes, he is Lu Youcheng.

It's just the blackened Lu Youcheng, and now he has been occupied by another blackened self. If he doesn't want to save himself, then he is likely to lose his mind, and he will never appear again.

 Recommend Yu Qi's "Laughing Embarrassment: Dark Belly Emperor Nitian Concubine"


(End of this chapter)

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