Chapter 946 A Man Like a Demon 【6】

Yes, he is Lu Youcheng.

It's just the blackened Lu Youcheng, and now he has been occupied by another blackened self. If he doesn't want to save himself, then he is likely to lose his mind, and he will never appear again.

Therefore, he would rather miss her alone than let her know the truth.

When Jue Wushuang watched him stunned, he slowly raised his hand, and reached for the man's mask.

But at the moment when she was about to touch the mask, the man sent her hand away, and the flower quickly turned into a black shadow, and appeared not far away in a red dress.

He turned his back to himself and didn't look into the house at all.

Moonlight, pouring down.

It complements his bewitching red robe, making it even more beautiful.

That trace of natural dignity cannot be possessed by anyone.

At this moment, the heart suddenly surged and boiled.

At this moment, Jue Wushuang's heart skipped a beat.

This man actually has a familiar aura on him, which belongs to the aura of his closest person...

Is that him?
Is it him who is thinking about it?

Especially when she looked into those eyes, the moment she saw him staring at her, her heart was more painful and sad...

Such resonance, if the person in front of you is not Lu Youcheng, then who else?
"Who the hell are you!" Jue Wushuang opened his mouth to ask.

The man just glanced at her, then turned around and disappeared into the moonlight.

Even after he left, there was still a man's breath in the room.

"Who the hell are you..."

Why did she feel so familiar, but felt that she was drifting away.

However, Lu Youcheng's feeling is different. There is a trace of disrespect and a trace of dandyism in his eyes. As long as he stands by his side, even if two people quarrel, he can see the deepness in his eyes. happy.

However, this man, no matter from his breath or his words, brought danger and disaster!
Jue Wushuang raised his hand and slowly stroked his lips, where the warmth left by the man still remained.

Perhaps, as the man said, they will meet later.

Of course, she is also looking forward to this day. This man is very dangerous, which makes her feel very challenging.

Jue Wushuang didn't sleep well all night.



However, it never occurred to him that Jue Wushuang waited for an unexpected person.

The moment she saw the red dress, she was extremely excited, and even at that moment, her face was filled with a beautiful smile.

"Lu Youcheng, did you find this place?"

The moment Jue Wushuang watched Lu Youcheng appear, he was actually very happy in his heart.

The person she had been thinking about appeared in front of her eyes just like this.

Intact and safe.

Jue Wushuang's whole heart began to agitate, and seeing him in good condition made him even more worried. "Are you all right these days? Didn't someone do something to you?"

"I heard that Huangfu Qianyu has been pestering you, you beat her into a disability, right?"

I only heard her anxious inquiry, but I didn't see Lu Youcheng's expression moved in the slightest.

Instead, he kindly raised his hands and directly embraced Jue Wushuang in his arms. This action directly made Jue Wushuang's face turn red with embarrassment.

In front of a group of people!

Why is he like this...

How shy.

 Recommend Yu Qi's "Laughing Embarrassment: Dark Belly Emperor Nitian Concubine"


(End of this chapter)

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