Chapter 947 A Man Like a Demon 【7】

Lu Youcheng slowly raised his hand, caressed her little face, a gentle smile appeared on his handsome face, his black eyes fell on the girl, and his voice was unusually soft: "From the eternal silence forest and After you lost contact, I have been inquiring about you, and as soon as I heard that you were in Duanmu Mansion, I immediately came to look for you."

Jue Wushuang glanced at him, and frowned slightly, wondering if it was her illusion, she always felt that there was something wrong with Luyou City now.

"What's the matter, Shuang'er?" Lu Youcheng looked at her, the corners of his lips curved slightly, "Long time no see, why, don't you mean you don't know me?"

Jue Wushuang came back to her senses slowly, shook her head with a wry smile, maybe she was a little too sensitive... "There is no such thing, just come back."

Lu Youcheng chuckled, a strange light flashed in his black eyes, but unfortunately the light disappeared so fast that Jue Wushuang didn't catch it, "Shuang'er, I haven't seen you for a while, I really miss you ..."

As he spoke, he took a step closer to Jue Wushuang.

The smile on Jue Wushuang's face gradually disappeared, and she looked at the man standing in front of her suspiciously: "Lu Youcheng, what's wrong with you? I feel that something is wrong with you."

Every time she saw Lu Youcheng, she would feel at ease, but why is it different now?
He is by her side, but she still doesn't have that peaceful feeling?

Just as Lu Youcheng raised his hand, before it got close to the girl's face, he slowly put it down, there was a wicked smile on the corner of his lips, his god-like face was so pretty.

"Look at you, you haven't seen me for so many days, and you don't know me anymore?" Lu Youcheng looked at Jue Wushuang, raised his hand to gently hold her face, and said softly: "Shuang'er, let's go for a walk Bar."

Jue Wushuang nodded lightly: "Okay."

At the same time, inside the house of Duanmu Mansion.

The black-cloaked Nightmare put his hands behind his back, felt something, turned around slightly, and cast his gaze outside, which was aimed at the courtyard.

"Lingmai, what's the matter? It suddenly became so strange?" The eldest grandson Wuyou on the side has been cultivating his body and recovering his strength for the past few days, so he hasn't gone out after coming to Duanmu Mansion for so many days.

Only Nightmare guarded him and helped him heal.

Ling Nightmare frowned slightly, and there was an inexplicable emotion in her purple eyes.

"This feeling..." Lingnan's brows became more and more tight, and the feeling of uneasiness made his heart ache.

It seems that something is going to happen, but I don't know what it is...

"What's wrong? Did you feel it too?" Changsun Wuyou slowly stood up and looked at Ling Nightmare. "I also felt a breath of demons, and it was very close.

"Hopefully, something like that won't happen..."


The two looked at each other, speechless for a while.



Lancaster Empire.

Putuo Street.

On the street, there are bustling crowds.

On this seemingly endless street, Lu Youcheng gently hugged the back of his head, with a lazy smile on his lips, a pair of eyes glanced at the girl beside him from time to time, that smile became more and more charming.

The appearance of such a handsome man immediately attracted the attention of many people...

Suddenly, Lu Youcheng stopped, looked through the crowd, and landed on a red dress: "Shuang'er, I seem to see an acquaintance..."


Jue Wushuang turned his head and followed his line of sight to see a woman in red.

 Recommend Yu Qi's "Laughing Embarrassment: The Dark Belly Emperor Nitian Concubine", readers: 304827212

(End of this chapter)

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