Chapter 965 Lost in the Dark Illusory Forest? 【1】

There are now five pictures of the Eight Desolations.

It will soon be possible to unlock the secrets of the map.




It was just in the evening, the setting sun was hanging slantingly on the edge, and half of the sky was flushed red, as if reluctant to sink into the West Mountain, looking at the crowd below who were talking about it with great interest.

I saw that on the shore of Jiangyang Lake, there were crowds of people pointing and pointing.

This is a small village in Wuyin Village.

Everyone pointed at the corpse of the high priest in front of them.

"Hey, what a crime..."

The news of Lu Youcheng's return quickly spread in Duanmu Mansion.

Therefore, after learning that Lu Youcheng had arrived at Jue Wushuang's side, Mrs. Yao was relieved.

After all, she knows that Lu Youcheng is a very powerful character, so she doesn't need to let her daughter take risks to protect them.



Wuyin Village, inside the small bamboo forest.

It was already the night, Lingyan looked at the man beside Jue Wushuang, and felt really relieved in his heart.

"You guys are alright, don't worry, I will make my eldest grandson worry-free."

In the past few days, Changsun Wuyou's body has not been as good as before, and sometimes he will sleep for a long time, and sometimes wake up, but the breath is still there.

I don't know if it's because he stayed in the mausoleum for a long time, but now he suddenly woke up, but he hasn't found anything that can keep him alive. Therefore, now that the Yuanli is used, it can only dissipate slowly.

"Well, my father will leave it to you, Nightmare." Jue Wushuang looked at the man's black robe. If it wasn't for the attack by Nightmare, she might have fought with Su Sakurayue.

She is the kind of person with a soft heart, so no matter what the other party is, she is still her good sister, how can she do it?

"Damn you, you don't call me master!" Ling Nightmare looked proud.


Lu Youcheng touched her arm, and Jue Wushuang also understood. Then, she looked at Lingmao and shyly called out to him, "Master."

"Haha, good boy, after I heal my eldest grandson Wuyou, I will bring him to you."


"Ling Nightmare, let's go!" Lu Youcheng bowed to Ling Nightmare, with a faint smile on his lips.

Looking at the girl's face for the last time, Lingnan turned his head and disappeared into the night.

After leaving this time, he still has to go to a place that is more dangerous. If he can come back alive, Changsun Wuyou will be saved.

At that time, no one will be able to threaten his apprentice.

"Let's go."

Jue Wushuang turned slightly and looked at Lu Youcheng in front of him.

Under the moonlight, the words on his face made his handsome face even more evil, and his dark red eyes fell softly on the girl through the night.

In his eyes, it seemed that there was only room for this one woman, and no other...

In the past few days, Jue Wushuang took out the alchemy book whenever he had time to look for the elixir that could restrain the strength in Lu Youcheng's body, but he didn't expect that there really was such a thing, but it was a pity that he needed the elixir of the peak of the earth.

Today's Jue Wushuang is only a high-ranking elixir master, and he is still unable to refine the peak elixir, not to mention the materials for refining the elixir are also difficult to find.

Closing the pill book, Jue Wushuang looked up at the handsome man in front of him: "Lu Youcheng, I will raise my strength to the peak of the earth as soon as possible, and you should try to restrain yourself during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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