Chapter 966 Lost in the Dark Illusory Forest? 【2】

Lu Youcheng nodded lightly, his eyes were not willing to leave the girl in front of him for a moment.

"Tomorrow we will go to the Dark Illusory Forest. I hope we can get the fragments of the Eight Desolation Maps as soon as possible and find the entrance to the Puluo Kingdom." Some can't bear it.

I don't know why, but I always feel that Su Sakurayue hates herself like that, but in fact, it's just because she likes the same person.

However, she didn't force him, it was Lu Youcheng who liked her.

She is just obedient, no, maybe she wants to listen to the thoughts in her heart, so it is very possible for two people to be together...

What can be counted?

"Shuang'er, I'm actually very dissatisfied that you keep calling me by my name!" Lu Youcheng raised his hand and gently stroked her hair.

"Uh, should I call you Cheng'er? Or Lulu? Could it be Shisan?" Jue Wushuang shook his eyes and looked at Lu Youcheng with a different feeling in his eyes.

"Haha, it's all right, call me Lulu, this name is so cute." Lu Youcheng looked at Jue Wushuang almost like a baby.

"Okay, this is more suitable for your women's clothing." Jue Wushuang looked at him, thinking that when she passed Wuyin Village tomorrow, Luyou City would be made into a women's clothing, she felt quite refreshed in her heart...

"Okay, I can do anything for my husband..." Lu Youcheng responded, tapped her lips, then looked at her with her face in his hands, and said, "I know what you are worried about , Are you thinking about Su Sakurayue?"

"Hmm..." Indeed, she is my good sister. If she was asked to do it, how could she do it?
Instead, Lu Youcheng looked at her and said something, "Do you think that she may be bewitched by others, if she is bewitched by charms, then such a thing is also possible."

"Is that so?"

"I always feel that we are not the only ones looking for the fragments of the Eight Desolation Maps."

"I really believe this." After finishing speaking, Jue Wushuang looked at Lu Youcheng in front of him, raised his hand gently, and gently touched the flowers on his cheek with his fingertips. A little sad. "Thirteen, if one day, you are also caused by the inner demon, will you kill me?"

"No, no, I love you so much!" Lu Youcheng looked at her affectionately, with obvious tenderness and care in his eyes.

Jue Wushuang smiled and didn't say another word.

The two of them were sleeping in the dense forest, their backs leaning on each other...



The next day.

The morning light is rising, and there are still layers of mist in the forest.

Jue Wushuang stared blankly at Lu Youcheng standing in front of her, with a hint of amazement in his eyes.She never thought that a man dressed as a woman would be so beautiful.

Especially the pattern on the left side of his face made him more evil and noble. No matter where this person goes, he will definitely attract countless eyes to follow him...

But the height does not match the woman, Jue Wushuang stood beside him, half a head shorter.

"Forget it, I won't punish you anymore, you should change it back, it looks really a bit...hahahaha..." Before he finished speaking, Jue Wushuang started laughing, and at the end, he still hugged his stomach and started laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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