Dou Po starts from Yun Yun

Chapter 23 Smart Financial Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 23 Smart Financial Chamber of Commerce
"Our famous Fourth Young Master Xiao in Wutan City also needs to borrow money."

Galeo, who was dressed in a white fur coat, walked over, with a smile on his cold face that many employees of the Zhirong Chamber of Commerce couldn't see all year round.

"There are times when people are in a hurry. My young master is a little tight recently. I want to borrow some money from your chamber of commerce. I don't know if your chamber of commerce can lend me. If not, I will go to the next chamber of commerce."

Yun Tianling looked at Galieo. Galieo is the heir of the Galie family, the son of Galiebi, and he just took over the Zhirong Chamber of Commerce.
Recently, the rectification of the Zhirong Chamber of Commerce was also personally led by Galeo, and Galeo was 23 years old, but he was still a three-star fighter. The Xiao family is tightly sealed, so these families cannot receive any news.
Galeo also admires Xiao Xun'er, every time he sees Yun Tianling and Xiao Xun'er shopping together intimately, he just feels a surge of anger in his heart, how can such a waste be with the goddess, and, Didn't the goddess look at him once? !

After that, Galeo swore secretly that as long as Yun Tianling fell into his hands, he would torture Yun Tianling severely, and wanted him to know that the goddess is not something that trash like him can touch.

"The purpose of our Zhirong Chamber of Commerce is to try our best to meet any needs of any customers. Since Master Xiao has such needs, why don't we meet them?" Galeo closed the folding fan, changed the subject, and put his greasy face Yun Tianling joined in, "However, if you want to borrow money from the Zhirong Chamber of Commerce, you have to agree to one condition of this young master,"

Galeo's words came into the eyes of everyone in the business hall of the Zhirong Chamber of Commerce. Some people were astonished, some were puzzled, and some people watched from the sidelines. They wanted to see it. This Galeo What are the conditions put forward,
"If you have any conditions, Master Jialie, just ask. As long as I, Xiao Xue, can meet the conditions within my ability, I, Xiao Xue, will agree." Yun Tianling narrowed his eyes, and looked at Jialieo's tiger eyes, heartbroken. Said this guy, routines one after another, don't fall for his tricks,

"My condition is to stay away from Xiao Xun'er and never get close to her again," Galeo's tone suddenly turned cold, and the five or six fierce servants behind him were also gearing up, "Otherwise, fists have no eyes. With the weak body of the Fourth Young Master, how many times can you carry it?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Hearing Galeo's words, the five or six servants burst out laughing,
Everyone in the office hall also covered their mouths and laughed lightly, so why ask?A piece of trash with fighting spirit can be wiped out with just one punch, let alone how many blows?

They all secretly swore in their hearts that if Yun Tianling could withstand more than five punches from the five or six members of the Jialie family, they would... just... just live broadcast Tunxiang! !
"Master Jialie, I'm sorry, I don't accept this condition, please change another condition," Yun Tianling said, he remembered that in the original book, the several confrontations between Galieo and Poyan were all caused by Xiao Xun'er, so it can be seen Galeo's deep love for Xiao Xun'er,
"Fourth young master, if you don't agree to this young master's condition, this young master will tell Xun'er about your borrowing money from the Zhirong Chamber of Commerce today, and let her know about your shit, and then she will treat you I have completely lost interest, I believe that sister Xun'er's instinct to choose a man is quite strong," Galeo said suddenly,
"Tell Xun'er? Do you think Xun'er will believe your nonsense," Yun Tianling said, Xun'er belongs to him, and he only trusts him. He knows how much Xun'er hates Galeo.
"Come here, bring me the fighting shadow stone of my young master," Galeo ordered. The fighting shadow stone, a stone that can record audio and video, is very expensive and can only be bought in the holy city of Jiama. No, and there is no market for the price,

The onlookers naturally knew about Dou Yingshi, but they had never seen it before. It was just that Master Jialie invited Dou Yingshi. They wanted to see how the fourth young master of the Xiao family would end up.
"Master, our Douying Stone is gone," a servant said in embarrassment. He clearly put the Douying Stone in his bag just now, why did it disappear?

The hearts of the onlookers sank. They really wanted to see Yun Tianling make a fool of himself in front of the goddess Xun'er, so some good people specially invited Xiao Xun'er over, but... there is no Dou Yingshi, Yun Tianling's Every move, there is no record...

"Bastard, how do you do it!"

Snapped! !

Galeo slapped him with a backhand, and a crimson palm print suddenly appeared on the left face of the famous servant.


That famous family Ding covered his face, feeling very wronged, Dou Yingshi is his young master, he bought it at a great price from the merchants who brought it here from the far central mainland after a lot of hard work, and almost emptied his young master. More than half of the private money is lost now...

"See Xiao Xue, you did it again, right?" Galeo turned his head and yelled at Yun Tianling, the voice was so loud that Yun Tianling's eardrums were almost damaged.

"What are you talking about, it's great to have a loud voice," Yun Tianling covered his ears, his ears were filled with a buzzing sound, "You want to mess with me, I can bear it, treat me like a fool, you can't bear it,"

"Master Xiao Si, are you here to borrow money, or are you here to ruin my business?" Jia Lieneng, the president of the Zhirong Chamber of Commerce, put down what he was doing, and asked all irrelevant people to leave the office. He walked over with a sullen face, and all the staff in the office surrounded him, surrounding Yun Tianling in the center, there were always as many as 40 people,
coax! !
The battle qi was released, and the battle qi of these 40 people condensed into a chain of battle qi in the void, locking all the space around Yun Tianling,

"Why, you Zhirong Chamber of Commerce, you plan to do it before you start collecting collection? With so many people watching, do you want to openly break your trust?"

Yun Tianling was not frightened by this scene, but shook his hands, and smiled authentically, his eyes were almost cracked with laughter,

"How can it be, business is always to be done,"

Galieo could have looked at the people who were constantly poking in to see the situation, and then gave Galieo a wink. Galieo understood, and he raised his hand, allowing more than 40 people to release the space confinement.
"I don't know how much the fourth young master wants to borrow. Are there any valuables that need to be mortgaged?"

Galen took a piece of paper from the counter, which was full of IOUs and interest,
"400 gold coins, this family seal is considered a valuable item,"

Yun Tianling put the seal of the Xiao family on the counter with a bang, and looked at Jia Lieneng's somewhat slender horse face in his eyes, with a bit of pride,
The people outside gasped. As expected of the fourth young master of the Xiao family, even the mortgaged items were so valuable.
It's just that the fourth young master of the Xiao family is so prodigal, so no one will take care of the Xiao family?
"Okay, fourth young master please sign this,"

Jia Lie Neng put away the family seal, handed the IOU and pen to Yun Tianling, and asked the staff to go to the counter to get 400 gold coins, put them in a red kit,

Just as he was about to hand over the kit to Yun Tianling, an ethereal and pleasant voice that cleansed his soul sounded,
"Brother Xuejian, if you are short of money, you can tell Xun'er,"

(End of this chapter)

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