Chapter 57
"Nimma, the Lord is here!"

Seeing Xiao Yan coming from outside the city, Yun Tianling's eyelids twitched wildly. He didn't come when it was time to come, but he came when he insisted on pretending to be him. This Xiao Yan, don't make trouble , to die!

At this moment, Xiao Yan walked over with a happy face. He was about to marry the young lady of the Jiang family and reach the pinnacle of his life.
However, when he saw another, exactly the same 'self', pulling his sister Jiang's snow-white arm, his eyes popped out.

Why... there will be another self...

"Teacher, what's going on?" Xiao Yan asked hastily,
"This is not the complete you, but someone else's disguise. This disguise is very clever. Even people who know you very well may not be able to recognize it. This is fake," Yao Lao said. He already knew who it was,

"Which one is the real young master Xiao Yan!!"

"My God, there are actually two young masters Xiao Yan in this world..."

"The appearance, breath, both are exactly the same, it is impossible to tell the real from the fake!"


The city guards and the people who went in and out were all dumbfounded.
"You two young masters Xiao Yan, why don't you..." The city guard who was caught between the two felt very embarrassed and wished he could slap himself.

You said that you are a good person, so what are you doing with this crap!

Now, it's over...!
"Are you... are you real or fake?" Jiang Zangqiu was stunned, maybe it was his sister who came, and he couldn't recognize which one was the real Xiao Yan, right?
"Who are you, pretending to be me!!" Xiao Yan said first, full of anger!

"I still want to say who you are, how dare you pretend to be me!!" Yun Tianling retorted, he was not afraid that Xiao Yan would say his name,
Because he knew that as long as Xiao Yan said Xiao Xuejian's name, both of them would be finished. Xiao Yan was not so stupid yet,

"You!! Everyone, he is a fake, he doesn't have a mysterious ruler!!"

Xiao Yan reacted and shouted, those city guards and common people also reacted, that's right, when Master Xiao Yan came, he carried that strange black ruler on his back!
And the Xiao Yan next to Jiang Zangqiu didn't have a black ruler, so it was a fake!

"Who said that I don't have a mysterious heavy ruler anymore, it's just that I'm too tired to carry it, so I put it down!"

Yun Tianling pushed Jiang Zangqiu away, holding a large black ruler exactly like the one on Xiao Yan's back in his hand! !

Those city guards who rushed over stopped in their tracks again, their facial muscles twitched wildly, and now they couldn't tell the difference.
Jiama Holy City, Jiang Family,
"Master, it's not good, two uncles appeared outside the city!!"

Five or six servants, one by one, passed on such words,
In the Jiang family, when they heard the news, there was a burst of excitement.
"What, there are two sons-in-law outside the city. What you said is true?" Mr. Jiang couldn't believe his ears. How could there be people with the same appearance and breath in this world!
"Master, it's absolutely true, the little one is right, the two young masters and the second young lady are just outside the city!" the servant said, he thought whether he was crazy or the world was crazy,

Without any hesitation, Mr. Jiang immediately flew out of the city with seven or eight elders!

Jamma holy city, outside the city,
"My God...! There are really two young masters Xiao Yan!!"

"Which one is real?"

"Master, I think we should renegotiate the marriage contract. Miss, is it possible to marry two young masters Xiao Yan?"

The elders of the Jiang family stared wide-eyed,
"Get out, how can Xin'er marry two men! Then what's the face of my Jiang family?" The old man of the Jiang family said angrily,

But he was still in a daze, the two Xiao Yans, even he, a fighting king powerhouse, couldn't tell the difference, it was so simple,

"Father-in-law!! You're here, beat this fake man to death!!" Yun Tianling preemptively, with snot and tears, hugged Mr. Jiang's arm and began to cry.
"Father-in-law, I'm the real one. I just went out to buy things for Xin'er, and he took the opportunity to pretend to be me. His intentions are self-evident! Please also ask father-in-law to shoot him to death!!" Xiao Yan was unwilling Showing weakness, he stepped forward and hugged Mr. Jiang's other arm, rubbing his head, actually acting like a spoiled child!

"Fuck off!!"

Old Master Jiang got angry, and slapped Xiao Yan who was rubbing against his arm,
"Father-in-law, why do you just slap me and not him!"

Xiao Yan struggled to get up from the ground, his body was covered in ashes,

In the one just now, a few teeth were knocked out, and the corners of the mouth were bleeding.

Father-in-law, if you don't bring such a thing, even if it's acting, you have to be gentle, okay? !

"Huh? At the peak of the Nine-Star Fighting King, you are only one step away from breaking through the Douhuang. After 30 years of being trapped at the peak of the Fighting King, your talent is still pretty good,"

Yun Tianling sensed the cultivation of old man Jiang, the Nine Star Fighting King, who is still considered a first-class master in the Holy City of Jia Ma,
I don't know if it was a brain twitch or I was too excited, and I actually talked to myself,

"Do you know my cultivation?" Mr. Jiang narrowed his eyes. Although Yun Tianling was talking to himself, with his hearing, he could still hear it.
However, he is a nine-star fighting king, and Xiao Yan is at best a two-star fighting spirit.
It's just that I don't know why Xiao Yan always temporarily possesses the power of Dou Wang. Could it be because there are strong souls who help Xiao Yan secretly?
And this fake Xiao Yan,

"Oh, I accidentally exposed it, okay, I won't pretend anymore, third brother, long time no see, do you miss me, fourth brother?" Yun Tianling removed his appearance, and what evolved was Xiao Xuejian's appearance ,

"Seeing Xiao Xue, I knew it was you!" Xiao Yan hated iron for not being able to become a piano

"It turns out that you are Xiao Yan's fourth younger brother, whom you have admired for a long time," Old Man Jiang said. Xiao Yan gave him the feeling that sometimes it is mysterious and unpredictable, and sometimes it is easy to see through.
But Xiao Xuejian gave him the feeling that he couldn't see through it and was also very mysterious. The aura on his body was much stronger than his own...

Could it be that this person is a Dou Huang powerhouse! ?

The Jia Ma royal family had only heard the news the day before yesterday that Xiao Xuejian was only the Dou Wang. It has only been two days, how did his aura rise to the level of the Dou Huang?
Could it be that Xiao Xuejian had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger before?
If it is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, what is the purpose?

"Master, Second Miss, Young Master Xiao Yan, it's not a big deal for Xiao Xue to stay outside when she sees Young Master, let's go home and talk about it."

An elder came out to smooth things over, so many people watched, not good,
"The fourteen elders are right, let's go in,"

After Mr. Jiang finished speaking, he took Yun Tianling's arm affectionately, and left Xiao Yan aside,
"Father-in-law, I'm afraid this is not good,"

Seeing Mr. Jiang dragging Xiao Xue to see him, Xiao Yan felt jealous, this goddamn Xiao licking dog, why is he everywhere!
Was he sent by God to torture himself?

 Cough, the old book has been updated in the past two days, friends who are interested in the old book "The Reversal System of the Heavens", you can try the poison,
(End of this chapter)

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