Chapter 58
Jiang's house, lobby,
Several elders, you look at me, I look at you, very quiet, the atmosphere is so weird,
"Why don't you talk anymore? In a few days, my Jiang family and Xiao family's big day will come, and all the families in the imperial capital will come here. How do you entertain those families and show off in front of them? "Grandpa Jiang said in a deep voice, these elders, one by one are too outrageous,

"Patriarch, this...isn't so good. My Jiang family is one of the four major families in the imperial capital. Even the Jiama royal family has to sell some of my Jiang family's face. The Xiao family is just a Utan It’s just a small family in the city, worthy of my Jiang family?” An elder said disdainfully, this sentence was said in front of Xiao Yan, Yun Tianling was also happy to watch this good show,
"Bastard! Although the Xiao family is only a small family in Wutan City, but after the birth of Master Xiao Yan, Xiao Xue sees Master these two peerless talents. I believe that within 20 years, the Xiao family will definitely become the largest family in the Jia Ma Empire." The family... no, not only the Jia Ma Empire, but also the largest family in the entire Northwest Continent,"

Mr. Jiang's eyes were shining brightly, staring at Xiao Yan as if he was looking at a sweet pastry, he wished he could completely tie Xiao Yan to his warship,
"Patriarch, we have the latest information that one of the four major families in the imperial capital, the Miter family, has an auction wizard. Although it does not pose a threat to us, if... the pattern of the four major families in the imperial capital is very likely to change. Ah," said an elder, with a worried expression on his face,
"A woman without cultivation is not a threat, but I am worried that the son of Old General Chen is a peerless genius in the imperial capital. If he grows up, the status of the Chen family in the imperial capital will be improved a lot," Mr. Jiang said, Jiama Imperial Capital, the strength and status of the major families will be determined by the number of Tianjiao. Whichever family has the most talented Tianjiao, the status of whichever family will be higher.
As for the Jiang family, since there is no boy, their status has only declined in recent years. For this wedding banquet, the Jiang family has no choice but to want a man to inherit the Jiang family. In this way, the status of the Jiang family may be improved.

"Let's not talk about these things for now, I want to meet Xin'er, where is she?" Xiao Yan said, he is not interested in the struggle between these families, he just wants to see Xin'er as soon as possible, and then hehehe...

"Third brother, you must be in a hurry. I haven't seen third brother for a long time, and fourth brother misses it very much. Why don't you compete with fourth brother, exchange martial arts, and ask for advice." Yun Tianling was a little unhappy, thinking The child belongs to him, and no one else is allowed to get involved, including Xiao Yan.

"Alright, I'll let someone set up a martial arts platform in the square, and the two young masters can compete as much as they want," Xiao Yan wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Mr. Jiang waving his hand. He didn't care, Xiao Yan and Xiao Yan The strength gap between Xuejian and Xiao Xuejian's douqi power cannot be seen through, but it can let Xiao Yan test it out, and can also find out whether Xiao Yan's extra overdrawn Douwang and even Douhuang's power directly comes from some kind of power. Dou Sheng level soul power,

Xiao Yan: "(╥╯^╰╥)..."

Jiangjia, Wutai,
"The two young masters, the Wutai competition is only for exchange and exchange of ideas, just click and stop, don't overdo it," said an old Jiang family beside the Wutai,

"Of course I know, I will take good care of third brother,"

Yun Tianling leaned back slightly with his hind feet, and his whole body was burning with fiery red light. If it weren't for the barrier around the Wutai, those dozens of elders of the Jiang family would be evaporated instantly.
Feeling Yun Tianling's surging fighting energy, Xiao Yan's eyelids twitched wildly. This shit, his cultivation is at least three realms higher than his own, how can he fight?
"This little guy is not simple, his aura has reached the level of Douhuang," Yao Lao said, Xiao Yan is far behind him. Mobilizing part of the energy of heaven and earth, Xiao Yan is just a weak chicken, even if Yao Lao lends him his soul power, he may not be able to defeat Xiao Xuejian,

"What, Douhuang??" Xiao Yan's heart was overwhelmed, Xiao Xue saw that it had only been a few months since Xiaoshulin last time, and he was already at the level of Douhuang, and his talent was much stronger than him, no way Xiao Xue saw that he had to get rid of it, otherwise it would definitely bring him great trouble in the future.
"For the sake of fairness in the competition, I'd better suppress my cultivation to the fighting spirit level," Xiao Xuejian shook her head, suppressing her cultivation.
"You asked for it!" Xiao Yan rushed out, the martial stage shook violently, a dragon roared, and yellow fighting energy gushed out wildly.

Yun Tianling smiled, stretched out his right hand, facing Xiao Yan's face with the palm of his hand, before touching Xiao Yan's fighting energy, he slapped Xiao Yan, and slapped him across the face!

The applause was extremely loud!

"Impossible, how could he be so strong?!"

"Could it be that we were wrong?"

Everyone was stunned. They knew that Xiao Xuejian was very strong, but they didn't expect Xiao Xuejian to be so strong.

In the same realm, Xiao Yan is still so vulnerable?
Xiao Yan's face was extremely red, and someone slapped him hard, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

If it is said that Xiao Xuejian is stronger than him, it is reasonable to be slapped, but now they are at the same level, and they are still slapped, still in front of so many people,

Xiao Yan was angry, very angry!
From childhood to adulthood, although the children of the Xiao family mocked and bullied him in various ways, they have never hit him in the face.

However, since meeting Xiao Xue and seeing this pervert,
He was slapped in the face at least 32 times by this pervert!

Damn, why do you keep hitting me in the face?

Lao Tzu's face, has a grudge against you?
Isn't it just a little more handsome than you! !

Xiao Yan felt MMP in his heart! !
"What are you thinking, look at the fist!!" Yun Tianling said,
As soon as the wind of the fist arrived, before Xiao Yan could react, he was in front of Xiao Yan in an instant.

boom! !

There was a loud noise, the entire martial arts platform trembled, the barrier was directly smashed by this huge force, the silver light scattered,
A figure covered in blood flew upside down from the scattered silver light!

It's Xiao Yan!
Fortunately, several elders caught him,
"See you, Xiao Xue, damn, do you want to be so ruthless?!" Xiao Yan was caught by several elders, his body was completely bent, and he couldn't even stand up.

This time, it's not as simple as knocking out a few front teeth,

"Seeing Young Master Xiao Xue, this old man knows that you are a Dou Huang powerhouse. Although you have suppressed your cultivation, your strength is still higher than Young Master Xiao Yan. You are too cruel to do this."

Mr. Jiang's voice was extremely cold, with a vague murderous aura that permeated the air.

The current Xiao Yan is from his Jiang family,
Even if it is married, it is his son-in-law,
For his son-in-law, being slapped in the face like this is equivalent to the entire Jiang family being slapped in the face. If others know about it, wouldn't it be useless to laugh at the Jiang family?

But the opponent is a Douhuang powerhouse. Although his Jiang family is one of the four major families in the imperial capital, there is no Douhuang powerhouse at all.
Mr. Jiang himself is only the Nine Star Fighting King, how could he be the opponent of the Dou Huang?So, you have to endure, you have to endure,
"Yun Tianling, how long are you going to hide as Xiao Xuejian?"

Yun Tianling was about to reply, but a voice full of arrogance, but not lacking of Dou Huang's coercion, came from the city wall of the Jiang family compound,
Sound, very penetrating,

Before they arrived, many servants of the Jiang family were shocked by the sound.

Even a few elders couldn't resist the coercion brought by this voice,
He actually crawled directly on the ground!

The entire Jiang family is extremely quiet at the moment,
There is no wind and snow in the Jiang family compound at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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