Chapter 8 Warming the Bed
"Don't worry..." he whispered in my ear, "There is plenty of time."

What's the matter, he wants to prolong the time of cutting the flesh with the knife for an incomparably long time?Does it have to be carried out for three days and three nights?
I remembered that the torture of a thousand knives would also take three days and three nights... I was very confused.

In the midst of confusion, he reached out and covered my sleeve, and brought the cup full of floral fragrance close to my mouth... I shut my mouth tightly, what a joke, I have learned so many crooked tricks from the master, no matter what I also know that the stronger the fragrance is, the more undrinkable it is. Who knows what condiments are added in it!
Senior brother likes to make these things the most. The deliciously roasted roast duck, with some unknown flowers in it, makes your mouth water. Unknown grass is added in it, so fragrant that your tongue will fall out. After eating, you will even have pimples on your buttocks!
He coughed and chuckled softly: "You want me to feed you with my mouth?"

I got goosebumps all over my body, I quickly opened my mouth, held the cup, poured it in, I felt the fragrance of flowers all over my mouth, I waited for a long time, but I didn't feel any stomachache, pimples, etc. .

I just drank too fast and hiccupped...

The surrounding area was too quiet, full of rude men, I could only hear my hiccups, one after another, actually I wanted to stop, but the more anxious I was, the more I couldn't stop.

The half-opened mouths of those men were still not closed, and some of them were drooling.

He changed his posture and embraced me with one hand, and patted me gently on the back with the other... I felt that it was a bit too pretentious for the people in the room to appreciate my hiccups, so I persuaded: "Everyone eat... hiccup... my lord Eat... hiccup...don't pay attention to me... hiccup... I'll be fine in a while, or, my lord, I'll step back first?"

The short and fat official knelt on the ground and did not dare to move, his forehead was covered with ashes, and a large amount of sweat dripped down from the corner of his forehead. I could see that the back of his clothes was wet in a large area.

I wanted to break free from his hand holding my waist, but he didn't move at all... With so many eyes watching, I was too embarrassed to use the bone shrinking technique, mainly because it was not easy to escape, so I had to let him hold me.

Everyone still stared at me with rounded eyes. Some people finally realized that it is impolite to look at other girls like this, so they picked up the duck legs, pig legs, etc. on the table and bit them. Look this way.

I have seen several people stab the meat-cutting dagger directly into the throat.

Finally, Li Zeyu said, "Everyone do as they please."

It was only then that the rough men came to their senses and turned their eyes away.

The squat official was dragged out like a puddle of mud.

The door is closed.

The servants also withdrew.

While eating and drinking, they reported business affairs to Li Zeyu. Some talked about the grain and grass in the north, some talked about the confiscated weapons, and some talked about the corruption of the officials in the main village, and how they should be dealt with. The State of Yue has sent spies into the harem again. Do you want to remind the king?
Hearing this, I feel a deep sense of melancholy... These are all confidential news, he let me listen to it, it only represents a possibility, that is, although I am alive now , but in their eyes, he is already a dead person.

There is no need to keep secrets in front of the dead!

Even the short and fat officer was dragged out and his life was spared. I just slept on the beam, so why didn't he spare my life?
I was speechless.

It’s just that I’m more optimistic by nature, thinking that even if I die, hungry ghosts will be treated better in the Palace of Hades than full ghosts, and at least they will be stronger in fighting with other hungry ghosts. So, without him asking, I took a duck leg from the table and gnawed on it.

This duck leg is simply too fragrant. After I gnawed it, I put my finger in my mouth and licked it. After licking it clean, I felt that the voice of the official report in the classroom disappeared again. When I looked up, the person reporting The man was looking at me with sad and angry eyes.

It was only then that I realized that everyone's eyes were on me. Li Zeyu held my waist with his left hand, rested his chin with his right hand, and looked at me sideways. His brown and black rock-like distinct features are really good-looking.

Am I stealing the limelight again?
No one listened to his report?
I'm sorry, okay, but I'm a dying person, can't you be magnanimous and forgive her just once?
I blinked, looked at the half-licked finger, and thought in my heart, should I still lick it?

Before I could figure it out, he handed over a clean white handkerchief. He took the handkerchief and wiped my hands, and asked in a low voice, "Is it delicious?"

I looked at the crispy yellow duck skin on the white veil, and felt a little regretful...why didn't I finish licking it quickly?Often between hesitation, all good opportunities are lost!

I watched him put the post in his sleeve: "It's okay."

"There will be something to eat in the future." He smiled softly.

I turned my sights to the roast suckling pig again, thinking that when a person like him pretends to be real, he is really fake, and he will have something to eat in the future, which means this is the last supper?

So, I picked up the suckling pig whole and gnawed it from the pig's head.

He turned his head sideways, and said to the man who looked at me sadly and angrily: "Continue."

The man scratched me with an eye, and I felt that this eye was too sharp, so I gnawed on the suckling pig's ear while looking at him, and finally saw clearly that although this man was wearing black armor, his eyebrows were too delicate, The eyes are too bright... She is a woman, and she is a very beautiful woman.

She has gorgeous facial features, and her graceful body is wrapped in black armor, like a female cheetah, beautiful and dangerous... This kind of danger makes me plan ahead, full of calculations... How can I avoid stealing her limelight and eat her at the same time? What about the last supper?
I pulled the pig's head and shrank under the table.

She was reporting about the spies, Li Zeyu listened carefully, I used some bone shrinking skills, and broke free from his grasp, unexpectedly let me slip under the table unconsciously.

I am inexplicably grateful, and even more grateful to Li Zeyu's cook, why is this pig's head so fragrant, how can it be so fragrant?
Why is it so fragrant that I want to bite my tongue off?

While gnawing on the pig's head, I scolded the cooking skills of the masters, brothers and sisters a thousand times!
After all these days on the mountain, I finally understood what they were feeding me. They were feeding pigs with pig food!
After scolding the master, I scolded Li Zeyu's chef. How can your craftsmanship be so good? It's so ridiculous that you ate it all at once... How can you use such a small pig to roast?Isn't this mutilating the young pigs' childhood? This is going to be sent by heaven!

The voice of the report is still intermittent, the space under the table makes me feel safe, and I still feel that my stomach is not full.

After eating, I thought about what else is on the table?
The last dinner made me completely shattered and broken, and I was so courageous, so I reached up and touched the table, thinking while touching, judging from the direction I slipped off the table, the last roast Where is the leg of lamb?

As I was thinking, I squeezed towards that direction... Under the table besides me, there were two long legs, wearing brocade moccasin boots, and leather longs covering their knees.

I got in between the two legs, and after my persistent efforts, I finally caught the leg of lamb.

The smell of the leg of lamb is more enticing, it increases my appetite, and makes me appetite, so I ignore the surrounding environment and concentrate on gnawing on it. While gnawing, I occasionally think of this My last dinner was a bit sad, and I whimpered, but the food in my mouth was too delicious compared to the pig food on the mountain, so I was a little excited, and I also murmured inarticulately, so Eat, it's delicious.

At the end, the leg of lamb was finally eaten, and I felt a little melancholy... A beautiful life always leaves some regrets, and while regretting, I got out from under the table.

Because I was preparing to accept the miserable treatment in the future, I was too sentimental, and I didn't notice that the place where I got out was very different from the place where I just retracted.

So, when I got out and looked back, I realized that the place where I got out seemed to be between my legs?
As soon as I got out, I felt that the gazes of everyone in the hall, apart from the earlier stupidity, were still a little hot and unbelievable, panting heavily, and some of them even turned dark red in the face, and their eyes were a little dodge... ...Drunk too much?

I was baffled by such gazes, so I specially looked at the gazes of the only woman sitting at the bottom of the first place. Her gazes were quite normal, and they were indeed the gazes of people who were about to die. I couldn't help but feel cold. I shivered.

A group of bearded men stepped forward, knelt down and worshiped, with pained eyes in their eyes: "Your Highness, the rumors from the outside world are already unbearable, saying that you are a wine pool and a meat forest, and you prostitute yourself in the daytime. Isn't it true that you did this? ? Your Majesty, he can't tell right from wrong, so you should pay attention to your words and deeds."

A skinny man gave me a sideways glance, and said with a smile: "General Xiao, you are worrying too much. Your Highness is the proud son of heaven. Do you have to be instructed by others in everything?"

"Yin Nian, you're the one who frustrates His Highness to do something wrong!" General Xiao shouted loudly at the skinny scholar.

"Xiao Liang, you are looking for trouble!"

The beautiful woman snorted: "Your Highness must deal with it properly."

After speaking, he glanced over again.

I looked at the empty plates on the long table and thought, what's the matter with them, what are they talking about?You are still discussing and stabbing me with your eyes?

Well, I know this is the last supper, and sooner or later you will learn from that chubby official that I am not a bed warmer... But you have too little food on this table, I will eat it Go, why can't you get enough to eat, just feel the more you eat, the more you want to eat?
I looked at the plate dipped in delicious sauce, and the remaining sauce, in my eyes, turned into delicious fresh juice... I wondered if I should lick the plate again?Or make a serious protest to them, asking the dying prisoner to take care of his food?
(End of this chapter)

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