Chapter 9 Eyes
I feel that it is less difficult to lick the plate... The eyes of the people in the hall are too complicated, there are cold, hot, animal, and little white rabbit eyes, I guess it is difficult for me to handle.

Didn't the master say that when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. If you want to hunt birds, you have to be right with all kinds of birds.

So, I decided to start small, picked up a spoon, dipped some sauce, and put it in my mouth calmly, ready to lick.

Unexpectedly, before I put it in my mouth, Li Zeyu snatched it away. He touched my head, put his hand on my waist again, and stood up lazily: "That's it for today. The men and horses will rest in Yuzhou for a few days before setting off."

After speaking, he stood up with his arms around my waist, and led me to the door regardless of my eager gaze on the plate.

As we walked towards the door...Of course, I didn't feel my feet touch the ground, I just felt that I was attached to his body like a feather, and was being carried away by him. His leather cloak was too long. I tried my best to get my head out of the fluff, and with the feeling of being reluctant to part with the things on the table and the grill, I mustered up the courage to discuss with him: "Before warming the bed, can you control your fullness?"

The skin on his body can effectively insulate the sound, he lowered his head, his eyes were like mangrove trees drunk in autumn: "What did you say?"

Being swept away by his eyes, I am not so confident anymore, but the delicious taste left on the tip of my tongue made me continue to muster up my courage: "Warming the bed... Are you full?"

Too much courage, too much...Because I was nervous, I missed a few more words.

Several tall figures behind him gasped at the same time, and the erratic thin scholar let out a grin: "Your Highness, does she doubt your ability as a man?"

The short and fat official was standing in the corridor, his face was covered with bruises from the cold. Hearing this, he fell to the ground and began to tremble again: "His Royal Highness, come down, come down, come down... Guanguanguan..."

I missed a few words at the beginning and I didn't add them. This time I must give him a full complement and explain clearly. When I leave, I have to be a ghost!
So, I poked my head out of the fur cloak with my high toes, and said in a passionate voice: "No, I don't doubt anyone's ability as a man. What I doubt is whether I can feed my slaves, do you all understand?"

Everyone has the color of approval in their eyes, and I am very pleased.

Only the glamorous woman looked sad, and she cupped her hands at Li Zeyu: "Your Highness, Bai Fengran has bid farewell."

Li Zeyu lowered his eyes, stuffed my head heavily into his long fur cape, and said, "Okay, let's find out about the spies."

Then Bai Fengran answered yes, turned and left.

When I struggled to get my head out of his long fur cape again, only me and him were left in the extremely lively yard just now, with our messy footsteps on the snow.

It turned out that when I fell asleep, it was already snowing outside?
Although the stomach is not full, but it is indeed filled with good things, and the whole stomach is filled with warmth.

In addition, the long-haired cloak made the thin armor on his body warm, and I didn't need to use any force when I was wrapped in his hands, so I had a feeling of being on the bed. Unknowingly, I sleepy.

The voice was faint, as if it came from the sky: " it bad again?"

"No, just fell asleep..."

"How could this be? In the past, she was energetic for ten days and ten nights and was able to take someone's head from thousands of miles away..."

"Your Highness can also tell that she is no longer the Mei Luoshu she used to be. She has forgotten everything before, and perhaps in her heart, this is the life she wants most, so she put the unimportant things, all forgotten..."

The man was speechless: "Have you forgotten all? This is what she wants? The past is not important? Sir, even me... has she forgotten?"

I tried my best to open my eyes, but I felt that my eyelids were so heavy. I knew that Mei Luoshu was the owner of the Qifeng Pavilion, the hero who became famous at a young age, but I felt that that person had nothing to do with me. It can't compare to today's roast duck, which made me feel more cordial, and I clicked my mouth.

"She has become another person, her memory is lost, and she behaves like an innocent and romantic child. She is no longer that peerless young genius, Your Highness... this old man didn't do anything..."

"I know, I know, as soon as I saw her, I knew she was her, but I was no longer in her eyes." His voice was full of sadness mixed into his bones.

"I understand... sir... she didn't recognize me, she chose what she wanted, I hope she is well..."

The voice breathed a sigh of relief: "Your Highness is a sensible person."

I felt a hand caress my cheek, his tone was full of sadness, and he said again: "Have you forgotten all?"

The sourness in his tone infected me and made me feel sour. Even though I was half asleep, I wanted to resist it with a kind of fatty food. This kind of food is called pickled meat with pickled vegetables, the only delicacy that my senior sister cooks well , I always want to think about it, especially for food: "Mei..."

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my shoulder, ecstatically: "Do you remember?"

I said in my heart that pickled meat with pickled vegetables, and you interrupted me just after I said the first word, making it clear that I didn’t want me to eat it in my dream, so I persisted to the end: "I want to eat pickled vegetables with pickled vegetables..."

The hands that gripped my shoulders loosened, there was the sound of a chair being tripped over, and the sound of a heavy body sitting on the chair, his voice choked up: "She doesn't remember, she doesn't remember, she doesn't even remember her own name. "

"Your Highness, don't you have any doubts? I have used the Resurrection Incense as you asked, but she still can't remember anything. Your Highness, remember, you only have half a year..."

He emphasized this point again.

The man responded in a low voice.

The sound of footsteps came out of the room, and the room became quiet, but I still couldn’t move. I thought to myself, this is really a strange dream, and the words spoken by the person with the same tone as the master in the dream are also strange... But this dream Here, why not add some delicious food?

Thinking day by day, dreaming at night... I was trying my best to think about food and create an environment where dreams create food, when I heard someone walking in lightly. .

Even in my dream, I could feel his tears dripping on my face, warm and cold in the blink of an eye, he said softly: "I thought I was your blood, but you forgot me, That's fine... as long as you're happy... If you're only by my side for half a year, then let me be selfish and keep you by my side for half a year. In the days to come, I can only rely on memories of the past six months Time has passed."

His good use of the word "mixed" made me feel a sense of self-knowledge. Mixing food and drink is my glorious goal in life!
What an inexplicable dream.

This dream was hazy and intermittent, and the man was walking back and forth by the bed, which kept the gourmet dream I created from coming. In the end, I was finally confused... In my confusion, the last supper flashed in my mind , woke up suddenly, and the first thought when I woke up was to check if there were any missing parts on my body. I was cut up and made into scorched meat, but I didn't know that what I touched was not my own flesh. The flesh is as hard as iron covered with a layer of flannelette, much more solid than mine, who is this?

I struggled out of the pile of soft hairs, it was the moonlight outside the window, and I saw his naked chest clearly, like a fine brown topaz, the slightly curly hair scattered on his chest, like the color of floating gold, with a lingering fragrance .

His hand held me horizontally, logically speaking, this person is thick and solid, and should be pressed against me like a mountain, but I can't feel the weight, I just feel his arm is like a thin silk quilt, warm covered.

I can see that his arm is hanging in the air, and I don't know what kind of effort he took. He unloaded most of the weight by himself. If I can't escape!
I checked my body, I found that my clothes were neat and tidy, and there were a lot of them. I looked at him again, and saw that his brows were slightly wrinkled, but there was a smile on his lips, as if he had picked up a huge gold ingot but didn't know how to split it... ...The way he fell asleep really looks like my family's Wangcai.

If you don't go now, when will you wait?
I performed the bone shrinking exercise calmly, but my initial guess was right. When I shrunk, his arms also tightened. How much I shrunk, how much he tightened, just like a long man. On my body, I couldn't bear it anymore, I supported his arms with both hands, and wanted to slide off the bed... Before his feet touched the ground, he woke up: "What are you doing?"

His voice was deep and desolate, and although it was fragrant from snow, it was also icy cold, which made me finally wake up. This person is like a lion prosperous when he sleeps, and even more like a carnivore when he wakes up.

I slowly turned my head away, just as I was about to panic, I couldn't hold back anymore and had to pee... Then his voice suddenly became softer, like a spring breeze blowing the earth, gently brushing the tender petals: "It's you..."

I blinked, he lifted the quilt, sat beside me, rubbed my hair, and hugged me suddenly, I heard his chest against my back, thumping, It's as hot as roasted sweet potatoes... I can smell the aroma coming from outside the house.

"That..." I struggled, "Your Highness, slave..."

"Don't move, let me hug you."

I thought to myself, isn't the bed warming done at night?The sun outside is shining through the window lattice, you still want me to keep warm?But this kind of bed warming really relieved most of my heart, at least I don't have to peel the skin like that white tiger before warming it...

The scent floated in through the gaps in the window lattice, and went straight into my nostrils, making my stomach growl unconsciously... But he still hugged me, I couldn't bear it anymore, I couldn't bear it any more, I was shy , Feeling ashamed to speak: "Your Highness, I am in a hurry and need to go to the toilet."

He was shocked... I read this word from a script, every time I see this word, I always don't understand it, but today, I finally understand it.

He let go of me, coughed, and said in a vague tone, "You..."

I turned around and saw him biting his fist in his mouth, puzzled: "Your Highness, you're also hungry, I'll eat with you after a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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