Cross the line of fire: the soul of another world army

Chapter 101 Trouble You One More Time

Chapter 101 Trouble You Again
"Ha ha ha ha!……"

Everyone also laughed, and Eiyu and Daofeng, who were still pale, looked at each other helplessly and smiled when they saw this.

Just as everyone was laughing and laughing, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure walked slowly from outside the gate of the villa.

"It's all there, what's so fun, I heard it from outside the gate." Just after everyone finished singing, a cold, crisp but smiling voice sounded from outside the gate.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then all their eyes focused on the door that was not closed.



"Hello, Captain!"


Everyone took a look, and the visitor was actually the head of the group, Fox Hunt!
Damn, in the past, the head of the group ordered everyone to come to the office, but today he actually came to visit in person!This... the first time on the first day of the Lunar New Year's Eve!
"It's the regiment leader, please come in!" Feihu saw that the person coming was Liehu, so he immediately stood up and went up to greet him enthusiastically.

Then, Shi Liu, Shuilei, and Coffin also stood up to greet them.

Only Dao Feng was still sitting in the middle of the sofa, drinking tea unhurriedly, and only glanced at the scene in front of him.

Foxhunting smiled shyly, and then sat beside Daofeng surrounded by everyone.

Everyone also sat down, and the focus of their eyes was naturally the hunting fox who had just sat down.

After sitting down, Foxhun looked at Dao Feng beside him who hadn't stood up to greet him, and smiled.

Dao Feng also smiled back, then lowered his head to drink water.

"Feihu, you and your team members have just helped me complete this private task. Originally, I wanted you to take a good rest for a few days..." Hunting Fox looked at Feihu and said, with a tactful tone in his words.

After hearing this, everyone immediately heard that the head of the group came this time, and it was time to announce the mission again...

"However, there is still a relatively difficult task right now, and it is none other than you." Hunting Fox said, looking around the crowd.

After hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at each other.

The head of the group has personally visited the door, so how can there be any reason not to agree?

Look at everyone, they all mean the same thing.

Then, Feihu looked at Liehu with a sweet smile, nodded and said: "Leader, just give orders, we are idle anyway."

After speaking, everyone nodded in agreement.

Dao Feng smiled lightly without making a sound.

"Okay, I'll trouble you again." Foxhunter said politely, then turned cold, looked around everyone and said coldly: "The three scientists in the TL-56 laboratory of the alliance headquarters went out to have dinner with friends last night. When they were captured by the anti-army, the three were captured with GPS tracking and positioning. The alliance headquarters detected the GPS signal through satellite positioning across the Eurasian continent, passed through the Pacific Ocean, and when it reached the north of South America, the signal disappeared. The final positioning coordinates were 0 latitude north. °27', longitude 49°40' West."

"The three of them disappeared last night, and the headquarters found me immediately. I didn't sleep well all night, alas!..." After explaining the situation, Hunting Fox did not forget to complain.

"Uh..." Everyone was speechless for a while after seeing it. It turns out that the leader also complained sometimes...

"North latitude 0°27', west longitude 49°40'..." Green Mirror frowned and muttered to himself, then, his eyes lit up, he looked at Hunting Fox and said, "That seems to be the coordinates of the Amazon River!"

"Cultural person." Fox Hunting said in amazement, "Yes, it's the Amazon River."

The coordinates of the Amazon River?
Everyone was taken aback after hearing this.

In other words, the three scientists who needed to be rescued were taken to the Amazon River!

Damn, that's South America!
Moreover, the Amazon River is the second longest river in the world. God knows where the rebels took the three scientists. Isn't this a needle in a haystack!

Everyone thought so.

"The alliance satellite survey shows that along the Amazon River, there are many anti-army river villages. The three scientists may not be able to identify which one of them." Hunting Fox said.

Then, Fox Hunt passed the heads of the three scientists to everyone present through the mercenary system.

"This is the target you are trying to save. Don't mistake the person when the time comes." Hunting Fox added.

After seeing this, everyone nodded thoughtfully.

"But leader, the Amazon River is so long and wide, almost across the northern part of South America, how can we find it..." Linghu bit her pink lips, looked at Hunting Fox and frowned and said.

"It's okay, there are educated people in your team to lead the way, so you're afraid that you won't be able to find a place?" Hunting Fox said with a smile, and then looked at the green mirror.

Lu Jing smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Uh... this meager knowledge can only lead the way for teammates..."

"You draw up the battle plan yourself. This task alliance headquarters is designated as a B-level mission. After you succeed, each of you will get 25000 GP, but since it is a B-level task, there is no team bonus." Hunting Fox said, looking around at the crowd.

"What about the time limit?" Flying Fox asked.

"Only five days." Hunting Fox replied very simply.

five days

"You guys set off after lunch at noon today. As for transportation, although fighter jets transport people quickly, there is no airport near the Amazon River. Transport planes consume too much fuel. I can't afford it, so I'd better take a helicopter." Fox Hunting Said, stood up from the sofa.

Seeing the leader standing up, everyone obviously wanted to leave, so they also stood up and saw them off.

"Okay, I won't bother you any more, I wish you success soon." Fox Hunting said to the crowd as he walked outside, then rejected the intention of the crowd to send her off, and walked out quickly by himself.

Looking at the back of Miaoman, the head of the group, who was getting further and further away, everyone returned to the hall until the other party disappeared from sight.

After Shi Liu sat down, he suddenly felt that the current mission was very similar to a mission long ago.

At that time, I hadn't been to the Dark Night Mercenary Group yet.

That time was in... the Eastern Flame Region, yes, it was the Eastern Flame Region. Shi Liu clearly remembered that he was going to save some citizens at that time, but later on, the heads of the several citizens were cut off, and they were even inserted On the bomb!Damn, this time it won't be as bloody as that time...

The only difference is that the previous time was in Dongyan Region, but this time, she went abroad!Ah no, transcontinental!
Daofeng smiled wryly while pouring water: "This is not doing a mission, what the hell is going to the jungle to survive."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in approval. After all, the middle and lower reaches of the Amazon River are surrounded by large areas of naturally occurring tropical rainforest. The climate in the tropical rainforest is abnormal, and all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts are famous. The water village of the rebels is stationed above the river, so if they want to get close to the river village, they have to go through a large area of ​​tropical rainforest, which is really no different from survival in the jungle.

"More importantly, in the next four days, we won't have any food to satisfy our hunger!" Shuilei looked bitter.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he quickly got up and walked out, muttering in a low voice as he walked: "Nimma, labor and capital first go to prepare the food for the next four days! Damn..."

Everyone smiled helplessly after seeing it, but thinking about it, there is no food on the way to perform the mission. In the tropical rainforest, the only things that can satisfy their hunger are those little bugs and the like.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at each other, then got up together and followed the water mine.

 1888 book coins, the next chapter will be updated immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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