Chapter 102 Rainforest ([-])

Feihu couldn't help laughing when he saw a group of elders coaxing out.

Linghu didn't go out with everyone, and now there were only Feihu and Linghu in the whole hall, so naturally it was a little deserted.

After a long time, while the two were chatting, a group of people hurried back again.

Linghu's beautiful eyes glanced at the door, but she was taken aback. She opened her mouth slightly and said, "Damn..."

Seeing Linghu's appearance like this, Feihu also frowned slightly, and looked back.

I saw that Shi Liu, Sai Lei, Coffin, and Green Mirror were carrying a huge black leather backpack, and Daofeng, Evil Fish, and Blood Eagle were also carrying the same black leather backpack as the former, except that the latter's The backpack is slightly smaller.

Feihu stared at the backpack with beautiful eyes. The length of this thing is at least two meters... The backpack is about to burst at the moment, and it goes without saying that it contains food. Since the food is of different sizes and volumes, the parts on the backpack are There were folds on the left and right on that layer of black skin.

Then, everyone carried two backpacks into the hall, threw the backpacks on the ground, and came to rest on the sofa.

"This..." Feihu murmured incredulously. Although she knew that it contained food for the next few days, she was still deeply shocked. How many things did these two giant backpacks hold in front of her?

"Haha! Brother Shuilei treats you, don't worry about your stomach in the next few days!" Coffin sweated and said loudly.

Feihu smiled wryly, then stood up together with Linghu and walked towards the two backpacks on the ground, ready to open them to see how many things they contained.

"Nimma, it cost more than 500 GP in labor and capital! You guys, remember it, and pay it back to me next time!" Shuilei looked around the crowd and said angrily.

Feihu and Linghu each opened a backpack and took a look. As expected, they had everything from bread, roast meat, special beef, and so on.

Fuck... Is this going to complete the mission? This is going on vacation... Feihu looked at the food in the backpack and thought with a wry smile.


The whole morning passed in the blink of an eye, and in a blink of an eye, the sun was rising.

After lunch, everyone packed up, put on the Union military uniforms, and headed straight to the airport.

The autumn sun shines on the earth. Under the bright sun, a jet-black helicopter exudes a dazzling luster. From time to time, there are fighter jets shooting into the sky like arrows in the airport, leaving behind a roar that lasts for a long time.

As soon as everyone entered the airport, they saw an exceptional black helicopter parked there.

The reason for the exception is that it is not at the parking place of the helicopter group at this moment, but has already rotated the propellers and is standing there waiting for orders.

Then, everyone took their weapons and the two giant backpacks and strode towards the helicopter.

The pilot wanted to look out through the cabin window, and frowned at the two backpacks carried by the crowd.

"What's in the backpack!" The driver poked his head out of the cockpit and asked loudly.

"Food!" Sai Lei in the crowd responded loudly.

"Hurry up!" The pilot immediately felt relieved when he heard that it was food. For a helicopter, even ten such backpacks are not considered overweight.

Everyone carried their backpacks and boarded the helicopter together. Then, they saw the helicopter trembling into the sky and flying towards the high altitude in the distance.

The speed of a helicopter is indeed much worse than that of a fighter bomber or a transport plane. The latter will only take a few hours to reach it for transcontinental operations, but the former has a lot of food, and the food is the fastest from Asia to South America. It also takes half a day or even a day.

Shi Liu sat on his seat, looked at the people around him boredly, yawned involuntarily, and dozed off with his head raised.


When Shi Liu woke up and looked outside, it was already pitch black.

At this moment, the helicopter continued to fly.

I'll go, I haven't arrived yet... Shi Liu looked at the people around him and thought.

After another 20 minutes or so, everyone felt that the helicopter had a downward trend.

Taking a look at the scenery outside, he is rapidly rising in his field of vision.

Fuck, it's finally here...

Finally, the helicopter landed steadily on a piece of wild grass.

Everyone got off the plane together, watched the helicopter take off, and then flew into the distance.

The northern part of South America has a tropical rainforest climate, which is humid and rainy all year round. When everyone got off the plane, they felt that the sky was covered with light rain. It is now autumn, and there is a gust of wind, but it is not too cold.

After all, the Amazon River is located near the equator, no matter how cold it is, it won't be too cold.

It is already night time, the bright moonlight is shining on the earth,

"Where is this place..." Linghu said in a low voice, looking around with her beautiful eyes. Now, everyone is on a vast grassland.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look..." Lu Jing said, raised his left arm to put it under his eyes, and fixed a small thing on his left arm.

Everyone was curious, and all their eyes were focused on that little thing, but they didn't know what it was...

"The latitude and longitude coordinates where we are now are 0°27' north latitude and 42°02' west longitude, which is 7°38' westwards from the latitude and longitude coordinates given by the regiment leader. Therefore, now we are going eastward along a straight line. Only then can we reach the latitude and longitude coordinates given by the group leader." Green Mirror observed the little thing on his left arm, then looked around the crowd and said.

go east...

"That's...there!" Lu Jing said, stretching out his arm and pointing directly to the east of him.

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the green mirror. Under the night, there were tall and dense trees standing in the distance.

When everyone saw those towering trees, they seemed to understand something.

"Fuck...Could it be that you really want to enter those tropical rainforests..." Coffin first said bitterly.

Needless to say, those few towering giant trees, there is a large area of ​​native tropical rainforest there.

"No way, the first thing to do is to complete the task." Feihu said, then looked at the green mirror and asked, "How long will it take to reach the place the leader said?"

"Hmm... probably less than a day." Lu Jing thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Feihu nodded, then looked around the crowd and said, "This is the first time we've entered these ghostly places, keep a good distance from each other, don't get lost, start now."

Then, he picked up the camouflage M4 and walked forward on the grass all over the ground.

Everyone looked at each other and followed suit.

Under the night, the bright moonlight shone on the earth, everyone dispersed and moved forward vigilantly. After walking for about 30 minutes, the huge trees before gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Moreover, not just one or two, but tens of thousands appeared. Under the moonlight, the towering giant tree exudes an inexplicable sense of sacredness. The breeze blows, and the dense branches and leaves sway with the wind.

It turned out that this is really a tropical rainforest!
After walking forward for more than ten minutes, everyone found a long and secret path in the vast forest.

This trail should lead to the depths of the tropical rainforest.

(End of this chapter)

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