Chapter 103 Rainforest ([-])

After hearing this, everyone nodded undeniably.

"Go on, we don't have much time." Feihu said to himself, then picked up the camouflage M4, turned around and continued walking forward.

Everyone also checked their equipment and weapons, and followed Feihu.

Traveling in the tropical rainforest is a very difficult thing, especially during the day, the humidity on the surface and the sun shining will make people very uncomfortable. hot.

In this way, everyone walked forward in this huge tropical rainforest, looking for the coordinates that Hunting Fox had mentioned before.

The obstruction of the road in the rainforest made everyone move forward very slowly. After dragging their tired bodies for most of the day, the green mirror told everyone that the distance from the target point was only about 2°.

At this moment, the sun has moved to the hollow, and its blazing heat has reached its peak.

People live in the Eurasian continent with a good climate all year round, and they really can't bear the harsh environment in the rainforest. If they continue to move forward under the scorching sun at noon, they must have died in the rainforest before reaching the destination.

Therefore, Hunting Fox picked a place that was still shaded, and let everyone take a rest here and have lunch by the way.

Shuilei took out a few bottles of water from his backpack and distributed them to everyone. He was about to reach out for bread, beef jerky and other food, but he was stunned.

Because, a small frog next to the giant backpack aroused the curiosity of Sai Lei.

"Oh, what a shock." The coffin next to him gave him a thump, and couldn't wait to take out a large amount of beef jerky from his backpack.

"Hey, look at this frog." Shuilei reacted, looked around the crowd immediately and said, and pouted at the frog on the ground.

Everyone looked at the water mine.

"It's so cute!" Linghu said, looking at the frog with its beautiful eyes wide open.

Flying Fox also showed a smile. The little frog in front of him is indeed very special.

Its body is smaller than ordinary frogs, with a ratio of almost 3:1. Its skin is not as rough as ordinary frogs. Compared with the latter, its skin is more delicate and smooth. The most important thing is that its whole body is lemon yellow. .

Yellow frogs... are not common in the Eurasian continent. Perhaps only in the ghostly place of the South American tropical rainforest can these strange species appear.

"Poison dart frog." Green Mirror bit a piece of beef jerky and said, "In the world, only South America has this rare animal."

Poison dart frog?
"Listening to the name, it seems to be poisonous..." Dao Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, looking thoughtfully at Lu Jing.

The green mirror nodded: "Yes, it is not only poisonous, but also extremely poisonous. Only 0 grams can poison an adult or an adult animal."

"It's so powerful, damn it." Dao Feng said in surprise, and then glanced at the gadget again.

"Stay away from that labor, shit." After hearing this, Shuilei immediately moved to the ground and sat down beside the blood eagle.

Green Mirror looked at the gadget, and when he took a closer look, he frowned.

"This poison dart frog seems to have been mutated..." Green Mirror looked at it and murmured.


Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, thinking that this South America is really a weird place, the frogs can mutate so much... 666.

"Look, the standard poison dart frog is not as big as this one, and the skin color of this poison dart frog is obviously much lighter than the normal skin color, and the frontal bones on both sides of its mouth are larger than ordinary frontal bones The color of the eyeballs is obviously wrong." Lu Jing put down the jerky in his hand and said seriously.

Everyone was speechless for a while... After all, this is the first time I saw this frog, how could I know what it looked like before?Green Mirror has pointed out a lot of problems here, everyone can only praise 666...

"So, what kind of mutation is this?" Shi Liu drank his saliva, looked at Lu Jing and asked thoughtfully.

"To some extent... a genetic mutation!" Green Mirror thought for a while, and then said with certainty.

genetic mutation……

When Lu Jing said the words "gene mutation", Shi Liu silently repeated it in his heart.

Because the word genetic mutation reminded him of the rebel base where the biochemical virus leaked, those infected rebels, and the T-52 biochemical warrior with steel claws.

Green mirror said, this is a mutated frog...

And there are rebels around, could it be...

Shi Liu made a worrying guess, but he quickly dismissed the idea.

After all, this frog wasn't necessarily mutated to that extent.

And if it was really caused by a biochemical virus infection, then there must be a biochemical virus in this rainforest, but now that everyone is safe and sound, this possibility has been ruled out.

It seems that I am a little too worried...

Shi Liu mechanically chewed the beef jerky, the above was what he thought.

After 10 minutes, everyone finished their lunch, took a short rest and continued on their way.

"Shusha! Shasha!~"

The bushes that were as tall as two adults were pulled aside, and a man in a gorgeous blue brocade robe first exposed half of his body, looked around, and then boldly stepped out.

A large group of masked mercenaries, all armed with guns, swarmed out following the former.

This blue-robed man is tall and tall, and his face is completely covered by a hoodie. A black ligament hangs obliquely on his cold face, and in the middle of this black ligament is a round black cotton cloth. The location is his left eye.

"The leader is really wise. He is very close to them. Remember, you must always beware of that poisonous wolf in their team. He is not a good stubble." The blue-robed man looked at the food packaging bag on the ground with his only remaining right eye, and sneered Said in one voice.

Time flies, fleeting, and in a blink of an eye, it is another sunset.

The Flying Fox team has traveled almost two-thirds of the way in the rainforest at this moment. After an afternoon of driving, they are still 1°04′ away from the target point.

Looking at the sky, the bright moon has replaced the fiery ball of fire during the day. Under the night, the road ahead is covered by dense branches and leaves above, and the moonlight cannot shine there, so it is dark and you can't see your fingers.


A gust of breeze blew in, causing the rainforest to sway for a long time.

After sleeping in the rainforest tonight, I can almost go out tomorrow.

Therefore, everyone had an early dinner and found a place to rest.

Shi Liu and Feihu came to an old tree and snuggled together.

After an unknown amount of time, Shi Liu looked down at the flying fox in her arms. She was fast asleep, with a faint smile on her red lips.

Shi Liu smiled in relief, lowered his head and kissed her forehead lightly, then put her down, got up and walked back.

The road that Shi Liu was walking at this moment was the same road that everyone walked this afternoon, but Shi Liu wanted to take advantage of the evening to walk it all over again.

The reason for doing this was because Shi Liu vaguely heard some bad movements when everyone was on their way this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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