Chapter 113 The Eve of the Crisis ([-])

The cold wind howled, gently brushing over the devastated city.

In the distance, gunshots sounded from time to time, accompanied by the screams of the living corpses when they died.

Mandala got the 15000 GP that An Ye gave her and left. Although Hunting Fox was extremely reluctant, An Ye still gave it to her. After all, he also gave a helping hand.

No one cared to greet her. Before leaving, only Shi Liu asked weakly, "Are you going to find your team members?" She replied indifferently, "You don't care."

As soon as she left, Dao Feng panted heavily and found everyone.

At midnight, a group of Alliance mercenaries were walking slowly on a certain street.

"Nine days ago, all my mercenary groups were dispatched, and now there are less than ten teams that can keep in touch, including the next few teams." An Ye looked at Hunting Fox walking side by side as he walked.

"It's all the same," Hunting Fox nodded, "The life and death of my team is also uncertain."

Ten minutes later, everyone came to the urban hospital.

The urban hospital covers an area about one-third the size of the base. There are many high-rise buildings with at least 30 floors, but none of the rooms in each building is lit, so it looks extraordinarily dark under the night.

"Let's go, go ahead and rest for the night." Hunting Fox pointed to the hospital in front of him, looking at the dark night.

An Ye nodded.

Under the night, everyone came to the outpatient building together.

Hunting Fox and An Ye ordered the team to guard outside, and they walked in with An Ye and Shi Liu.

Turning on the tactical flashlight, everyone walked into the outpatient hall.

The hall was quiet. The electric light on the ceiling was flickering yellow, and electric sparks were flying out. It was obvious that the switch on the entire first floor had been damaged, and the place where the tactical flashlight swept the goods was bright red.

The lights of the three people's flashlights converged at one place, and looking along the blood that hadn't dried up on the ground, several nurses were lying there in disorder, and all the lights in the nurse's station behind had been extinguished.

The blood flowed from them. Shi Liu went forward and squatted down to take a closer look. There was a slender gash on each nurse's neck. The flesh and flesh on both sides of the gash were not caused by the bites of living corpses. It is more like cutting out with a sharp knife.

But, who would be bored enough to come to the hospital to kill in this city full of zombies?
Shi Liu frowned, and then, he pulled out the dagger from the scabbard on his left leg and held it in his hand, inserted the tip of the dagger into the slender opening, and carefully pried open the opening.

If you look carefully, the muscle tissue inside the opening is intact, and a few tendons are not broken, but there is no slight sense of moisture inside, that is to say, all the blood in this corpse has been drained without leaving a single drop, and it is completely a corpse. It's just an empty shell.

Could it be another murder weapon developed by the rebels... Shi Liu thought to himself as he stood up.

"That's right, Mandala is the only daughter of General ZODY of the Alliance Army. She has been competitive since she was a child, and she is no worse than a man at all." Outside the outpatient building, Dao Feng said to the mercenaries surrounding him while smoking a cigarette .

He met Mandala on the way back, but he only saw the back of the other party. Since Dao Feng was in a hurry, he didn't think much about it.

"How old is that girl?" Blood Eagle asked, puffing on his cigarette.

"Stop talking... 25 six." Dao Feng thought about it and said, "By the way, who is more powerful, she or Captain Fox Hunt?"

"That must be the captain's strength." Shuilei said immediately, "At that time, the captain was riding on her, and you said that it would be me..."

Shuilei said, but saw Dao Feng suddenly made a gesture of "Stop talking, listen carefully!", and Dang even shut his mouth.

In an instant, everything was quiet.

Everyone pricked up their ears to listen carefully, and raised their guns unconsciously.

In the emergency building on the west side of the outpatient building, there was the sound of some instruments falling.

And the movement was so loud that even Shi Liusan in the outpatient hall heard it.

After hearing the sound, the three of them looked at each other subconsciously.

"It's the emergency room." Shi Liu said.

"Let's go!" With that said, Hunting Fox turned and strode out.

Shi Liu and An Ye followed closely behind.

After leaving the outpatient building, Liehu walked towards a group of elders and said in a cold voice: "It's the emergency building, hurry up and find someone to go and have a look."

"I have already gone to the head of the group," Long Ren said looking back.

In less than a minute, there was a scream from the emergency building.

When everyone arrived, they only saw a place of flesh and blood and white bones.

The blood on the ground stretched from the pool of flesh and blood to the gate of the emergency building.

Dragon Blade frowned, and turned around reluctantly.

Because, these are the two mercenaries he sent just now.

He had already lost three members when he saved Dark Night in the factory, and now he was the only one left in his team.

Everyone shook their heads helplessly.

The Southern Wilderness, the Linshan mountain range that traverses the north and south.

The tall mountains that stretch for thousands of miles rise from the ground, and standing on them, you can see the general outline of the entire southern wilderness below.

A group of people stood on the thousand-year-old frozen soil of this mountain range, overlooking the Southern Wasteland below.

"The old era has passed, and the new era is coming..." the woman in the golden brocade robe said softly with pink lips.

"Are we going back to that damned era too?" The ghoul said with a hint of anger.

The golden-robed woman nodded slightly, "According to the Saibots, they will reincarnate the earth with an era every 1000 years, but the current era of the Hermit Alliance is less than 500 years old, and they violate the original constant... "


The cold wind howled, burying all the words of the young leader...

In the lobby of the outpatient building of the hospital, a group of mercenaries were sitting and resting.

After working all night, it's time to rest.

"!~" Outside the outpatient building, Shi Liu, who was in charge of security, sat on the steps with Blood Eagle, smoking a cigarette boredly.

"I said, how did you come to this world?" Shi Liu said to Dao Feng, exhaling a long smoke.

Dao Feng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly: "Why did I come to this world, I was born in this world."

"Do you have parents?" Shi Liu continued to ask.

Recalling what the leader of Leibao said to him before, Shi Liu always felt that something was wrong, and he must ask clearly.

First of all, it is necessary to start with why I came to this world of hidden alliance and anti-army.

"Fuck, are you sick?" Dao Feng frowned, "You don't have parents?"

"Uh... I have, but they don't seem to be in this world..." Shi Liu said quietly.

"Not in this world? Damn, this is the earth. Could there be another world?" Dao Feng laughed.

Shi Liu said nothing, just kept smoking.

"I'm an orphan, and I grew up in an orphanage," Shi Liu said, throwing away his cigarette butt, looking at the dark night sky, "When I was in the orphanage, they always said that I..."

"...Until one day, I was playing games at my brother Gouwa's house, and I drank some wine on a whim, but I couldn't hold alcohol enough, so I fainted after a few sips, and when I woke up, it was this world now... "Shi Liu was like telling a story, telling Dao Feng everything he encountered on the way from childhood to adulthood until now.

"You just said that I am the person in the game?" Dao Feng asked after Shi Liu finished speaking.

"Yes, and your name is also the same as in the game, not only you, Mandala, Foxhunting, and Linghu are all in the FireWire game!" Shi Liu was a little excited.

"Fuck, it's really amazing." Dao Feng nodded in disbelief, "You and I are people from two different ages!"

"Yes," Shi Liu nodded, "but sometimes I also think about why there are two generations of people like you and me..."

(End of this chapter)

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