Chapter 114 Wake Up
"In the blood of the Cyborgs, there is an endless desire for war." The tenth interstellar war god of Seibot -- Shi Liu.

The dream is like a faded old photo, shrouded in a haze.

"You are one of the god-making plans of the alien planet of Seibo..."

"My name is Hunting Fox, from now on, it will be you..."

"Captain, she hasn't come back yet, just wait..."

The memory loomed in his mind, and those beautiful faces seemed to be rushing towards him at this moment.

"Dark hunting..." In the dream, he called out in a low voice, but no one responded.

Just like before, the dream gradually dissipated like a bubble, and he fell into a deep sleep for an unknown duration.

However, this time there was an accident.

Dimly, he seemed to hear something.

"What the hell, I thought it was a good baby, but it turned out to be a stinky man!"

"Hahaha! Matt, I heard that your boy is horny, and he fucked even men! We have heard that you have fucked the 12-year-old boy of the Earle family."

There was an unbearable burst of laughter in an instant.

"Shut up! Be careful I'll poke your chrysanthemum. However, I really haven't fucked a man from the old days. This kid in front of me is quite beautiful, maybe he can have sex."

Amid the waves of laughter, he felt something suddenly touch his body.

In an instant, a large amount of data is transmitted from the source to the brain, such as the volume and quality of the other party, the distance from oneself, the sex of the body and various functions, whether it is carrying weapons, etc.

A series of data stimulated his brain, causing his body, which had been sleeping for a long time, to wake up with the sound of mechanical collisions.

His body, which had been sleeping for an unknown amount of time, gave him a rusty feeling. His body first moved [-] centimeters to the right, and then he sat up suddenly. His right hand habitually touched his right leg, and the cold metal feeling spread into his hand.

He raised his arm, carrying the heavy metal upwards, until he felt the touch of the real object, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

After a short period of discomfort, his eyes gradually focused, and a wretched face appeared in front of him without reservation. Judging from the brown hair and pale skin, the other party should be Caucasian, and now the owner of this wretched face, his The left forehead is being pressed against the muzzle of a rusty silver-white gun.

"God, he's awake."

"Hey buddy, let Matt go, or we'll be rude!"

A noisy voice sounded from behind the white man, his eyes flicked past the white man and stayed at the source of the sound, there were more than a dozen men dressed as miners, their skin colors were black and white, most of them were black, They all had weapons in their hands, if shovels and sledgehammers could be called weapons.Right now they're turning these things on themselves that can show utter violence.

The memory was uncontrollable like a book soaked in the tide, the chaos in his brain made him frown, and a shadow in a tactical uniform with a saber on his back hurriedly passed through his mind.

Maybe... he is a mercenary, right?Maybe!
This is an unanswerable question. His right hand is still as firm as cast iron, and the rusty muzzle of the Desert Eagle in his hand has not moved the slightest so far.

Anyone could see that Matt's head would explode with just one shot.

And Matt, who was held by the muzzle of the gun, was drenched in sweat all over his body, and there was a smell of dampness in his crotch. The hateful thing is that now, let alone moving, he even adjusted his posture to let him squat He didn't dare to do more comfortable movements, because it would cause the opponent's misunderstanding, and in the next second, the Desert Eagle's 12mm bullet would blow his head off.

After a stalemate like this for nearly a minute, Matt's legs began to tremble. After all, he had never practiced horse stance.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of hand, the miners in the back made a commotion, and finally stepped aside one after another, and a short old man came out.

The old man had already bald, and his small eyes exuded the breath of a poisonous snake, and his eyes wandered around himself and Matt.

He was holding a slender pipe in his mouth. He was wearing a gray leather jacket with a few small holes on his upper body. The blue plaid shirt inside was faintly visible. On his legs were a pair of oil-stained jeans and a pair of not-so-big black military boots. Step outside and step on the ground.

Breathing out a smoke ring, the old man took out his pipe and pointed to himself: "Let him go, survivor, you can play with guns, very good, my old Henry is in need of someone like you now. But you need to let go of the horse now Te, a fighter like you, there's no need to care about a bitch like Matt, right?"

Even though he was held to his head with a gun, there was still a look of resentment in Matt's eyes.

"I, how can I trust you." He spoke, his voice hoarse and cold, like ten thousand years of ice.

Old Henry took a puff of cigarette comfortably, exhaled a smoke ring and said slowly: "In this base, I am God, and no one will disobey my voice, so please believe that no one of these bastards dares to provoke you, of course And the gun in your hand, although it is an old desert eagle, but in terms of its power, it is enough to shoot and kill everyone including me."

"If you shoot us, no one will tell you what the world is like, will they," continued old Henry.

As the voice fell, the rusty muzzle moved away from Matt's forehead little by little.

The caucasian immediately collapsed to the ground with his legs limp, but he quickly got up again and rushed out of the crowd at a speed no slower than a zebra meeting a lion.

He could see the fear in Matt's eyes when he left.

That kind of fear seems to have been deeply rooted in my heart.

"Very good survivor," old Henry nodded repeatedly, and then stepped forward to take out his pipe: "Welcome to the world of the last days, but no matter what, life must go on, then, would you mind telling me your name, survivor?" .”


"Shi Liu, come here quickly!..."

The torch of memory was ignited, but it went out in an instant, and a very simple and simple name came to mind.

"My name is... Shi Liu." He thought about it, and said the name that would be praised by countless people.

"Shi Liu..." Old Henry chanted this simple name, and at the same time noticed that this man named Shi Liu had a pair of eyes that were different from left to right.

The right eye is pitch black, no different from ordinary people.

But the left eye is a dazzling red silver, it seems to be the eyes of a dragon, if you look carefully, there is a circle of golden lines on the edge of the eyeball that seems to be plated with silver.

Old Henry was so stunned that he opened his mouth slightly to let all the smoke drift out slowly.

What is his background?
(End of this chapter)

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