Chapter 116 Four Fields
Shi Liu nodded slightly, silently stuffing a small piece of bread into his mouth.

Watching him finish eating, Lisa said: "Wait a minute, I'll go get the identification equipment ready."

Shi Liu nodded, and after watching her walk out of the house, Shi Liu picked up the copper plate on which the bread was placed.

There is a little bit of cast iron on the bottom of the copper plate, but Shi Liu's face can still be reflected.

He saw his own eyes, and indeed, there was a big difference.

Like eyeballs inlaid with red silver, there is a circle of gold lines around the edge.

Putting down the copper plate, Shi Liu smiled wryly. No wonder old Henry asked Lisa to test his ability. Anyone who saw these eyes would probably not associate himself with a normal person.

"Is it evolution..." Shi Liu muttered to himself. He heard the words "catastrophe" more than once from old Henry and Lisa. The earth-shaking genetic mutations produced "supernatural beings" or "evolutions" from them, but Shi Liu didn't know these at all.

He didn't know why his eyes became what they are now, and he didn't know why they were in this G9 base.

Trying to recall the past, there are always a few people in my mind, but the memory is like a kite with a broken string, which cannot be connected.

The door was opened, and Lisa stood at the door: "Come on, it is necessary to give you an ability appraisal."

Shi Liu pouted, then got up and walked.

The room is next door. This is a place similar to a laboratory. It is very old. Because it has not been exposed to sunlight for a long time, it is so cold that it makes people seep.

"I don't know where grandpa bought this appraisal instrument, but I heard from him that it can only appraise humans below the third level, but I think it should be no problem for you, no matter how you look at it, you don't look like a third-order A strong person above the first rank, right." Lisa said as she came to an operating device, performing operations that Shi Liu could not understand, and Shi Liu was fascinated by it. These simple and cold instruments are here, but they should play the intoxicating sounds of nature on the big stage.

"Hey, come here." Lisa's voice shattered Shi Liu's fantasy, and the girl pointed to an operating table and said, "Come, lie on it."

Shi Liu nodded, and lay down on the platform according to the girl's words.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and old Henry walked in with a pipe in his mouth. He walked up to the girl and gave Shi Liu a blank look.

Lisa was very nervous, but pressed the start button anyway.

Then, Shi Liu closed his eyes, and felt that the platform under his body was transported into a warehouse by the movement of the conveyor belt, and then, various bright lights lit up around him.

Old Henry immediately took the pipe from his mouth and looked at the data display.

The radio sounded: "Identification completed. Appraisal object: human beings. The comprehensive index of the body is based on the marked data. Attack power: 45, maximum speed: 120, body strength and defense power: 15%, ability: none, field: none, evolution Points: 0."

Seeing a series of data passing by the monitor, Old Henry's old face kept gloomy, especially the last two data, he just let out a muffled grunt, slammed the door out, and then his roar sounded outside the door.

Lisa looked at Grandpa walking out, and couldn't help sighing softly.

The output of the platform, Shi Liu sat up from the platform, looked at the door that was slammed open and said thoughtfully: "He is very disappointed."

Lisa smiled wryly, "Don't blame grandpa, he has worked so hard for the masters of Fleck Company all his life, but now Fleck Company has to train new young successors to replace grandpa, if he loses this job, Grandpa Life with me will be very difficult, so grandpa has always wanted to find a supernatural person to sit in charge of him while he is still in power, so that at least he can have a certain influence on the Fleck company."

"Do supernatural beings have that much effect?" Shi Liu asked.

Lisa nodded, "You don't know yet, after the cataclysm, the earth was shrouded in alien radiation, 90% of the world's population died one after another, leaving less than 10% of the population, in order to survive, human beings have to Regardless of whether it is an animal, the genes in the body are undergoing rapid changes, and people with supernatural powers are also the product of genetic evolution."

From Lisa's words, Shi Liu has a new understanding of this world.

Supernatural beings are the product of genetic evolution.

In this turbulent world, human beings have undergone almost earth-shaking changes in their body genes through fighting against mutant creatures and external radiation. During this process, human beings have produced a thing called "evolution point".

The evolution point is a new member existing in human genes, it breaks the normal human genetic organization, and also brings some special abilities to human beings.

Humans with evolutionary points in their genes and possessing certain special abilities are called superhumans.

With regard to the ability classification and planning of supernatural beings, after nearly decades of quarrels and debates, a relatively clear delineation of abilities was finally established: the field of swiftness, the field of strength, the field of defense, and the field of perception.

The four items demarcated above are named: Four Major Fields.

As long as one of the genes in your body exists, there is no doubt that you are a supernatural being.

Among the four major domains, each domain is divided into ten levels, and there is still an eleventh level in theory.Legend has it that when a certain domain of the supernatural being reaches the tenth level, there will be a bottleneck of the tenth level, and after breaking through the bottleneck, he will enter the highest level of the eleventh level.And the supernatural beings who have reached the eleventh level will generate an energy field. In the energy field, the abilities of the supernatural beings will be maximized, and they can even approach the height of a god.

But legends are legends after all. In the world today, there is no supernatural powerhouse who can reach the eleventh level, because supernatural beings are a rare species in this world.

And these four fields also have their own corresponding abilities.

Among them, the supernatural beings in the swift domain will increase the speed of those who pass by him. As for the increase, it will be added according to 45% of the speed of the latter. Of course, this also depends on the speed of the former in the swift domain. Level, the speed bonus of each level of promotion is different. If the swift domain of the supernatural person reaches the maximum level of tenth level, then the bonus will be [-]%.

Of course, the supernatural beings in the swift field came and went without a trace like a gust of wind.

In the field of strength, the attack power of the ability user is increased. If the ability user launches an attack on the target, then in the second attack, his attack power will be increased by 1 times of the previous attack power, and the third attack power will be increased by 5 times. The second attack is superimposed in the same way. When it comes to the fifth attack, the supernatural user will gain the "power of iron fist". force will reach the maximum limit.

However, if the ability user does not attack within the specified time of "Iron Fist Power", then "Iron Fist Power" will be automatically removed after 20 seconds.

In the field of defense, the self-defense of the ability user has been greatly strengthened. If external factors attack him, then he will put an invisible shield on him in the field of defense. The toughness of the shield will change with the stage of the field. Standing behind the supernatural person, the defense field will increase the defense of everyone behind him.

As for the field of perception, the field of vision of the supernatural person will be maximized, and in a static state, he will be able to perceive all the factors around him that can threaten him. This field has a range, and the range will change accordingly with the different stages of the field.

If the above four items are called the domain of normal supernatural beings, then theoretically there is a fifth domain: the mutant domain.

The supernatural beings in the field of mutations can recombine the genes in their bodies in a short period of time, so as to obtain another biological form to fight. In the known field of mutations, they include insect forms, animal forms, ancient race forms and the most terrifying demons form.

However, there is a madman prophesying: Whoever obtains and masters the ability in the field of perception through evolutionary points will become a god in the actual sense!

(End of this chapter)

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