Chapter 117 Mission

In a dilapidated warehouse, Shi Liu sat on a pile of hay, where he slept tonight.

Because old Henry said that the base does not support idlers, the previous ability appraisal, the string of data, let old Henry arrange this abandoned warehouse for Shi Liu.

Moreover, Old Henry even confiscated the moldy piece of bread for dinner.

A light bulb emitting dim light hangs from the beam of the warehouse, flickering from time to time, Shi Liuzhen doubts when it will be completely extinguished.

Sighing lightly, Shi Liu looked at the rusty Desert Eagle in his hand. Although it was already full of rust, the body of the gun still emitted an unyielding silver light.

Press the reload button once, and there is a clicking sound, and the clip in the gun handle has rusted and cannot fall out.

On the way to the warehouse at night, the Nepalese army knife behind my back was also cracked into pieces.

Stretching out his hand to touch the scabbard on his right leg, Shi Liu took out the handle made of hard leather. The blade had rusted off the handle.

Just then, the warehouse door was opened.

The data was transmitted to the brain in an instant, and Shi Liu's instinctive reaction made Shi Liu point the gun at the warehouse door.

Under the dim light, a tall blond girl flashed in.

Shi Liu looked vigilantly, it was Lisa.

The muzzle of the gun was shifted, and Shi Liu put it by his leg, and pressed one hand on it, so as to maintain a state where he could shoot at any time.

Still in her day clothes, she now held a paper bag in one hand and a plastic water bottle in the other.

After entering, Lisa poked her head out to look around, then quickly closed the door and came to Shi Liu.

The golden pupil of Chiyin's left eye stood upright, and his field of vision instantly zoomed in, so Shi Liu could see clearly what was in the paper bag.

three loaves.

The golden pupils were flat and round, and his vision was far away. Shi Liu looked up at the girl.

At this moment, he didn't feel any hunger at all, and there seemed to be a warm air flowing around in his body, dispelling all the discomfort for him.

"Look what I brought you." The girl squatted down, put the paper bag and water bottle on the ground, opened the paper bag and took out a piece of bread.

"Grandpa intends to lock you here forever, and won't give you any food," the girl handed the bread to Shi Liu, "but how can that work, people have to eat. So I brought you three bread Come on, eat quickly, there is still water here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the girl was taken aback.

Because, she saw the strong and inextricable love in the other person's eyes.

In an instant, the pretty face under the blond hair flushed slightly.

"Hurry up... eat..." The girl felt a little shy when Shi Liu looked at her, her beautiful eyes looked aside, and she stretched out her hand to Shi Liu again.

Shi Liu didn't take the bread from her.

"How did these breads come here?" A cold voice sounded, and Shi Liu stared at the girl.

The girl slightly turned her head to look at Shi Liu, then lowered her head slightly.

"Tell me where it came from, or I won't eat it." Shi Liumian didn't change his face.

The girl was at a loss, she was silent for a long time, and said in a low voice: "I stole it from grandpa... Because you are not the supernatural being he imagined, so he decided to lock you here forever until you die... This You can save some of the three breads, if you run out, I will find a way to bring you food."

After finishing speaking, a trace of sadness climbed onto the girl's face.

"Take it back." The cold voice became a little gentle, Shi Liu looked at her, "Your grandfather will not lock me here forever."

"However, Grandpa has always kept his word, and he will never break his word." The girl shook her head slightly, her beautiful eyes filled with persistence.

Shi Liu smiled slightly, "Believe me, your grandpa will use me, and he shouldn't be out at noon tomorrow. Let's make a hook, and I will definitely go out before noon tomorrow."

As he spoke, he clenched his right fist, except for his little finger.

Lisa looked at him with doubtful eyes, but she refused to reach out.

My grandfather knew it too well. At this age, he never broke his promise.

"Come on." Shi Liu urged.

Looking at his firm eyes, Lisa was slightly shaken.

Because the other party's eyes are really too...

Slowly, Lisa was moved by the other party's eyes, and stretched out her hand with some hesitation.

The two little fingers were hooked together, one was slender and slightly white, the other was rough and dark, just like that.

"How old is it?" Shi Liu asked after putting down his hands.

"Eighteen, what about you?" Lisa said very seriously.

"I don't know..." Shi Liu shook his head, then looked at the water bottles and paper bags on the ground, "Be good, put these things back."

Lisa said "hmm" and put the bread back in the paper bag.

"I'm leaving." The girl stood at the warehouse gate and waved to Shi Liu.

"Thank you for your kindness." Shi Liu nodded.

The warehouse door was closed with a creak, and the light bulb hanging on the hanging beam flickered again, and Lisa gave him a sweet smile.

"You will use me." Picking up the Desert Eagle by his leg, Shi Liu said.

The next day, when the hands of the big clock at the base pointed to six o'clock, Shi Liu opened his eyes with perfect precision.

And, there is no trace of sleepiness.

The lightbulb hanging on the beam was still on. Shi Liu stood up from the cold ground and stretched his muscles and bones.

There was a sudden creaking sound, and the warehouse door was pushed open forcefully.

Moreover, this time the door was pushed more hastily than last night.

The girl Lisa ran in quickly from the door, and she was delighted when she saw Shi Liuhou.

"Your prophecy is so accurate!" Lisa ran to Shi Liu, her beautiful eyes were full of joy looking into his eyes, "Grandpa asked me to call you early in the morning, earlier than you said! "

Looking at the lively girl, Shi Liu smiled slightly, "Let's go."

"En!" The girl nodded vigorously, then grabbed Shi Liu's left hand and ran out.

After a long passage, Lisa took him to another room.

As soon as I entered the room, I was greeted by a strong smell of cigarettes.

This room seemed to be a study room. There were several long bookcases lying across the room, but they were already dilapidated, as if they could shatter into pieces with a crackling sound just by touching them lightly.

There was a wooden writing desk inside, and Old Henry's feet in military boots were slung on it. He was sitting on a black leather chair with more than ten holes, smoking a cigarette comfortably.

Around Old Henry stood four soldiers in military uniforms, but their military uniforms seemed to be very old, and they were also stained with large areas of oil stains. They were all carrying a very old M14 carbine on their backs. The color has been completely lost, and the gun stock is still the most primitive wood, which also reveals the true color of wood.

Such guns really make people doubt whether they can kill a chicken or a bird.

Shi Liu glanced at it, and the data immediately appeared in his brain: M14 carbine, single-shot carbine, with a maximum magazine capacity of 15 rounds, an effective range of about 400 meters, and traditional three-point and one-line aiming, with low accuracy.

In this semi-inhabited and semi-industrialized base, it is all right for soldiers to carry this on their backs.

Besides these four soldiers, Shi Liu also saw the strong black man Karen.

Seeing Shi Liu coming in, Old Henry waved his hand, signaling that all the people present except Shi Liu should go out.

Then, the four soldiers and the black man walked past Shi Liu in a file. However, Shi Liu saw gloating looks in the eyes of each of them.

Lisa closed the door, leaving only Old Henry and Shi Liu in the study.

Old Henry blew out a smoke ring expressionlessly, and looked at Shi Liu: "You need to know that this base does not support idlers, so if you want to have enough food and not starve to death, then you must work for me."

"Fair." Shi Liu nodded, "Then what is my job?"

"This base is not big, so there are only two jobs that are suitable for you." Old Henry said slowly, "The first one is mining. I work with the miners in the underground miners, and I can get 10 cents a day."

Shi Liu frowned and asked, "What about the second one?"

"I knew you didn't want to be a miner. Although you don't have any abilities, you should be a trained warrior, so the second one should suit you." Old Henry took out his pipe and said, "Come be a mercenary, usually To maintain the order of the base, of course, I will not let you stay in the base forever, if you gain my appreciation, I will apply for a mercenary license to Fleck for you."

"Sounds good," Shi Liu nodded and said, "Then boss, you must have a task for me now."

"Smart guy." Old Henry praised, then lowered his legs, opened the drawer of the desk, and threw a small drawing on the desk.

Shi Liu stepped forward and picked up the blueprint.

The location of the G9 base is simply marked on the drawing. Four hundred kilometers east of the base is a town marked with the words "Giant City". As for the other places on the drawing, they are all high mountains and wilderness. "Signals are all over the map.

"There is nothing in this world that is more precious than medicine, and I would not even exchange it for gold." Old Henry put his legs on the desk again, "The medicine in the G9 base is almost used up. This year's life is not so easy. Mining is a dangerous job. Occasionally, mutated organisms or virus-carrying minerals will appear in underground mining areas. These days, there are eight hundred deadly viruses, if there is no medicine, no matter how strong a person is. will die."

"The company you mentioned just now doesn't provide medicines to the base." Shi Liu took the map away and looked at Old Henry and said.

(End of this chapter)

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