Chapter 119 A Gun for Your Lover

"Stop it!" Ryan, who had been silent all this time, yelled, "Carl, Jack, put down the guns for me."

At the same time, he looked at Shi Liu again: "My buddy, put down your dagger. The dagger should be pointed at the enemy, not your teammates."

Shi Liu turned his head to look at him, and slowly withdrew the dagger: "I and you are just a cooperative relationship. As for teammates, I don't think we can talk about it. At least I have never seen any tacit understanding between us."

The other two soldiers also put down the MP5 in their hands, and the soldier who was held up by Shi Liu with a dagger quickly sat down as if he had collapsed.

Ryan looked at Shi Liu, shook his head and said, "You don't trust us, and likewise, we can't trust you completely. But buddy, this fucking world can't be survived by one person alone. In many cases, you need to put your back Pass it on to your teammates."

Shi Liu inserted the dagger back into the scabbard on his left leg without making a sound.

The black Karen exhaled, and then the off-road vehicle continued driving.

In the car, Ryan introduced the team to Shi Liu. He himself was the captain, and the two soldiers, Carl and Jack, who pointed guns at Shi Liu, were the firemen of the team, responsible for suppressing firepower. As for the provocative The young soldier at the center is sniper Allen.The last one is Karen. First of all, he is Lisa's bodyguard, secondly, he is also very good at pistols, and he is also an expert in demolition, which is beyond Shi Liu's expectation.

"Shi Liu is good at melee combat, long-range fire support is also good, and he also dabbles in scouting and tracking." Shi Liu briefly introduced himself.

Ryan nodded. In his opinion, although Shi Liu is a survivor and does not have any evolution points, he should be a veteran.It can be judged just from the action he made to subdue Allen just now, and at the same time, he also understands why the old Henry asked this newcomer to participate in this dangerous mission.

This mission is a test for Shi Liu. Old Henry will use the success or failure of this mission to judge whether Shi Liu is qualified to stay in the G9 base.In the words of the old man: the base does not support idlers.

There was nothing to say along the way, Shi Liu and this team still need to get in touch, but it is impossible to do it just by language, and the battle is often more perfect.

Just as the city of giants was in sight, in front of the chariot, on the left side of the asphalt road, there was a group of people moving.

Shi Liu's red silver left eye under the black sunglasses issued a command from his consciousness, and his eyes narrowed.So, he clearly saw several ragged men enjoying a woman's body in turn.

A familiar picture instantly appeared in Shi Liu's mind.

Then, Shi Liu frowned slightly, deep in his brain, he seemed to have encountered such a scene before.

"The Fifth Squadron of the Dark Night Mercenaries, Steel Fang..."

"We're far away, the range of the M14EBR..."

Daodao's figure came to mind, but the connection was quickly broken.

Shi Liu shook his head and frowned.

"Dude, what's the matter with you?" Ryan was smoking a cigarette, but as the captain, he still caught Shi Liu's subtle movement from the corner of his eyes.

"It's okay." Shi Liu said lightly, and the memories that surfaced just now dissipated in an instant.

"Hehe..." Ryan smiled knowingly, then looked at the group of people, and said with a smile: "This kind of thing can't be controlled, maybe it touched your moral bottom line. But there is no such thing as law in the wilderness." Say, whoever has a hard fist is the law. This kind of thing has long been common in the wilderness, and there are even more heinous things that you have never seen. So don’t bother, unless you think you are God, hey hey.”

He thought that Shi Liu was dissatisfied with this kind of thing, so he just talked about it.

Shi Liu curled his lips helplessly, but said nothing.

The off-road vehicle passed by the mob at high speed, and a man who had just been satisfied with the woman's body stood up and suddenly saw the off-road vehicle speeding past.He immediately yelled, and picked up an old pistol on the ground, pointed the muzzle at the off-road vehicle and opened fire at will.

Ping!Ping!clang! ~
Three bursts were fired in a row, two of which hit the deck behind the off-road vehicle, splashing out a small amount of sparks, and the third hit the left reflector.The mirror shattered in an instant, and the fragments fell to the ground.

The black cursed, but did not have the slightest intention to stop and fight with them, which meant that several of them did not want to conflict with this group of mobs.

Shi Liu looked back subconsciously, the golden pupil in Chiyin's left eye stood up, and his sight was drawn closer again.

In the field of vision, the shooter was a bearded man wearing a tattered vest with English written on it, which Shi Liu could not understand.Such clothes naturally do not have any radiation protection effect, so the man's skin has been tanned by ultraviolet rays.

The chariot moved away, leaving the mob far behind, Shi Liu looked away.

"They want to steal the car." Ryan said leisurely, smoking a cigarette.

After walking for nearly half an hour, the off-road vehicle turned off.In front of the vehicle was the entrance to the Giant City, and a sign was inserted on the side of the road. The sign that said "Welcome to the Giant City" was thrown on the ground, and a human head was stuck on the iron pole.It was the head of a man with a terrified expression on his features.The iron rod was inserted through his broken neck, and the head was exposed to the scorching sun, emitting a stench.

"The vision of the living corpses has degraded, but their sense of hearing and smell are extremely keen. If we drive this Lambo in, we will undoubtedly tell the sleeping zombies: Guys, food is here." Ryan put the cigarette butts He threw it casually, and then laughed to himself, completely without the tension that should have been before the mission.

Obviously, the captain meant to let everyone enter the city of giants on foot.

Well, an equipment check is essential.

Shi Liu quickly checked the equipment on his body, the Colt pistol in the holster on his right leg, the dagger in the scabbard on his left leg, and the five magazines in the magazine pocket on his waist, totaling 60 rounds of bullets.A jug of secondary drinking water is also provided.

Seeing Shi Liu's methodical inspection, Ryan showed a look of praise in his eyes.

The others were also checked. Then, the captain opened the car door and jumped out first, and then everyone got out of the car one by one.

The city of giants is very large, and a curved urban street runs through the city's east and west.In the city, there are various urban places such as residential areas, schools, libraries, hospitals, snack bars, and police stations.

Now, most of the city's buildings are half-damaged, and only one school is still intact.But it also became a gathering place for living corpses, so the map in Ryan's hand was marked with a big red word "Danger".

Entering the city on foot, everyone temporarily entered a house workshop to rest.Lane pulled out a map and made a simple plan.

(End of this chapter)

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