Chapter 120 A Gun for Your Lover

Shi Liu didn't turn around, but rolled continuously in front of the sheriff's body.After two rolls, he adjusted his posture and turned to face the gate.

A long pale leg covered with bruises and dark red strange spots swept across the position where Shi Liu was just now.

Before he had time to look at the other party's appearance, a black shadow swept across in an instant.Shi Liu hurriedly put the MP5 submachine gun across his chest, acting as a temporary buffer.

The black shadow swept Shiliu in the middle, and the huge force swept him out. His body knocked down three or four rows of medicine cabinets before he stopped.

During Shi Liu's upside-down flight, the muscles in his back subtly stretched, so that after knocking down rows of medicine cabinets, the damage he received was halved.

Shi Liu didn't care about this process.His eyes were all attracted by the graceful body in front of him.

He is over 180cm tall, with silver hair flowing down his shoulders like a waterfall, his exquisite face looks like a model on a catwalk, his sexy lips are slightly open, and a slender red tongue sticks out, gently licking his lips.She was wearing a white nurse uniform with a half-open neckline, and a pair of full semicircles propped up the collar.

The length of the nurse's uniform only covered 10cm below the knees, so a pair of slender breasts were exposed, enough to attract the attention of any male creature.

But now she is just a living corpse.

As long as a normal man sees her now, he will never have any thoughts about her.

She roughly lifted a medicine cabinet next to her, above her head.

With an unknown hiss, she threw the Chinese medicine cabinet towards Shi Liu.

Shi Liu was startled, a string of data about the Feilai medicine cabinet was transmitted to his brain instantly, and he rolled to the side.With a loud noise, the medicine cabinet moved forward a few meters with sparks, and stopped when it hit another row of medicine cabinets.

Shi Liu rolled twice, and just half-kneeled on the ground, but felt the strong wind pressing against him.In a blur before his eyes, the weight of his body increased sharply, and the beautiful living corpse had already sat on Shi Liu.

Ten fingers like blades grabbed Shi Liu, and he picked up the MP5 submachine gun and smashed the opponent's head with the butt of the gun.

The female corpse let out a muffled roar, and her body fell backwards under the force.But she quickly adjusted, and the pair of blades stabbed Shi Liu straight up and down with both hands.

Shi Liu raised his MP5 submachine gun horizontally, and blocked the opponent's blow while pressing down on his body.But the opponent's arms looked slender and weak, but they were as powerful as a tyrannosaur.Shi Liu had exhausted all her strength, but the MP5 submachine gun was still being suppressed by her little by little.

Shi Liu couldn't hold on anymore, and moved the MP5 submachine gun sideways in a critical situation.The power that the living corpses originally gathered in one place was suddenly removed, and they immediately fell to the side.

But her reaction speed was very fast. While leaning over, she supported the ground with one hand, and then exerted force in the opposite direction. She still didn't leave Shi Liu's body, but sat tighter.

This time she did not hesitate, nor did she confront Shi Liu again.Stretching out his hands to hold the submachine gun, he pulled it back hard, and Shi Liu's hands were detached from the submachine gun.

Grabbing the submachine gun, the female corpse broke the barrel of the gun abruptly with strange force.

Taking advantage of this time, Shi Liu pulled out an M500 revolver from his waist and held it in his hand, aimed the rough and ferocious muzzle at her head, and pulled the trigger.

The room was silent, no sound came from.

Shi Liu wished he could slap himself across the face, and in a hurry, he didn't load the revolver with bullets.

The female corpse threw away the MP5 submachine gun and grabbed the revolver in the same way.

She had just grasped the handle of the revolver, but she was taken aback for a moment, and then stopped moving.

Her blood-red eyes fixed on the revolver, then she turned her head to look at the dead sheriff, then slowly got up and left Shi Liu's body.

Shi Liu was surprised by the unexplainable scene, but this was a great opportunity to appear suddenly, and the opportunity must never come again. Shi Liu stood up and pulled out the saber on his back with a "whoosh".

Suddenly, he saw a name tag with the words "Mary" on the chest of the other party.

These two words coincide with the engraving on the handle of the revolver.At this time, she was squatting next to the sheriff's body, looking at him carefully.

Could it be true?
Shi Liu stood up slightly, the golden pupil in Chiyin's left eye stood up, and his vision narrowed.He could clearly see that the female corpse no longer had the murderous aura just now.

However, Ryan did not say that the living corpse would retain the memory of his life, so how should he explain the current situation.


Shi Liu thought of a shocking possibility.

The door of the pharmacy was suddenly opened, and two male corpses walked in.They are all wearing security uniforms, and they all have strong physiques.One had a limped leg, and the other had a part of his head missing. His right eye, which was about to fall off, looked at Shi Liu.

But when they saw Mary, they all took a step back in fear.

The two living corpses hissed from their throats. Mary, who was squatting next to the sheriff's body, suddenly stood up, screamed at them, and waved her arms to drive them away.

The two living corpses backed away in fear, but they were unwilling because they saw Shi Liu.

As for the Nepalese saber in Shi Liu's hand, the two living corpses ignored it at all. Their biggest obstacle now was the female corpse Mary.

Mary opened her mouth, bared all her fangs, roared at them, and suddenly stepped forward.

Lifting a male corpse with one hand, Mary desperately bit the other's neck.From Shi Liu's point of view, the male corpse was twitching non-stop, and a small river of blood spurted out from the side of Mary's head.

Letting go of the male corpse, Mary then inserted her razor fingers into the other's neck, and there was a sound of flesh tearing, she forcibly tore off the other's neck, and then tore off the head.

Throwing away the body and head, Mary was just about to grab another living corpse, but a dagger spun and flew, and it was accurately inserted between the eyebrows of the living corpse.

The living corpse almost fell on its back under the force. It was about to turn around and run away, but Mary pierced its back with an arm. Then, Mary lifted its whole body, and then fell on the medicine cabinet and the wall.

In the end, Mary threw it to the ground, and then clawed wildly with both claws. Shi Liu saw meat scraps and bone fragments flying all over the place, as well as rotting internal organs and large intestines.Shi Liu felt nauseated immediately.

Watching Mary eating the male corpse, Shi Liu inserted the saber back into his back, picked up two M500 revolvers, glanced at Mary, and walked past her quietly.

Now, it doesn't matter to hide your whereabouts.Ryan and the others outside didn't know that a huge danger was approaching quietly.

Just a few steps away, there was the sound of Mary vomiting behind her.

Shi Liu looked back and saw that Mary had spit out all the minced meat in her mouth.

If Ryan was here, he would be surprised.

Mary had a pained look on her face, she wanted to grab the spit out pieces of meat with one hand, but she pressed her chest tightly with the other hand.She let out a strange cry that she didn't know whether she was crying or laughing, and crawled to the side of Sheriff Smith's skeleton.

She stretched out her hand and gently stroked the cold and white lover's skull, the red light in her eyes gradually faded away.

Suddenly, she turned around.

Shi Liu thought that the other party was going to attack him, so he raised his hand, and the large black muzzle of the M500 was already aimed at her.At such a close distance, even with his eyes closed, Shi Liu could smash the opponent's head.

Mary didn't move, she opened her mouth towards Shi Liu, as if she wanted to say something.But the words in her mouth turned into meaningless syllables like "babbling".

Finally, she makes the lips into a certain mouth shape.

Although it was a babbling syllable, Shi Liu seemed to understand what she meant.

"Kill me?" Shi Liu said what she wanted to say.

Sure enough, Mary smiled, nodded vigorously, and then looked at the sheriff's body behind her, with inexplicable sadness in her eyes.

Even though he has become a monster, he still guards his former lover.This kind of love is always more real than any other vows, and it also touches a certain root in Shi Liu's heart.

"Understood." Shi Liu nodded, pulled out the saber behind his back with a "swoosh" and walked towards the opponent.

Mary smiled and closed her eyes.

The moment her eyes closed, the cold blade of the saber plunged into her neck.The strength is so great that it pierces the neck.When he pulled it out again, he brought a blood arrow.

Mary's whole body was taken aback for a moment, and then she fell powerlessly to the side.

Looking at the two people on the ground, Shi Liu silently put the saber that was dripping with blood back into his back, put two M500 revolvers in his waist, and then took off the bullet belt from the police chief's uniform and hung it on his shoulder.

Then, he dragged out the two corpses that hadn't been completely shredded, and sealed the door with some sundries.

That was the tomb belonging to the two of them, and no one should disturb their deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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