Chapter 121 Trap
Shi Liu took a deep breath and walked towards the deeper darkness.His steps were very light, like a ghost, and at the corner, he saw a figure.

This is a living male corpse, lying on the ground, sniffing hard with its nose.It seemed to smell something, it raised its head and opened its mouth to shout, but a fine steel dagger was sent into its mouth.Flipping the dagger to the left after inserting it, ripped off its jawbone and flesh.

It was Ryan and the others. Ryan cut the living corpse's neck again, its head froze for a moment, and finally fell powerlessly.

When Shi Liu saw this dead living corpse, he felt worried for a while.This living corpse is probably their sentinel. It has already found traces of everyone. It won't be long before a large number of living corpses will attack.

time is limited.

The sight fell on the sign of "Antibiotic Drug Storage Room", Ryan gestured, and Carl and Jack raised their submachine guns and walked inside.After sweeping the muzzle back and forth, Carl gestured for Ryan to go in.

Ryan pointed to the door and then to himself, motioning for the two to guard the door for him.Then, he picked up the submachine gun and ran in.

Three steps and one squat, after squatting, the muzzle of the gun sweeps back and forth on both sides.Ryan kept a vigilant movement and walked in. The purpose of doing this was to prevent a living corpse from suddenly popping out and biting his neck.

Soon, he saw boxes of antibiotics lying quietly in the medicine cabinet in front of him.

Unloading the marching rucksack, Ryan packed the antibiotics into the army bag at a whirlwind speed.But this is just an antibiotic, the naromycin ordered by old Henry, Ryan doesn't know if there is any in this storage room.

With his military bag on his back, Ryan bypassed the medicine cabinet and walked quickly towards the medicine cabinet behind.

The medicine cabinet at the back was all over the floor, and all kinds of medicines were mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish them.But in the daily medicine box in the corner, Ryan found what he wanted.

As he strode forward, there was a strange noise behind him.

Turn around, squat down, raise your gun, aim.A series of actions were quickly completed by Ryan like flowing clouds and water, thanks to his cruel training for himself all the year round.

A black shadow flashed past quickly, rolling several medicine bottles on the ground.

The direction of the shadow is the window of this storage room.

Ryan snorted, raised his submachine gun and chased after him.

When he came to the window, what Ryan saw was the dark passage outside, and there was nothing.

He thought he was wrong, so he retracted his gun and backed away again and again.Someone suddenly stood up from under the window and stretched out his hands to catch him.

Ryan's body reacts faster than his brain.

He fell backwards first, with his toes firmly propped up on the ground, he flew back obliquely. Point the muzzle of the MP5 at the front trigger and pull the trigger.

The muzzle flames emitted by the silencer illuminated the ugly head of the living corpse in front of it. In an instant, the living corpse shook continuously, its head was beaten into a beehive, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, Ryan had just landed on his back, and he took advantage of the situation to roll and stand up, feeling a little lucky in his heart.

Walking carefully to the window, Ryan frowned at this living corpse.

It's not night now, the living corpses should still be sleeping.But now it is just the opposite. This unreasonable phenomenon made Ryan think of a possibility.

The living corpses in this hospital have been discovered by everyone.

Ryan immediately picked up his army bag and quickly walked out of the storage room.He wanted to notify Carl, Jack, and Shi Liu outside immediately, and retreat immediately, staying here for one second longer would increase the second of death.

As soon as he took a few steps, there was a hissing sound from the ceiling.

Ryan cursed, ignored it, and continued to run outside.

At the same time, he ran and shouted: "Retreat! Retreat! This is a fucking trap!"

There are a large number of living corpses gathered in this hospital, but Ryan and the others did not encounter any obstacles when they entered the hospital.This is obviously the living corpses playing insidiously. They let Ryan and his party enter the hinterland first, and then wiped them all out.

It's just that Ryan can't figure it out. When did the zombies get smart enough to set up traps?

Obviously, now is not the time to study the wisdom of living corpses, and these should be left to the corresponding experts to explore.

Carl and Jack, who were guarding the door, heard Ryan's cry, and immediately pushed the door away.But when the two pushed the door hard, they found that the door was blocked from the outside.After hearing the news, Ryan's face turned ashen.

At this time, the screams of the living corpses sounded from all around.

Ryan sighed softly, he knew that the three of them had been blocked in this storage room.

Taking a deep breath, he shouted: "Look for cover and save bullets. Even if you die, we have to pull some backs!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of living corpses poured out from behind the medicine cabinet or from the ceiling.

Carl and Jack are worthy of being experienced firemen. They accurately calculated the crossing angle of firepower.

However, more living corpses rushed here, they uttered strange screams, knocked down the medicine cabinet, and humanoid monsters with blood-red eyes charged without fear.No matter how many corpses were left by the fire nets of the three of Ryan, they couldn't make them take a step back.

Lane was distraught.

The number of living corpses in the basement of the hospital far exceeded the data shown in the data, and the living corpses that should have stayed in the school flocked here.Ryan couldn't figure out whether this was a small-scale migration of the living corpses, or for some purpose.

If it's the former, it's unlucky, but if it's the latter, it's chilling.Judging from the fact that living corpses can have the intelligence to set traps, the second possibility is mostly.That is to say, after the living corpses encountered a team performing the same task half a year ago, they expected that someone would follow in their footsteps in the future, so they abandoned the school's lair and entered the hospital, waiting for the next wave of food to be delivered to their door.

At this time, heavy footsteps came from the door behind them, accompanied by the sharp sound of iron scraping the ground.

The living corpses who had been madly attacking the three of Ryan suddenly stopped. They looked at the gate behind the three of them in fear, then made strange screams, and retreated one after another, revealing an open space.

Ryan and the others frowned.

There was a tooth-piercing loud sound suddenly, and at the same time, a sharp iron object came in from the door, inserted straight into Jack's back, and then came out from the front of his stomach!

This is a section of welded triangular thorns, which pierced Jack's body, and it also held Jack's severed large intestine.

Jack was bleeding profusely, throbbing all over his body, complex lights flashed in his eyes, and finally he tilted his head and died.

The iron tool shrank suddenly, bringing Jack's body against the door.The triangular thorn withdrew, and Jack's body lost its support and fell to the side.A big hole was cut in the door, and a huge bloodshot eyeball was turned up, blocked the hole, and was looking around inside.

(End of this chapter)

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