Chapter 122 The Butcher
Ryan finally came to his senses. With a roar, he picked up his MP5 submachine gun and fired wildly at the gate, and Karl who was next to him also joined the ranks of shooting.The intertwined barrage of two submachine guns poured down on the gate like a torrential rain.Just like the anger of the two at the moment, they almost forgot that there are still a large number of living corpses behind them.But the living corpses didn't take the opportunity to attack the two of them.

After 7 seconds of shooting, the bullets in the magazine were almost emptied, and even the butt of the gun began to heat up.Looking at the gate again, it is already riddled with holes.But Ryan felt that the monster behind the door didn't fall down. Facing the burst of fire just now, even the strongest living corpse should be shot into a beehive. I don't know, who is behind the door?
Soon, Ryan got the answer.

Almost at the same time that the submachine gun stopped firing, a loud roar sounded from behind the door, the sound was like muffled thunder, reverberating in this underground space, shaking the window glass to buzz.

A surprisingly large hand stretched in through the crack of the door. It first held onto a leaf of the door, and then twisted forcefully to the side amidst the sound of metal twisting.

Ryan's eyes widened when he saw it. It was the first time he saw such a giant hand.

A moment later, one page of the door had been torn off, and the other page was knocked open with a violent crash.

It came in through the door.

Ryan and the two retreated again and again.

What appeared in front of them was a monster nearly three meters long. It looked like a strong man with an iron mask on his face, only two scarlet eyes were exposed, and the muscles on his **** upper body were as clear as a knife. However, the body was inlaid with countless small holes, which were the bullets that Ryan and the others shot in.

As the giant's breathing rose and fell, some bullets slowly fell out of the body, which made Ryan's eyes widen.At such a short distance, the kinetic energy of the bullet can't penetrate its body. This can be called an abnormal defense power, at least comparable to the third level in the defense field.

Its lower body was wearing a black sarong, which was stained with thick blood, like a butcher who had just slaughtered an animal.He held the iron tool that pierced Jack in his right hand. This knife-like stab was nearly two meters long. The front triangular thorn was stained with Jack's blood, which made Ryan feel uncomfortable.

"Boss, this can't be the butcher..." Carl pointed his gun at the other party and whispered.

Ryan was taken aback.

Butcher is the human name for a variant of the living corpse.

Mutants called Butchers are usually tall and tall. Unlike ordinary living corpses, Butchers often use some huge and simple weapons. Although the workmanship is extremely rough, they are often full of violence.They have an inexplicable sense of hatred, and if there is a living creature in front of them, they will tear each other apart regardless.

At this time, a living corpse doctor walked in from the door, which was completely different from other living corpses.The living corpse in front of him was not stained with blood at all, and it was wearing a pair of glasses, and its hair was combed neatly behind its head.

If it weren't for its blood-red eyes, it would be really difficult to connect this bookish person with a living corpse.

The living corpse of the doctor came to the side of the butcher, pointing and talking to him, and the troll groaned.He nodded in the middle, as if he was very obedient.

This made Ryan curious, a violent creature like a butcher would obey orders?
After the doctor finished speaking to the butcher, he looked at the group of living corpses behind the two of them, and it screamed.After some strange screams, although the living corpses who were avoiding far away looked at the butcher in fear, they still bit the bullet and walked up slowly, forming a circle around Ryan and the two.

Seeing the living corpses surrounding him, the doctor gave a satisfied smile, and he backed out.

Ryan decided that no matter what, he would kill the doctor's living corpse himself.Obviously, this doctor is the leader of this group of living corpses, and even the butcher must obey its command. Obviously, the living corpses have formed some kind of social prototype.

As soon as the doctor withdrew, the butcher roared and swung the iron weapon in his hand to sweep towards the two of them.

Both of them were short to dodge, and then rolled to the sides.

The submachine gun sounded again, and the bullet hit the butcher mercilessly, but it still didn't do anything.In the chaos, the living corpses also rushed up, and Ryan and Karl hid in a panic.

With a bang, the butcher's sharp iron hit the ground, the floor tiles cracked immediately, and the iron was deeply inserted into the ground.

Ryan turned around and came to the back of the butcher, taking advantage of the time when it hurriedly picked up the iron weapon and shot fiercely.

The butcher's attack power and defense power are both in place, but this guy's head is not very good.This is Ryan's best chance, but this MP5 submachine gun can't provide powerful firepower to suppress it. It can be used to deal with living corpses, but it can't break through its excellent defense against butchers.

Several bullets were embedded in its body, but not even a single drop of blood came out, Ryan's throat felt bitter for a while.

Here, Karl is also in a hard fight. He uses various obstacles to block the living corpses in all directions, but with the constant reloading and shooting, his bullets are running out.

Outside the door, the doctor was triumphantly looking at all this led by it, but a little cold metallic feeling hit the back of its head.

Before the doctor could react, he heard a loud and brutal gunshot.Then, its head was blown to pieces.

In the house, no matter whether it was the butcher or the ordinary living corpse, they all stopped.And they looked at the leader together.

Then, a burst of intense flames filled the eyes of the living corpses.

Burning bottles with alcohol cloth strips at the necks were thrown in one by one.As soon as the bottle hit the ground, the alcohol inside sprayed out immediately, and in an instant, a raging fire spread throughout the storage room!
Strong light and fire are what the living corpses are most afraid of. Their degenerated eyes cannot be stimulated by the above two at all, so when the fire spread, the living corpses chasing Ryan and Carl immediately covered their eyes and let out a strange sound. Called, back again and again.Even the butcher couldn't help blocking the flames with his hands.

At the door, a tall figure with a saber stuck in his back, a bullet belt hanging on his shoulders, and a revolver stuck in his waist appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Stone Six!

"Come out!" Shi Liu's hoarse voice came from the door, Ryan and Ryan were both overjoyed, and then took the opportunity to pick up the MP5 and strode towards the door.

Here at the door, Shi Liuna was holding an M500 revolver, and Ryan was slightly taken aback when he saw it.

The butcher seemed to realize that the prey was about to escape. It put down its hand that was in front of its eyes, let out a roar from its mouth in the iron mask, and strode towards here, dragging the iron in its hand backwards. The nearly three-meter-high giant started running, and then It's like a Mercedes-Benz tank.

Shi Liu stepped forward and pulled out another revolver.He held two M500s horizontally, and pulled the trigger continuously with the index fingers of both hands.

Deafening gunshots sounded, and bullets bombarded the butcher like cannonballs, blasting pieces of flesh and blood from the giant, and blocking its sprint.The butcher let out a wounded roar and backed away again and again.

A total of nine bullets in the two revolver drums were all fired, and the last bullet hit the butcher's left shoulder with such force that it shot right through, causing the butcher's left arm to hang down feebly.

Shi Liu's face was pale. During the shooting process, he had already used various shock-absorbing methods, but after a round of shooting, the tingling pain in his wrist told him that the wrist bone was almost broken at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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