Chapter 123 Deathmatch
"Hurry up, I've cleared the retreat route, there won't be any danger!" Shi Liu said confidently.

Ryan was taken aback, "But what do you do?"

Shi Liu didn't take his eyes off the butcher, and said calmly: "I have to hold it first, otherwise no one will be able to leave!"

In the room, the butcher roared and got up from the ground, raised the iron tool in his right hand high, and then chopped it off with his left arm.

This blow was so powerful that the butcher's left arm was cut off directly, and blood spurted out from the shoulder-length broken wound, revealing bones.

Seeing such a tragic scene, the eyes of the three of them shrank slightly.

Ryan is not a mother-in-law either, so he pulled Carl up and ran back.This is Shi Liu's scene, if they continue to stay, it will drag Shi Liu down instead.

Shi Liuyi didn't move.

The butcher couldn't bear it, and came forward with a yell.

The rough gunshots sounded again, and the whole room lit up with the muzzle flame of the revolver.

Ryan and Carl retreated along the route that had been arranged long ago. Along the way, the two kept seeing the bodies of the living corpses stumbling around.Anyway, the methods were simple and effective, and the living corpses who were attacked showed almost no signs of resistance.This made the two of them secretly startled.At the same time, he also understood why old Henry wanted Shi Liu to participate in this operation.

Here, Shi Liu fired a few more shots, then turned and ran, in the opposite direction to Ryan.The butcher roared and rushed out. His huge body slammed into the wall, and the wall immediately cracked and collapsed. He raised the iron weapon in his hand, and roared to kill Shi Liu.

Shi Liu galloped forward at a speed of nearly 10 meters per year, and the floor plan of the basement came to mind again.Now his brain is like a fast-running computer, accurately calculating the distance to the exit in front and the distance to the butcher behind, and he wants to introduce the butcher to a suitable battlefield.

With the corner in sight, Shi Liu's speed remained unabated.At his current speed, he would inevitably hit the wall due to the kinetic energy of inertia.

The moment he approached the corner, Shi Liu supported the wall with one hand, flew up horizontally, stepped heavily on the wall with both feet, and then dodged and jumped into the corner, Shi Liu continued to run at the same speed.

Looking at the wall again, deep cracks have been stepped on.

As for the butcher who caught up, he didn't have such a quick reaction ability.It slammed into the wall heavily, turned around and continued to chase after the bricks fell.

The passage soon ends with a restroom at the end.Shi Liuyi stomped open the bathroom door, jumped onto the sink and folded down the grille of the vent on the ceiling.When the butcher chased him in, Shi Liu had already disappeared.

Butcher took two sharp gulps of air into the vent, then ran out of the bathroom and crashed into the emergency entrance.

Along the stairs, it quickly ran upstairs.As soon as he ran up the stairs, there was a flash of fire in front of his eyes.

Rough gunfire rang out, and the butcher could almost see a bullet flying towards him.Because of the high-speed rotation of the bullet, the bullet was surrounded by a layer of faint flame, and with a faint tail flame, it came to the butcher in an instant.

Since the butcher was still in a sprinting posture, he couldn't stop for a while, so it greeted the bullet as if it had sent it to the door by itself.

Brilliant sparks flashed, almost blowing up half of the butcher's iron shield.The bullet grazed the right side of the Butcher's face, taking away an eyeball, flesh and half of his skull.

Like a speeding train being hit straight on, the butcher's whole body was forced to fall backwards, making a loud noise.Then shake the room full of dust.

No sound came out, and after a while, Shi Liu's slight panting sounded.

The huge kinetic energy of the M500 revolver, as well as Shi Liu's injured wrist bone, made his marksmanship slightly deviate.The bullet that was supposed to be aimed at the center of the eyebrows just passed by, but looking at it now, the result is no different.

Shi Liu had just climbed from the vent in the basement to the first floor, and he already knew that the butcher couldn't let him go.But the butcher's huge body would never climb into the air vent like Shi Liu's. At most, he could only walk up to the first floor from the stairs of the emergency passage.So Shi Liu stayed in the dark, waiting for it to come to the door by itself.

Seeing the butcher lying there motionless, Shi Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief.At this time, his wrist bone was in burning pain, Shi Liu calculated that if he was shot in two rounds, his wrist bone would definitely be broken.

But now he finally got what he deserved, at least the giant monster couldn't get up anymore, and Ryan and the others had already left the hospital, and their mission was finally completed.Shi Liu inserted the M500 back into his waist, tidied up the crooked saber on his back, and ran out quickly to the right of the front corner.


It was getting closer to evening, and the sun was no longer so strong, but it still shone with a dazzling golden light.In the golden light, Shi Liu's figure appeared at the entrance of the hospital.

"Oh my God! He's not dead!" Ryan and Carl rushed out of the collapsed small shop opposite the hospital.

At this moment, Shi Liu's face was stained with the butcher's blood. This dark red and viscous liquid could not be wiped off with just a few strokes of Shi Liu.Now he can't wait to plunge into the water and take a good bath. The blood and stench on his body make him feel very uncomfortable.

Ryan gave Shi Liu a thumbs up, Shi Liu was taken aback, and forced a smile from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, he saw the expressions of Ryan and Karl change.

"Be careful!" Ryan yelled, raising the submachine gun in his hand and looking at Shi Liutou.Shi Liu looked up, and saw a living corpse crawling out from the collapsed second floor of the store and pounced on him in the darkness.

It was too late to draw out the M500 to aim and shoot, so Shi Liu simply took a step back and pulled out the saber on his back.

However, the moment the living corpse was about to pounce on Shi Liu, it suddenly flew out as if being hit by an object, and slammed into the wall beside it with a pool of hot blood.There is a blood hole in the head.

At this time, the dull sound of sniper gunfire sounded from a distance.


At this time, this young man appeared in the minds of the three of them.

Shi Liu once believed that a frizzy person like Allen was not suitable to be a sniper.A sniper should be calm and cautious, but Allen's character is obviously the opposite.Even now Shi Liu still thinks that he is not a qualified sniper, but he is still very grateful for that shot just now.

"Where's Karen?" After coming out, Shi Liu always felt that he was missing, but now he remembered.

Ryan sighed softly, "On our way to retreat, we found two living corpses eating his corpse."

Shi Liu had no expression on his face. In fact, he had already thought of this situation when he left the storage room where he met Mary.But at the same time he knew that Ryan and Carl faced the same danger.If he turned back to save Karen, then Ryan and Carl would be in deep siege.

The lesser harm of the two, Shi Liu still chose Ryan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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