Chapter 126 Debt

In the open space in the middle of the work area, old Henry slightly raised his hand to calm the noise of the crowd, pointed at Matt and said, "Today, I want to tell you a piece of sad news. Just last night, Matt, a bitch, violated this Poor girl!"

Although everyone had vaguely guessed what was going on, when old Henry said the truth, it still caused a commotion. Many men pointed at Matt and scolded. Specially picked everyone's first chip.

Shi Liu clenched his fists tightly, the situation in front of him was indirectly caused by him.If he hadn't pushed Lida out yesterday, it might have been a different ending.

But the facts are already in front of us, even Shi Liu can't change Lida's upcoming fate.

After old Henry waved his hand to calm down everyone's emotions, he pointed at Matt and said angrily: "This cheap dog ignores the rules set by my old Henry. Tell me how to punish him."

Everyone was indifferent and silent for a long time. Someone shouted: "Throw him into the wilderness!"

Then, his statement was approved by everyone.

Matt knelt in the arena, scanning these people with vicious eyes, like a fierce dog trying to devour people.He opened his mouth and let out a low growl, and finally, his eyes fell on old Henry.

Old Henry looked at him without mercy, like looking at a corpse wolf in the wilderness, "Did you hear that, you broke the rules first, I won't kill you, but I want you worse than death uncomfortable."

"I'm going to kill you! And you! One day I'll come back and kill you all!"

Matt yelled like crazy, and tried to rush up to beat old Henry, but was knocked to the ground by Ryan next to him, and gave the mad dog a few times with the butt of his gun, which made his forehead bleed, Matt He could only fall to the ground panting in vain.

Old Henry waved his hand, and Ryan called two soldiers, who picked up Matt and escorted him away from the work area.

Matt's fate can be foreseen, he will be thrown into the wilderness, and his personal records will be published through the computer within the Fulik company, and he will never be able to enter the various places opened by the Fulik company.

While Matt was being carried away, he was still swearing indistinctly.On the way, many men rewarded him with three punches and two kicks, but the soldiers did not stop him.For those who break the rules, there will never be forgiveness and mercy.

After Matt left, Lida was left on the field.Old Henry looked at her and sighed: "Lida, the most beautiful girl in our base bar. Poor child, according to the regulations, he should have been compensated a lot of money to appease the pain that this bitch brought to you. Hurt. But..."

Old Henry hesitated to speak, as if it was difficult for him to speak the next words.Seeing that the usually decisive old Henry hesitated, everyone knew that what he said next would definitely not be a good thing.

Sure enough, Old Henry said something that shocked everyone.

"However, unfortunately, that bitch got infected with the virus from nowhere. Lida, who had sex with him, we detected signs of a level-three virus in her."

The uproar sounded again.

For ubiquitous viruses, the standards of major companies in the world are combined to strictly classify them.Like the danger of monsters and the safety of food, the degree of harm of viruses to the human body is also divided into ten levels.A virus infection of level three or above not only means that the infected person is bound to die, but also the virus on the body is highly contagious, so it is already within the scope of major hazards.

There are only two paths for an infected person like this.One is to shoot them on the spot and burn them thoroughly with high-temperature flames.The second is isolation and treatment, yes; the backward G9 base simply does not have the conditions and technologies for people infected with the third-level virus.As for sending her to Fleck's headquarters for treatment, Lida, the barmaid, is not qualified.

Old Henry's heavy eyes fell on her, and he sighed: "My child, I hope you can understand my current mood. If possible, I will never abandon you. But now, for the safety of the base and others, I can only Please leave!"

Leaving the base means facing the endless wilderness without any assistance.And with a level [-] virus, it's no different from death.

Lida's body swayed slightly, but she was strong enough not to fall down. Her beautiful eyes were full of tears, and she nodded slightly.

Old Henry sighed again, turned around and waved his hands.Ryan walked up, shook his head and took Lida's hand and walked towards the exit of the base.

The crowd automatically parted to the two sides to make way.

However, at the road, Shi Liu stood up.

When Rita saw him, her body shook slightly.

Ryan took her to Shi Liu's side.

Shi Liu looked at her, and almost squeezed out a few words: "What I owe you, I must pay back!"

Rita smiled.

She bumped into Ryan suddenly, pulled out the pistol from his waist, and pointed at Shi Liu.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, except Shi Liu.

He remained motionless, standing on the spot like a stone, silently looking at the black muzzle pointing at him.

"You are wrong, Shi Liu." Lida showed a sad smile, "Some debts cannot be repaid, because I want you to owe me forever!"

The muzzle turned and pointed at his temple.

A lot of data flooded into the brain, and Shi Liu moved forward subconsciously.

The trigger is pulled.

He was still slow.

Just when he was about to grab Rita's pistol, she had already shot himself.Her head swung violently to one side, and the kinetic energy of the bullet lifted her legs off the ground, before she fell to the side.

Her body lightly landed on the palms of both hands.

It was Ryan's palm, and he caught Lida's body from behind, preventing her from touching the filth of this world.

A faint memory flashed through Shi Liu's mind.

"When the time comes, you keep running forward. Remember, it's..."

"I asked you to come back, but you..."


A picture after another impacted his brain, Shi Liu was a little dazed.


Memories are like a kite with a broken string, making it impossible for Shi Liu to connect.

After a long time, Shi Liu recovered.He looked at Ryan and whispered, "Thank you."

Ryan nodded, then shook his head again with a complicated expression.

Rita died, her body was cremated, and the remaining ashes were placed in a box and buried in a cemetery behind the base's living quarters.

An unattractive cemetery witnessed the existence of this beautiful woman. In the photo on the tombstone, Lida smiled slightly.

A bouquet of light yellow flowers was placed in front of Lida's tomb. Shi Liu stood up and bowed three times to the tombstone.It took him a day to pick this bouquet of flowers, under the strong ultraviolet rays, almost all over the wasteland of nearly a hundred kilometers outside the base, and killing a few corpse wolves. Rita could no longer accept this kindness.

He looked at the woman in the photo and gently said the name "Lida" back and forth three times.Shi Liu knows that this girl will never be forgotten in this life, and she will occupy a corner of Shi Liu's heart.No matter how small that position is, it will never die.

She was right, it was a debt he owed her, a debt that could never be repaid.

(End of this chapter)

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