Chapter 127 The Wolves
In the following days, the base returned to calm.In addition to protecting Lisa every day, Shi Liu also got two hours of practice time.During the two hours, Shi Liu continued to familiarize himself with his abilities in the soldier training ground of the base.The strength enhancement of the first level allows him to punch nearly 700 pounds of force, and the violent kick force is as high as nearly [-] pounds. people are distinguished.

As for the strengthening of defensive comprehension, Shi Liu did an experiment.He stabbed the thigh with the dagger, and when the tip of the dagger touched the thigh, the natural force generated by the muscles easily bounced the dagger away, and finally the dagger penetrated within less than a centimeter.And the force Shi Liu used was enough to make the dagger plunge into the thigh.

Shi Liu even wanted to use bullets to test the hardness of his body, but finally gave up on this crazy idea.

These data were collected secretly by Shi Liu himself, but he dared not openly do so in front of the second person.

During this period, Henry Sr. returned to Flack for a regular report.Shi Liutuo said he ordered 50 rounds of M500 special bullets.With the first level of strength enhancement, Shi Liu is confident that he can control the ferocious recoil of these two revolvers.

Time passed day by day, spring and autumn came, and two years passed in a blink of an eye.

Another spring.

For the old days, spring symbolized the recovery of all things, and it was a season bestowed with good wishes.In this era, spring has the same symbol, but the awakened things are not so beautiful for human beings.

Those mutated creatures that hibernate because of winter, after waking up in spring, the hunger in their stomachs will make them go berserk.

Near the G9 base, the most numerous creatures are corpse wolves.This scavenging animal that feeds on corpses is mutated by corpse poison or other viruses.They are larger than the wild wolves of the old era. After several generations of genetic inheritance and transformation, they already belong to the third generation of corpse wolves.Adult male wolves can weigh up to 40 kg.

They became stronger and more resistant to radiation.This is a rather ironic fact. In the turbulent age, animals are far more adapted to the surface environment than humans.

This morning, Shi Liu appeared on a hill a hundred kilometers away from the base, and started his third hunt for corpse wolves.This is the latest mission of the base, and every ten corpse wolves is worth one yuan.Although there are not many, but Shi Liu believes in the principle of gathering sand to form a tower.

The golden pupils suddenly stood up, and the sight 500 meters away suddenly narrowed. Shi Liu clearly saw an adult male wolf lying on the back of the rock to rest with its tongue out.

This is Sentinel.

Shi Liu knew that behind this corpse wolf, there was another pack of wolves walking forward.

Shi Liu, who has been hunting for three days, has a deep understanding of this.

For the breath of fresh flesh and blood, the corpse wolf's sense of smell is extremely keen.After repeated experiments by Shi Liu, he determined that the smell range of a corpse wolf was within 400 meters, which also allowed Shi Liu to define his best shooting range.

Naturally, the two M500s on Shi Liu's waist did not have such a long range.Moreover, this kind of large-caliber revolver is no longer produced, so there is no silencer equipped with it.If Shi Liu used it to hunt, he might be able to attract all the corpse wolves within a few kilometers with just one shot.

For this reason, Shi Liu bought a sniper rifle from the base warehouse.

The SVD sniper rifle of the old era is an improved sniper rifle added by the former Soviet Union Lagonov on the basis of the AK-47 assault rifle.It uses 7N1 bullets, with a maximum range of 600 meters, but with the cooperation of Shiliu Chiyin's left eye, it can effectively kill within a thousand meters.It's just that this kind of sniper rifle has been eliminated in the new era. Today, the "Falcon" series of sniper rifles manufactured by Vic is the most commonly used. For example, Allen uses the "Falcon N-1" in the series.

Even the first-generation gun model, with a high-precision scope, can reach an effective range of 1500 meters.

During the three days of hunting, Shi Liu became familiar with this sniper rifle, and the corpses of wolves all over the mountains and plains were his best targets.

Today, Shi Liu's hunting target is no longer the lonely corpse wolf.He found a wolf pack with no less than 50 adult male wolves and 20 female wolves and cubs.It was discovered during hunting last night, and Shi Liu decided to shorten the wolf den.

After the corpse wolves form a group, their danger level is very different from that of single-digit corpse wolves.Packed carcass wolves are more dangerous, and because of the presence of female wolves, their reproduction will be beyond imagination.Shi Liu estimated that by this time next year, the number of corpse wolves would be doubled.

In sight, the wolf started to move, which meant that the wolf pack was about to move.

The first level of agility enhancement allowed Shi Liu to have a maximum speed of [-] kilometers per hour.He kept a distance of a thousand meters from the wolves, looking for a suitable battlefield.

He clearly remembered that there was a natural valley ten kilometers away from the G9 base.Two years ago, when he went to the Giant City to carry out his mission, he passed through that canyon. Except for a narrow road that could barely pass through that place, the rest of the place was full of strange rocks. There was no place more suitable than that.

The route of the wolves was heading towards the canyon.

Shi Liu never doubted his judgment.And when it was almost noon, the canyon was in sight, which confirmed Shi Liu's idea.

Judging from the movement of the wolves, this group of corpse wolves is preparing to migrate long distances.There is not enough food for them in the nearby wilderness. If they want to survive, they must leave here and find a more ideal place.

But the wolves didn't know, Shi Liu didn't intend to let them leave.If there is one less dangerous animal, people wandering helplessly in the wilderness will be safer.This is a competitive world. In addition to competing with the same kind, human beings also compete with wild beasts and monsters for living space.

Either you die or I die!
The limit field of view of the scope is 600 meters, but under Shi Liu's red silver left eye, it is infinitely zoomed in.So he clearly saw a corpse wolf a thousand meters away.The next moment, the crosshairs of the scope appeared on the corpse wolf's head.

Shi Liu calculated and corrected the error of the trajectory.The trigger was snapped, and in sight, the corpse wolf shook violently, most of its head was blown away by the impact of the bullet, and its whole body fell powerlessly to the ground.

The canyon was quiet and silent, and the sound of the sniper rifle's explosion had been completely eliminated by the silencer.

Shi Liu left the boulder as a cover, picked up the sniper rifle, and moved towards the corpse of the corpse wolf like a quiet one.The canyon is like a sleeping monster, unaware of the arrival of Shi Liu, an unexpected guest.

(End of this chapter)

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