Chapter 128
Ten minutes later, a man with a sniper rifle and a saber appeared next to the dead wolf's body.

Shi Liu squatted down, opened the wolf's long and narrow mouth, picked out a tooth with a dagger, and put it in a bag.A wolf tooth represents hunting a corpse wolf. Today, Shi Liu has accumulated more than half of the bag of wolf teeth.Use wolf teeth to exchange for corresponding rewards.

Looking around vigilantly, Shi Liu put away the bag, and continued to bury the gunpowder.

The reason why such a destructive thing was buried was because Shi Liu wanted to create a small landslide in this canyon.

The purpose of doing this is nothing more than to hunt down a few more corpse wolves and earn more money.

According to Shi Liu's calculations, more than ten adult male wolves will pass by here this afternoon.When they stepped on the ground, the explosion was enough to collapse the surrounding mountain walls, and at that time, more corpse wolves would die.

Shi Liu stopped suddenly when he buried the last stick.

He smelled a scent wafting from the far side of the canyon.

It was a smell of blood, very fresh, mixed with some other smells.

Obviously, Shi Liu couldn't smell what kind of smell it was.

Raising his right hand, he drew out the saber and held it in his hand. At close range, the sniper rifle was far less violent and effective than the saber.Like a cheetah, his strong and flexible body is full of explosive power, allowing Shi Liu to deal with all emergencies.

Seeking the smell of blood, Shi Liu walked around a large rock, but in front of him was a cave.

It was from this cave that the smell emanated.

On the sand outside the cave, Shi Liu saw traces of dragging, and on the edge of the cave, there were also sharp and disorderly claw marks.Shi Liu lay on the ground, and the unique smell of corpse wolf immediately penetrated into his nostrils.He frowned and walked into the cave.Not long after walking, a pile of gray-white hair on the sand came into Shi Liu's eyes.

He had already imagined what kind of scene it was.

A corpse wolf was dragged into a cave by an unknown creature and slaughtered.

Judging from the claw marks at the entrance of the cave, it should be an adult male wolf, because only an adult male wolf has enough strength to scratch the ground out of the claw marks.And this gray and white hair further proves that it fell from the corpse wolf.

However, Shi Liu couldn't think of any creature that could slaughter a wolf corpse like this. In his impression, except for the butcher of the giant city, no creature seemed to be able to do it easily.

Even if it could do it, it would definitely be seriously injured by the corpse wolf's counterattack.

Since there are only drag marks in the cave, it means that the creature that slaughtered the corpse wolf will not be too large and light in weight, otherwise some traces will be left anyway.

The saber grip tightened.

As he walked into the cave, the skin under his tactical suit felt pins and needles, a sign of danger.The golden stripes in Chi Yin's left eye immediately concentrated, and the situation in the cave was instantly and clearly presented in Shi Liu's eyes.

The cave is not big, but the walls are covered with blood.An adult male wolf with its belly cut open lay there, with large intestines and viscera everywhere, some of which had been trampled into muddy meat and mixed with gravel.There was a puddle of fresh blood under the wolf corpse. Judging from the viscosity of the blood, the death time of this corpse wolf definitely did not exceed 10 minutes.

And during this time, Shi Liu has been laying guns around here, and he has never noticed the killing at such a close range.

Goosebumps immediately popped up all over his body.

Shi Liu was extremely sensitive to danger. It was the first time that such a killing happened right next to him, but he didn't even know it.

He opened the corpse wolf's wound with a saber, his brows furrowed even more.The muscles at the edge of the wound were irregularly broken, which meant that it was not caused by a sharp weapon, but was torn apart forcefully.Seeing this, Shi Liu stood up cautiously, turned around and walked out quickly.

He decided to give up the hunt.Such a huge danger exists in this canyon, Shi Liu has no intention to deal with those corpse wolves, even if he can get a lot of rewards.

After turning around and taking a few steps, suddenly there was a hard feeling under my feet.

Looking down, it was a piece of iron stuck in the blood mud.

Shi Liu picked it up, and there was a line of English engraved on the iron plate the size of a thumb, but the English language had been severely worn out.Only two letters "HA" can be seen.

Shi Liu was shocked.

Although he doesn't know what this means, but being able to write English, Shi Liu can at least confirm that the other party must be a person!A person who can tear an adult male wolf apart with his bare hands!

Shi Liu threw away the iron piece and quickly walked out of the cave.As soon as his front feet stepped on the sand, he heard the screams of corpse wolves coming from the canyon.

Shi Liu was startled, and lightning rushed forward.He hid behind a large rock and looked out.

Rivers of blood!
Corpse wolves were lying on the ground in all directions, and their corpses were full of strange things.Some were torn in half from the middle of their stomachs, some had their heads turned 180°, and some were strangled to death by the intestines pulled out of their own bodies.This is simply an unequal massacre. Judging from the bloody method, it should belong to the same person as the massacre in the cave.

The roar of corpse wolves was heard in the distance, and Shi Liuyao saw a dozen adult male wolves besieging a figure at the end of the canyon.

The golden pupil of Shi Liu Chiyin's left eye zoomed slightly, trying to adjust the sight distance. When he caught that figure, the battle was over.

There is no doubt that it is a person.But the opponent cleverly held a male wolf to cover his face, preventing Shi Liu from seeing him clearly.

Shi Liu was startled, which may mean that the other party already knew his every move in this canyon, so he intentionally prevented himself from seeing his face clearly.

Then, in sight, he grabbed the male wolf's head and neck respectively, and then pulled hard to both sides.

Blood was sprayed, and the corpses were separated.

The headless corpse was thrown casually by him, immediately occupying Shi Liu's entire field of vision.When the body fell, he had disappeared without a trace.

Ten minutes later, Shi Liu appeared on the scene.

He didn't dare to move forward rashly. With his current first-level enhanced power, he couldn't withstand the huge force that could tear the giant wolf apart at will. He didn't know where the humanoid monster was hiding.So Shi Liu cautiously approached after confirming that there was no danger.He checked it quickly, but there was nothing of value except for the broken meat, internal organs and blood everywhere.

Shi Liu ignored the buried guns and the approaching corpse wolf, he left the canyon, and ran towards the G9 base at the fastest speed.

He had to tell old Henry the truth about everything he saw. It was obviously no accident that such a dangerous humanoid creature appeared near the base.

On the wilderness more than 100 kilometers away from the base, Shi Liu stopped again.

He saw a corpse of a wolf lying in a pool of blood. The corpse was twitching, apparently killed not long ago.

Shi Liu felt more dangerous in his heart.

It, or he, is approaching the base extremely fast!
(End of this chapter)

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