Chapter 129 Zerg
More than ten days have passed, and the G9 base remains unscathed.

When Shi Liu flew to the base to meet old Henry and explain the situation, he immediately caught the old man's attention.He prohibited anyone from entering or exiting the base, and at the same time ordered the mining operations to stop, the sound of the provincial machinery's operation annoyed the super-strong creature.The old Henry also asked Ryan to lead a team to stand guard 24 hours a day, plus monitoring and guarding the entrance and exit of the base.

However, more than ten days passed, but nothing happened, and there were no abnormalities around the base.So old Henry lifted martial law.

But Shi Liu was still worried.

The creature was moving in the direction of the G9 base, how could it suddenly disappear out of thin air.

Although it was very clear, Shi Liu knew even more that it was impossible for old Henry to let the base never carry out mining operations.So when the martial law was lifted, he did not stop it.

Regarding the investigation around the base, Shi Liu personally went with Ryan.Indeed, no traces of suspicious creatures were found, so the lifting of the martial law is a matter of course.

But Shi Liu has been wondering, is it that the figure in the canyon half a month ago was just for fun to kill the corpse wolf?

The G9 base has resumed its original operations.

It's just that Shi Liu's hunting mission has been cancelled. Within more than ten days, the largest wolf pack nearby has migrated, and there will be no regrouping of wolves in a short time.So even if Shi Liu wanted to go out and get paid by hunting corpse wolves, he still couldn't find the target.

Therefore, Shi Liu returned to the days of three points and one line, and he cycled endlessly about serving as Lisa's guard, training ground and sleeping.Occasionally, he also played with Lisa, and as time passed, the relationship between the two became more delicate.

After the cataclysm, the world's tectonic plates have undergone tremendous changes. Now there is only one highly polluted sea area called "Raging Sea" left in the four major oceans, and only three of the six major tectonic plates remain.

The new plates are renamed, such as the plate where the G9 base is now, known as the Zhongzhou plate.It was formed by the collision of the Eurasian plate and the American plate in the old era, and is currently the largest known continent.

The original state power on the mainland has long been wiped out, and now it is companies or chaebols like Fleck who rule this land.

The G9 base is located on the edge of the continent, and it can bring Shi Liu very little information.If Shi Liu wanted to gain stronger and more power, then he had to leave this base and go out for a living.

But he didn't.

All just for Lisa.

This girl who is very similar to the beautiful figure in the dream makes Shi Liu reluctant to stay away, as if as long as he stays with her, Shi Liu can occasionally live in the dream and forget this cruel and realistic world.

On this day, Shi Liu came to Lisa's laboratory as usual.Old Henry was also there, and he and Lisa were concentrating on a potion, and even Shi Liu's arrival did not disturb them.Shi Liu leaned against the door, watching Lisa who looked serious.She told him yesterday that she was recently working on an antivenom.It can resist the invasion of the third-level virus. If it is successfully developed, the G9 base will not only have the ability to treat the third-level virus, but also earn money by selling this serum.

But with a soft sound, choking smoke came out of the test tube, even a layman like Shi Liu knew that the experiment had failed.

Old Henry patted Lisa on the shoulder. The latter was crying with tears in his eyes, which made Shi Liu feel a little distressed.

Old Henry looked at Shi Liu as if aware of it, and said, "Come with me to the study, I have a task for you."

As he spoke, old Henry sighed softly, and walked out past Shi Liu.

Shi Liu looked at Lisa with a smile on his face, and the latter turned her head shyly.

Shi Liu smiled wryly, then shook his head, and followed old Henry.

An hour later, a man with a saber on his back appeared in front of the gate of the work area.

The gate was opening, and when there was a crack through which only one person could pass, Shi Liu got into the dark mining area.

Old Henry gave him a reconnaissance mission.

Recently, some miners reported to Old Henry that they found signs of gold-eating bugs deep in the mining area.

Gold swallowing worms look like maggots, with a body length of more than [-] meters. Due to the lack of certain elements in their bodies, they like to swallow a large amount of metal minerals to supplement them.

Because of this special hobby, making them the worst enemy of any mine.Gold swallowing bugs will occupy the mining area as a nest, and this kind of creature belongs to asexual reproduction, so one gold swallowing bug is enough to create a nest of small bugs in the next year, and the mining area will be completely emptied at that time.

The eyesight of gold swallowing bugs has long been degraded, but because they live underground for a long time and eat everything, the body surface of this bug is like armor made of strong fat material, which has good impact resistance, so it is difficult to kill.Therefore, each mining area hates this kind of creature, but it is a big headache.

Shi Liu's mission this time is to scout the bottom of the mining area. Once he finds the gold-eating bugs, all he needs to do is to collect information such as the number of bugs and their walking paths.It's so convenient for old Henry to ask Flack for instructions on whether to immediately support the removal and so on.

Reconnaissance missions are relatively low-risk, but the corresponding rewards are not high.Shi Liu only got 20 yuan from old Henry.However, he didn't think the money was too small and refused, because his monthly salary at the base was just that.

Taking old Henry's mine cart to work and go to the bottom, Shi Liu was led by a miner named Nick to a mine. On the wall of the mine, there were pieces of copper ore exposed, but there was a circle on the other side. There are still some off-white things remaining, which are left by the gold-eating bugs. It acts as a lubricant and allows the bugs to swim underground normally.

This passage was naturally drilled by gold-eating worms. The mouthparts of this kind of worms are full of inverted fangs, which can easily bite off any metal obstacles in front of them. Of course, some valuable minerals also entered their digestive system. It is then excreted as feces.

Shi Liu asked Nick to go back to work, but he crawled into the passage.

He had to confirm where the worm went, did it leave the base through the mining area, or did he plan to make a home here?
Shi Liu walked in the cave, stepping on the mucus-covered ground with his military boots.The liquid of the gold swallowing bug is very slippery, and it will slip if you are not careful.So Shi Liu was very careful, and at the same time walked lightly. Although the eyesight of this underground creature had degraded, its hearing was extremely developed. Therefore, Shi Liu walked slowly, for fear of being discovered by the bugs.

The cave dug out by the gold-swallowing bug was winding. Shi Liu silently counted his steps, and came to the conclusion that he had walked nearly one kilometer.However, the cave seems to be endless, but he doesn't care about it, the quiet underground, the dark abyss, he walks alone.It's like this completely strange world after waking up. Although there are many people in the G9 base, Shi Liu still feels lonely.

After all, there was nearly half a century between him and them.

Except Lisa, of course.

Shi Liu no longer remembers the past, who is he?from where?What have you done?There is no answer to all this, but he believes that if he keeps going, the truth will always be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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