Chapter 130 Devour
That's it.

The cave has come to an end.

At this point, the channel turned a 90° bend and extended straight to the dark abyss.

Shi Liu took out a cold smoker, lit it, and threw it down.The firelight swept across the dark passage, and some fist-sized iron beetles immediately scattered in all directions, away from the cold and bright light.

Fortunately, the drop of the vertical passage is less than 10 meters.Shi Liu didn't feel at ease at this distance, the cold smoke continued to burn underground, Shi Liu used both hands and feet to climb down the uneven mud surface of the passage.

When his feet hit the ground, the cold smoke on the ground just went out.Darkness returned to the ground, and soon, a green light lit up, causing a group of iron beetles that were approaching Shi Liu to disperse quickly.

Shi Liu held a fluorescent stick and walked straight along the passage opened by the gold-swallowing bug. The passage sloped downwards, as if leading straight to hell.

However, Shi Liu's journey is coming to an end.

Because he heard a sudden movement in the quiet underground.


It's like the sound of alternating current, and it's like the sound of something rubbing against each other.Shi Liu couldn't be sure, so he took out an M500 from his waist and held it in his hand. If this kind of weapon is shot at close range, even the tough skin of the gold swallowing bug may not be able to withstand the impact of 50 bullets.

The sound is getting closer.

Under the green light, the passage came to an end.

At the end is a larger cave, and the light sticks can't reach the edge.Shi Liu estimates that the radius is at least 300 meters.

A strange sound came from below the cave, and Shi Liu squatted down on the edge.Under the green fluorescent light, several huge worms were intertwined with each other. The strange sound just now was caused by the friction of mucus on the surface of several giant worms.

The gold swallowing worm is like a meat maggot that has been magnified countless times. It is difficult for people to tell which is the head and which is the tail. Now that several giant worms are entangled, it is even more difficult for Shi Liu to distinguish.

The entanglement of gold-eating bugs is like snakes breeding offspring.Swallowing gold bugs are asexual reproduction creatures, and they don't need to reproduce like this at all.

Shi Liu didn't know much about this giant worm, and all the information about them was just a chart given to him by old Henry.

He couldn't judge, but he didn't want to stay for long.The reconnaissance mission didn't include killing the gold swallowing bugs, and Shi Liu didn't want to do anything unnecessary.But when he turned around and was about to leave, the gold-swallowing bug made another move.

The biggest worm suddenly poked its head out. On the fat, white worm's big head, there were six small scarlet eyes in two rows.There was a cross crack in the center of its head, and the fat was rolled up, revealing a mouthpart as big as the head.

Under the green light, Shi Liu could see clearly that there were three layers of small inverted teeth in the huge mouthparts.It is these inconspicuous inverted teeth that can dig mountains and rocks, but now, this mouthpart is aimed at its companion.

With a puff, the giant worm swallowed its companion into its mouth, and kept sucking, just like that, swallowing another worm into its belly one by one.

Shi Liu's pupils suddenly shrank.

What is this, cannibalism?
Soon, it swallowed its companion completely, and the whole body of the worm became fatter.Wrinkles are visible under the worm body, as if the swallowed companion is struggling.The swallowing gold bug's stomach can even dissolve ore, so how can it not help its companions?
Soon, the giant worm stabilized.But it seemed very hungry, so it aimed its giant mouth at the other bugs.

The sound of sucking and devouring continued to sound, and Shi Liu just watched the giant worm eat the two companions.After eating three worms in one go, the giant worm's body began to become extremely huge, the six red eyes were shining non-stop, and layers of flesh waves were set off on the surface of its body.

Its body twisted continuously, its big head began to sink, its body curled up, and it formed a meaty cocoon as high as a hill.When the shape of the cocoon was completed and stabilized, it trembled like a human heart.

Shi Liu left quietly, and the investigation mission was completed.

This strange phenomenon of the gold swallowing bug should be a kind of evolution.By devouring its companions to perfect its genes, it evolves to a higher level of life form.In this era, in order to survive, one must do everything possible to make himself stronger.As with humans, so with other creatures.

Shi Liu's mission has been completed. As for what the gold swallowing bug will evolve into and whether it will pose a threat to the base, it needs to be evaluated by professionals.That's not Shi Liu's job. He has neither control nor desire to control how the base will deal with the gold swallowing bugs.

Two hours later, Shi Liu walked out of the cave.But there were people shouting non-stop outside, which made him frown.It's still working hours, it seems that it shouldn't be so noisy.

Shi Liu walked into the mining area and saw the miner Nick, whom he had contact with before, arguing loudly with another miner.

Nick caught sight of Shi Liu inadvertently, and immediately ran towards him.

"Thank goodness you're back at last, sir."

Shi Liu nodded, "What's going on?"

"Lost contact, sir." Nick took a breath, pointed to the direction of the base and said: "Half an hour ago, we were going to transport the first batch of copper mine back to the base today. But the gate of the base was locked, and we communicated with the inside of the base through the radio. But there was still no movement. Everyone was in a hurry and didn't know what happened inside."

Shi Liu was startled.

"No contact with old Henry."

Nick shook his head, "After the radio contact failed, we used the intercom to contact the boss, but no one answered. This is incredible, as if the people in the base suddenly disappeared..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shi Liu strode into the crowd, got on the mine cart and drove towards the entrance of the operation area at high speed.

The entrance gate of the work area was closed tightly, and Shi Liu came suddenly, making all the surrounding workers look at him.

Shi Liu jumped out of the mine cart, looked around everyone and said coldly: "Who is in charge?"

"Me." A middle-aged man walked out of the crowd quickly, raised his hand and said, "Sir, I am the person in charge here, you can call me Jieto."

"How's the situation at the gate?" Shi Liu asked as he walked towards the gate.

Jieto followed closely behind him and reported: "The electronic system has completely failed, and there is no response inside the base. The electrician is already rushing to repair it, but the possibility of recovery is extremely low."

Beside the stainless steel gate, a fat man was squatting there to check the electronic circuit of the gate.Shi Liu walked behind him and asked, "Can you open it?"

"No, there is no response at all." The fat man said without turning his head, and then he saw a cold-faced man with two large-caliber revolvers stuck in his waist and a saber on his back. He immediately jumped up and said respectfully: "I I did my best, sir."

"Can't it be opened manually?" Shi Liu frowned slightly.

"Manually open?" The fat electrician looked dazed, and then slapped himself on the head, "Damn it, why did I forget to manually open it?"

He immediately turned around and called several miners, and ran towards the gate.

Not long after, there was a "click!", and the stainless steel door that separated the work area from the base finally opened slowly.

The miners near the gate breathed a sigh of relief, but the skin under Shi Liu's tactical uniform felt a slight tingling sensation.

Danger!There was a dangerous smell coming from the door.

The door was opened a crack, and thick red blood slowly flowed out from inside.They flowed across the ground, past the shoes of Shi Liu and the miners, and then stopped more than ten meters outside the door.

The miners couldn't say a word anymore, just by the door, an arm slipped through the door in the flow of blood.

It was just an arm, it was severed from the shoulder part, and there were still white arm bones protruding from the bloody mess.


The miners showed panic and bewilderment, and they all looked at Shi Liu.

Shi Liu frowned, and said in a deep voice: "You guys stay here, after I go in, close the door!"

As he said that, he stepped into the pool of blood, and with another step, he had already stepped into the gate of the base.

After a while, the door slowly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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