Chapter 131

As the fine steel gate closed, Shi Liu also came to the base.

There are countless corpses lying here, and judging from their clothes, they are all civilians in the base.

Their deaths were tragic and strange.Some of the corpses were lying on the working platform, or lying on the ground, or were hanged by cables, or were inserted into the wall by sharp objects.

The power supply in the base was destroyed, and all the lighting equipment failed, only the emergency red warning light was flickering.The blood from many corpses gathered into a pool of blood, and the blood seemed to become sticky.Shi Liu walked through this area, his military boots were stained with blood, like walking in hell.

Walking into the corridor leading to the living area, Shi Liu's pupils suddenly shrank.

There were several corpses of soldiers lying in the corridor, and guns and equipment were scattered all over the place.And one of them is Ryan!

The man who said to Shi Liu that "the dagger should be pointed at the enemy, not the companion", the man who refused to give up on Shi Liu when Shi Liu was about to mutate, now, he is quietly hiding in the corner.

One of Ryan's arms was missing, his entire jaw had been removed, a bloody hole had been opened in his stomach, and his rectum had been dragged out and stuffed into his mouth.

On the ground next to the corpse, there is an English letter written in blood.


Shi Liu walked forward slowly and squatted down. He erased the word with his hands, took the rectum out of Ryan's mouth, and put it back into his stomach.Put the jaw back on him, and put the machine gun that fell next to him on him.

Ryan looked a lot more peaceful, as if he was asleep.It's just that he never wakes up again.

Numerous bullets were scattered beside his body, as well as a Nepalese army knife that did not see blood.Shi Liu turned his head to look at the corridor, Chiyin's left eye kept adjusting the sight distance, and he could see the situation of the corridor at a glance.

The alloy walls of the tunnel are full of bullet holes, but the bullet holes are not evenly distributed, and the distance and drop between them are very large.The shortest distance is about one meter, and the longest distance is close to five meters, but the total width of the corridor is three meters.This shows that Ryan and the others were hitting a target with a strong jumping ability at that time, which also means that the hitting target has a speed beyond ordinary people.

Shi Liu closed his eyes, imitating the scene in his brain.

The enemy's speed is extremely fast, so Ryan and others plan to introduce it into this narrow passage, trying to use the terrain to suppress the opponent, but this strategy seems to have failed, because the enemy's speed is so fast that even bullets cannot catch it .

The bloodless saber on the ground showed that the enemy was already close to Ryan at that time, and Ryan tried to use this close weapon to assassinate the opponent, but he was slow after all.

Shi Liu reckoned that to be able to move freely in such a small space and dodge several machine guns shooting at the same time, the opponent's swift ability must be at least level three or higher.

And being able to tear apart a living person with bare hands, this also shows that the opponent's strength has also been strengthened by the lowest third level.In other words, the massacre who invaded the base has a third-order power and swift enhancement.

Shi Liu's pupils shrank suddenly, which reminded him of the humanoid creature he saw in the canyon more than ten days ago, tearing apart the corpse of a wolf with his bare hands, and deliberately hiding from himself!
It, or he is coming!

Shi Liu felt a surge of emotion in his heart, he sighed heavily, reached out to pick up the saber that hadn't seen blood on the ground, and placed it on his back in a cross shape with another saber.

"I want your knife to be stained with his blood."

Shi Liu strode into the corridor and entered the living area.The living area was the same as the working area, with rivers of blood and corpses everywhere, as if all the people in the base had been slaughtered.He strode to the infirmary, smashed the glass with his elbow, and found that the infirmary was clean and there was no dead body.This made Shi Liu feel a little relieved.

Shi Liu changed direction and walked towards Old Henry's residence.

Passing a house staircase, he saw the body of a soldier.

It was Allen. The young sniper's head was twisted 180 degrees. On his forehead, there was a blood hole the size of a bullet hole.

This blood hole runs through the front and back of Allen's head, and it looks like he was shot, but it is not.

The human skull is the hardest part of the whole body. Except for close-range shooting close to the face, it cannot cause such penetrating damage at any other position. If it is a machine gun, the bullet will produce blunt force due to kinetic energy. That would only lift up Allen's entire skull, and he couldn't make it look like this.

Allen's injury was more like being directly inserted with a finger.

Since the opponent has a third-order strength enhancement, he can indeed easily pierce through the head.

But the question is, which finger of the other party is as long as a skull?

Could it be that the other party's bones or body organs can proliferate instantly?
Shi Liu squatted down, picked up Allen's sniper rifle and checked it.There was not a single bullet missing in the magazine, which meant that he had been killed by the opponent before a single shot was fired.

He picked up the "Falcon N-1" sniper rifle produced by the Fleck company's military, and strode towards Old Henry's residence.

"These 10 bullets, I will return them to him for you."

After a while, Shi Liu came to Old Henry's residence.

The gate of the house was split in two, with a hollow in the middle, apparently forcibly destroyed by a huge force from the outside.The room was quiet, furniture and sundries were dumped on the floor, Shi Liu fell silently, and walked slowly into the study room.

In the study room, half of the space is hidden in darkness, while the other half is exposed to red light.Old Henry was still sitting in the black leather chair, with his feet resting on the table in front of him, looking the same as usual.

But his chest was sunken like a door, and this level of damage was not something he, an old man, could bear.

Shi Liu silently estimated that Old Henry's breastbone had been completely broken, and the broken bone should have pierced into other organs of the body, so it should be hopeless.

Shi Liu walked forward slowly, and he saw the cigarettes scattered all over the floor under the table, as well as the pipe he usually drank.These two things were old Henry's favorite, Shi Liu bent down, trying to pick them up for him.

In sight, one of old Henry's fingers moved slightly.

Shocked, Shi Liu hurriedly took out a pocket oxygen machine from his rucksack, adjusted it and put it on for old Henry.

Breathing fresh oxygen, Old Henry's eyes gradually opened.

The first thing he saw was a cold-faced man with two sabers crossed on his back, two large-caliber revolvers pinned to his waist, and a slender sniper rifle in his hand.Old Henry tried to raise his hand and took off the oxygen machine.

"Man, give me a cigarette." Old Henry said weakly.

Shi Liu picked up a cigarette, picked up a lighter on the table and lit it, and then put it in Old Henry's mouth.

Old Henry smacked hard and said, "Matt is here."

Shi Liu's heart trembled: "Matt?"

"Yes, that's him. He didn't die..." Old Henry smiled miserably, "But he turned into a monster. His terrifying strength and speed allowed him to easily kill that kid Allen. Now, Ryan should also..."

Shi Liu nodded heavily.

Old Henry suddenly grabbed Shi Liu's hand, and his old eyes were full of unyielding: "Shi Liu, complete the last task I gave you, and help me protect Lisa. That bitch Matt said he would ruin her , Shi Liu, this is the last task I give you! It's just... I don't have any reward for you..."

The voice gradually weakened, and the old man died without taking a breath.

He opened his mouth, and the half-burned cigarette fell to the ground.

Shi Liu bent down to pick it up, and took a few more puffs to finish the half cigarette. Finally, he put it on Old Henry's table.

"I accept your reward!"

(End of this chapter)

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