Chapter 132 Immortal
Matt's blood spattered Lisa's face, but she was surprisingly unafraid.

Perhaps when the fear reaches its extreme, people become numb.But when she saw Shi Liu, she still showed a slight smile.

Without saying anything, Shi Liu inserted the M500 back into his waist, raised his hand and pulled out a saber behind his back, cutting off all the ropes in Lisa's hand.

The liberated girl threw herself into the former's arms involuntarily.

Shi Liu had already entered the tavern when Matt removed the rag from the girl's mouth, but he did not hesitate to act rashly.What Matt knew was Tier [-] power and swift reinforcement, if there was a direct confrontation, Shi Liu knew that he had no chance of winning.

If it was a long-range sniper, Shi Liu was somewhat sure.But the chaos in the tavern had already indicated that this strategy would not work, so Shi Liu had to sneak in quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

The scene in the tavern has been seen by Shi Liu, the man was slaughtered, and the pretty woman became Matt's venting tool.Seeing Lisa being hung on the cantilever beam of the bar, Shi Liu knew that Matt's last dish was her.

No matter how much Shi Liu wanted to save Lisa, he had to endure it.When Matt is about to move Lisa, Matt's mind will be attracted by the girl's jade body, and he will relax his vigilance to everything around him.

Facts proved Shi Liu's judgment. Just as Matt was about to approach Lisa, Shi Liu approached like a ghost and shot him in the head.

The girl in her arms seemed to suddenly think of something, and those beautiful eyes still hazy with tears looked at Shi Liu, "Where's Grandpa?"

Shi Liu said nothing, and silence was the answer.

Lisa's beautiful eyes were flushed, and she cried "Wow".She fell into Shi Liu's arms, the heart-piercing pain almost made her faint.

Not knowing how to comfort the girl, Shi Liu could only mechanically pat her pink back.

Suddenly, there was a slight tingling sensation under the tactical suit.

Moreover, a large amount of data flowed through Shi Liu's brain like an electric current.

Shi Liu didn't even think about it, picked up Lisa and rolled to the side, while rolling, he stretched out his legs and hooked a table in front of him.

As soon as the table was erected, it felt as if it had been shot through by a sniper rifle. A nearly two-meter-long black thorn pierced through the back of the table, and was pulled out quickly. A front and back hole appeared on the table immediately, followed by countless cracks. The perforation spreads around.

With a clicking sound, the entire table could no longer withstand such fragmentation, and instantly shattered into pieces of wood.

Taking advantage of this time, Shi Liu completed the squat movement.He stood up and supported Lisa to run to the dance floor, and at the same time threw back a large number of tables, chairs and benches along the way, but none of these things could resist for a moment, and they all burst into pieces under the straight thrust full of power and speed.

Shi Liu didn't get a buffer until he ran behind a beam.

A few straight stabs hit the beam and column, causing this not too strong column to vibrate slightly. Shi Liu knew that it would not be long before this column would be the same as those tables, chairs and benches.

"Stay here, don't move!" Shi Liu pushed Lisa down, and he rolled out as he said.He had to attract a rough attack from the other side in order to get Lisa out of danger.

On the way of rolling, he pressed his hands on his waist and pulled out the M500.

puff!Puff! ——

Explosions sounded one after another, and as Shi Liu rolled, the black thorn pierced out continuously following his movements, but unfortunately it only hit the wall behind Shi Liu, leaving at least ten big holes in the wall.

Shi Liu crashed into the emergency passage of the tavern, where the terrain was narrow and not suitable for combat.But he came in anyway, because there was nowhere else in the tavern to go.

Looking out through the window, Shi Liu couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Matt, whose head was blown off, stood up again now, and the half of his head that was shattered by the bullet was growing rapidly.First, the bones are condensed like a pile of sand, and then fixed into shape, followed by the crazy growth of nerves and flesh, covering the original lack.In the end, the blasted eyeballs popped out of Matt's dark eye sockets again.

"What a surprise, soldier. It's been two years, and you're still in this shitty place." Matt smiled strangely. His right index finger was shaped like a thorn. It was this horrible thing that pierced the table before. !

But now, the nearly two-meter jet-black index finger is slowly retracting, which also confirms Shi Liu's previous guess.

Bone and blood proliferation!

Alan's child should have been killed like this.

But Shi Liu didn't expect Matt to be able to proliferate bone and blood, which is a rather tricky ability.Matt with this ability is almost immortal.

Matt's head has grown completely, just like before.As if he could feel Shi Liu's existence, he walked towards the emergency passage loosely, and whistled: "Let me guess, you must have stayed for that chick. It's really touching. To be honest, that Nizi does have the goods, I don’t know if you have fucked her, if not, then it will be cheaper for me, because after killing you, I will kill her alive, hey, don’t you have any objection?”

Shi Liu didn't speak, just raised his hand and shot.

Bullets are his answer!

Matt only had time to turn his body, and the bullet grazed his right shoulder, taking away a large piece of blood and flesh and half of his shoulder bone. Matt's right hand immediately collapsed, and there was only a little flesh and flesh between the shoulder and the arm.

"What is your purpose for doing this? Ever since the lord gave me this magical power, I found that I am already immortal!" Matt grinned grinningly, and the right shoulder that had just been taken away by the bullet quickly grew out. Muscles and shoulders.

Local trauma, recovery time is 12 seconds?

Shi Liu was indifferent, he silently collected data.

But Matt was not idle either, he yelled, dragged out an afterimage and crashed into the emergency passage in an instant.

Shi Liuzhi had time to take a step back. The terrifying speed and strength allowed Matt to break through the door, but the latter slammed into the wall.But he didn't care, and slowly broke free from the sunken wall.

Looking at Shi Liu with crazy eyes, Matt laughed softly: "Boy, I'm here to kill you."

Immediately, Shi Liu raised two M500s horizontally with both hands, aiming his guns at Matt ferociously.

Before the trigger could be pulled, though, Matt shifted sideways.

Quick, quick!

Shi Liu was shocked. When Matt moved sideways, the M500 in his hand also shifted accordingly, and Chiyin's left eye kept adjusting the sight distance in the emergency passage.Finally, he saw Matt's figure on the left side of his vision.

The two M500s shifted together, but just as the muzzle pointed to the left, Matt disappeared again.

"Do you think your speed is very fast!" Matt shouted from behind, his index finger suddenly increased sharply, and the target was Shi Liu's spine!

But to Matt's surprise, the opponent's right hand passed through the armpit of his left arm at some point, and at this moment, the muzzle of a rough black large-caliber gun was pointed at Matt's chest.

"I admit it's not as fast as you, but when it comes to fighting, you're a rookie!"

While speaking, Shi Liu pulled the trigger without looking back.

The fire flashed in the emergency passage, and the sound of the sky-shattering gunshot sounded instantly. The 50 bullets spun out, and then shot into Matt's somewhat thin chest. The kinetic energy of the bullet took him away, and he fell five meters away.

A fist-sized blood hole appeared on Matt's chest, the surrounding bones were shattered, and the chest was also sunken downward due to the blunt force of the bullet.Even though he had the ability to regenerate bone and blood, such a severe injury still made him temporarily unable to move. His hands were powerlessly hanging on the ground, and his whole body remained motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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