Chapter 133

The opponent's own third-level strength and agility, Shi Liu himself estimated that he could not compete with it, but in terms of actual combat experience, five mates were not as good as one Shi Liu.

And he has the terrifying ability to proliferate bone and blood. If Shi Liu fights head-on with him, it will be a very big overestimation of himself.

Now that Matt, who possesses such a terrifying ability, is almost immortal, Shi Liu can only avoid his edge and consume him with the two M500s in his hands, so as to ensure that Lisa has enough time to escape.

Even if the end result will be that his magazine will be exhausted and Matt will be unscathed, it will be worth it.

Everything, for Lisa.

He failed to catch the beautiful figure in the dream, and he couldn't ignore this girl no matter what.

Right now, Matt was blown to the ground by the M500 bullet, which bought Shi Liu a good buffer time.

He raised his hand, shot Matt in the body again, then turned around and ran out of the emergency passage.

However, the needle-pricking sensation under the tactical uniform still exists.Shi Liu frowned, he really didn't understand how strong this Matt's vitality was.

Turning out of the passage, Lisa was no longer in the tavern.This made Shi Liu smile, Lisa is a smart girl, she must know that the moment she exists, she will drag Shi Liu down for a moment.Only by taking advantage of this gap to leave can Shi Liu concentrate on dealing with Matt.

Having said that, it is still uncertain who will deal with whom.

Patting the two sabers on his back and the sniper rifle on his shoulder, Shi Liu put the two M500s back on his waist and strode out of the tavern.

This narrow and dilapidated tavern is not a place for the two to fight, and Shi Liu wants to lead Matt to a more suitable battlefield.

Five minutes after Shi Liu left, Matt, who had recovered, ran out frantically.

His devilish eyes looked around the outside of the tavern, and he took a strong sniff.

After catching Shi Liu's scent, his eyes focused on the outside of the base immediately.

On that wilderness.

"I'm going to kill you!" Matt's face was ferocious, he roared like a mad dog, and strode towards the target.

In the wilderness, strong ultraviolet rays irradiate the earth, and a young man with two sabers crossed on his back is running.

With the first level of strengthening power, Shi Liu's speed has been greatly improved compared to before, but he didn't know that if he was an ordinary person running desperately under the scorching sun, his skin would probably have rotted away.

Suddenly, the needle-pricking sensation came again, and Shi Liu stopped expressionlessly. He knew that Matt was not far away from him now.

The third level of rapid enhancement is enough to rival a speeding motorcycle.

Moreover, it is too easy for Matt to catch up with Shi Liu at such a speed, so it is useless to keep running.

Shi Liu's eyes looked around the endless wilderness, and Chiyin's left eye kept adjusting the viewing distance, observing whether there was any special terrain.

If he started fighting with Matt in this endless wilderness, Shi Liu would undoubtedly be looking for death.The ability to leave a few bullets on Matt before was due to the tavern's terrain and combat experience.

Matt, who had been enhanced with third-order strength and swiftness, must have tracked him by smell.


Shi Liu thought to himself, and at the same time Chiyin looked at a large puddle not far away with his left eye.

It seems to be a river that has dried up, but there is still a puddle like the source. The puddle is only ten meters in diameter, and the surrounding land is soft soil.

Shi Liu didn't think much about it, he drove the first-order rapid enhancement to the peak state, and rushed towards the puddle.


He plunged into the puddle, and now he didn't have time to survey the depth of the puddle, but grabbed handfuls of mud from the puddle and wiped it all over himself.

Since Matt could smell his own scent, the mud full of wilderness made Shi Liu enter a certain invisible state.

Then, Shi Liu lowered his head and buried himself in the muddy and dirty water.

For a moment, Shi Liu, holding his breath in the water, heard movement on the shore.

It was a pair of fast feet, it hurriedly stepped across the water bank, and the sniffing sound kept ringing.

On the shore, Matt was wandering around, his demonic scarlet eyes filled with irritability and hatred.

His nose was like a range hood, and he never stopped chasing him all the way.

However, just here, the aura of that damned man disappeared like the world evaporated.

His eyes became more careful, and the organs on his entire face became tense.Matt's good deeds were ruined by Shi Liu, and the other party even shot him several times. Naturally, Matt wanted to catch Shi Liu and tear him apart.

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the pool of muddy water.

In the water, Shi Liu was startled.

The guy with the third-order enhancement is really extraordinary...

Shi Liu thought silently in his heart, and he began to calculate.

If he wanted to escape Matt's claws in this wilderness, he had to suffer another injury like the one in the tavern before he had a chance to escape.After all, the watering hole is not a permanent hiding place now.

However, if he got up from the water now, drew his gun to aim, and then pulled the trigger, this series of actions was enough for Matt, who had been strengthened at the third level of swiftness, to kill himself several times.

And if he wants to have enough time to escape, Matt must be blown unconscious. Shi Liu believes that even the M500 cannot achieve such explosive power.

On the water bank, Matt was walking vigilantly towards the muddy water with his eyes wide open.

He seemed to have figured out something.

"Let me guess, soldier. Don't you feel uncomfortable in this stinky water?" Matt laughed grinningly, but he was no longer as rampant as the first time he met Shi Liu, but approached cautiously step by step.

"When it comes to fighting, you are a rookie!" These words were deeply burned into Matt's brain.

"Don't you want me to pull you up, soldier. Believe me, after I pull you ashore, you will suffer worse than being eaten by piranhas." Matt grinned grinningly, one foot had already stepped into the cold buttocks. in dirty water.

In the water, Shi Liu had already untied the "Falcon N-1" sniper rifle on his shoulder.

The golden pupil in Chiyin's left eye squirmed slightly, and he carefully stared at the distance and depth of Matt's step into the water.

"Soldier, you are too cowardly." Matt laughed loudly, he felt the depth of the puddle, which was downhill.

Pooh! ——

Before the words fell, water splashed, and a slender sniper rifle flew horizontally from the center of the puddle, and the waves of water splashed Matt's face.

The sniper rifle came out like a flying fish through the water, and its direction was Matt who was wiping the water from his eyes with his hand!

The moment the sniper rifle flew out, a man covered in mud suddenly stood up amidst the spreading water waves. He was carrying two sabers on his back, and a large-caliber revolver was pinned to his waist. There were originally two, but one of them is now Has been held in his right hand.

Time seemed to freeze, and the sniper rifle spun towards Matt with a spray of water. When the square clip under the gun body was exposed due to the rotation, Shi Liu pulled the trigger without hesitation.

boom! ——

The muzzle flame flashed, the gunfire rang out, and a bullet wrapped in faint flames swirled out. Its direction was the clip of the sniper rifle.

boom! ——

The flames exploded, forming a small explosion space in a trembling that shook the sky.

The moment Shi Liu pulled the trigger, his whole body leaned back sharply, and with a plop, he fell into the muddy water again.

"Water can reduce the impact of the explosion, Matt, you are a pig brain in combat after all."

The waves spread irregularly, Shi Liu raised the M500 with both hands, and stood up from the water with his body covered in stinky mud.

Near the shore, half of Matt's body was lying on the mud, and his lower body was already immersed in the water.A black smoking gun barrel fell from the sky. At this moment, Matt's head was blown off half of the head. The milky white brain and scarlet blood spread for several meters, and the white bones were visible in the wound.His entire left shoulder had been blown off, exposing broken tendons and bone spurs, and a large blood hole had been broken in his chest, which could reach the position of his heart.

Undoubtedly, the method of detonating the 10 bullets in the magazine of the sniper rifle has been played by Shi Liu.

Matt is only knocked out now, but relying on his perverted bone and blood proliferation ability, Shi Liu believes that within 10 minutes, the complete Matt will come back.

The peak speed of the first order was activated, and in the blink of an eye, there was no sign of Shi Liu in this puddle.

(End of this chapter)

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