Chapter 134 Revenge

The sunset is west of the mountain, and the afterglow of dusk shines on this wilderness, as if a lot of gold is scattered.

For some reason, today's dusk is extraordinarily beautiful, and such a scene would never have appeared in the past.If people see the wilderness at this moment, they will definitely be happy with it.

But Matt was not happy at all, on the contrary, he was in a bad mood at the moment.This morning, Shi Liu used the explosion of the sniper rifle to knock him out. In fact, he was only stunned for less than a few seconds, but the powerful ability was in a state of numbness. He just watched Shi Liu go away.

Two years ago, he was kicked out of the G9 base by old Henry.Since all his personal information is published through the computer of the Fleck Company, he cannot enter various places opened by the Fleck Company at all. He is carrying a serious virus.

He has been to some urban gathering places, where the old-age citizens who depend on each other for survival live, and they have nothing to do with Fleck.But within a few days after he entered, he was beaten violently by the people because of his steadfast sexual habit, and he almost beat him to death.

After that, he lived a life of wandering in the wilderness again.Several times he almost died under the claws of corpse wolves and other mutant creatures, but he survived tenaciously. Just when he was almost desperate, fate favored him.

An unknown background and name endowed him with this powerful and perverted ability.

Then, this person left quietly. When he left, he left a message for Matt: "Go and do whatever you want."

After acquiring the ability, the first thing to do is revenge.He first sneaked into the vicinity of the base, and then lingered for more than ten days. According to his previous memory of the base, he successfully killed the patrolling soldiers one morning, entered the base and destroyed the main switch.

Then, a massacre came quietly like that.

But what made Matt feel like a failure was that two people in the entire base survived. Not only did he not taste Lisa's taste, but he also let the man he found in the hibernation warehouse two years ago play around.

Now, he dragged his body and wandered in this wilderness, sniffing at every distance.

However, there was no sign of him around at all.

He was right, he was not suitable for fighting.But don't let yourself catch him, when the time comes, you will tear him alive!
Matt was ruthless in his heart, and he roared unwillingly. Finally, he raised his head to the sky and roared like thunder in the wilderness.

This scene was reflected in a golden pupil with a red silver left eye.

"My breath is nearby, come on! Only here can I kill you to the best extent!" Shi Liu showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

As night fell, a dragging figure walked slowly into a grand canyon.

Matt looked exhausted, wandering in the wilderness for nearly a day, the damn sun made his brain ache, and he was only exposed to the sun for less than a day, his lips were already dry and cracked. .

There were only two thoughts on Matt's mind right now.

Kill Shi Liu, water.Kill Shi Liu, water...

In the dark night, Matt sniffed hard with his nose, and suddenly he became energetic.

Immediately afterwards, he frantically looked around, and finally, he ran towards the light of a large rock.

On one corner of the big rock, a piece of torn tactical uniform sleeve was hanging, fluttering in the breeze.

Matt picked up the broken sleeve, held it to his nose and sniffed it hard. , he smelled blood.

Then, his devil-like eyes shone brightly, this is the taste of Shi Liu!

In other words, that damned man was injured!
Matt got excited, and he immediately followed the smell of blood floating in the canyon all the way.

In a cave in the canyon, Shi Liu took advantage of the moonlight to untie all the equipment behind him.

A small marching rucksack, and the two sabers that didn't see blood.

He opened the rucksack, pulled out a slender cable, and then he began a series of tasks.

This cave was the place where Shi Liu found Matt's first whereabouts more than ten days ago, and the torn wolf corpse inside had already turned into inorganic matter.

Moreover, there are many explosive tubes buried around this cave. Shi Liu wanted to use this explosive dangerous object to blow up corpse wolves more than ten days ago. Detonate.

Now, they can just use their explosion to blow up this cave. If Matt comes in stupidly, then his whole body will be buried by stones by then.

Although it is known that Matt is immortal, Shi Liu is still willing to take a gamble.

Under the moonlight, Matt searched for the smell of blood all the way to the entrance of this cave.

He stood still and looked inside carefully.

On the backlit side of a rock, he found a person whose shoulders were slightly exposed and kept shaking, as if its owner had been injured and was hiding behind the rock to rest.

With a dark smile, Matt walked into the cave lightly with a sullen face, and walked slowly towards the rock.

He carefully watched every move of the man behind the rock, and he wanted to give him a surprise attack.In that way, the opponent will have no way to fight back and can only wait for death.

After the fight in the tavern, Matt already knew that Shi Liu also had a high speed enhancement, so he chose to approach slowly.If Shi Liu was a waste without any enhancements, why should Matt be so afraid of him?

Behind the rock, Shi Liu lightly took out the two M500s on his waist, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Here, Matt moved step by step cautiously. He was secretly laughing at Shi Liu at the moment, but the other party didn't know that he had entered the cave.

Matt was so focused behind the rock now that he stepped out and swept a slender cable.

He froze for a moment, not knowing what happened.

However, Matt could vaguely see in the moonlight that came in, a saber gleaming with murderous intent swept across!

puff! ——

The sound of the knife cutting flesh and blood sounded, and Matt's kick happened to touch Shi Liu's well-designed mechanism.Touch the cable across the middle of the cave, and the pressure generated by the cable will be transmitted to the forbidden cable at the other end, and a saber is tied to the other end.

The blood flashed by, and Matt only felt his legs get cold, and then he lost contact with his brain!

Yes, his legs were severed with one blow by the mighty saber, at the hardest knee!
The saber slashed across Matt's legs, brought a bloody arrow, and finally fell to the ground amidst the sound of ping-pong.

Matt yelled, without the support of his legs, he immediately fell forward.

However, on the way to fall, his body encountered another cable!
Then, he saw the same saber as before, chopping vertically from the upper right side of the cave!

puff! ——

There was another sound of a knife cutting meat. The saber cut hard into the right side of Matt's neck. Unfortunately, it failed to cut Matt's neck completely.

At this moment, Shi Liu's figure flashed out from behind the rock.

Matt was startled, he saw not only Shi Liu, but also the two rough and black large-caliber muzzles in the opponent's hand.

boom! --boom! ——

(End of this chapter)

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