Chapter 135 Revenge

The dark cave was illuminated by muzzle flames, and the M500 blasted twice in a row, and two bullets wrapped in faint flames spun out.

In the blink of an eye, white brains and rich blood splashed onto the walls on both sides of the cave.Matt's disheveled head was blown off, and the visual impact of the head explosion made Shi Liu, who was holding the revolver flat, frown slightly.

Matt, with only a small piece of head left, raised a hand slightly, but the hand hung down weakly.

A large series of data quickly passed through Shi Liu's brain, and he silently estimated the time for Matt's flesh and blood to proliferate.

Immediately, Shi Liu put two revolvers back into his waist, and ran out of the cave with big strides.

On the way, he picked up two blood-stained sabers and crossed them on his back.

As soon as he stepped out of the cave, a roar resounded in the cave.

Shi Liu looked back, only to see Matt, whose head was blown to pieces, screaming and struggling to stand up again!

His originally amputated legs are healing, nerves, flesh and tissues are growing from the knees at a crazy speed, and the terrifying head is also rapidly returning to its original appearance.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

While roaring, Matt's thin body underwent a huge change at this moment.

The muscles of his **** upper body began to grow crazily, and all the blue veins were forced to appear, and bone spurs slowly appeared on the arms and shoulders, and the bone spurs penetrated the muscles and skin, slowly growing with blood.

And his entire upper body also began to increase dramatically, just like that, he became a monster with a huge upper body but the lower body still kept its original appearance!

Looking at the mutated Matt, Shi Liu exhaled. He knew that a battle of life and death was inevitable.

Without giving Shi Liu time to react, Matt's terrifying Tier [-] Swiftness was instantly activated, bringing an afterimage and rushing towards him.

Shi Liu hid in a panic.

The third level of quick strengthening is as fast as an instant flash.Matt's strong body slammed into Shi Liu's body hard, and the latter only had time to take a step to the side before being loaded five meters away.

There was a stabbing pain in the breastbone, accompanied by a sound of mechanical collision.Shi Liu didn't have time to pay attention to the pain. After he fell to the ground, his whole body immediately rolled to the side, and his hands habitually touched the two M500s around his waist.

Then, a terrifyingly long and slender index finger suddenly stuck into the sand, kicking up countless dust residues.

If it weren't for Shi Liu's first-order quick enhancement to use Dao Peak, he might not be able to avoid this charged blow.

boom! --boom! ——

The sky-shattering gunshots rang out, and no matter how fast Matt was, he still couldn't dodge the two shots that Shi Liu had already prepared.

One bullet hit Matt in the chest and the other in the waist.

The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet sent Matt flying, and his huge body flew backwards amidst the blood and flesh.

Shi Liu looked at this timing, and quickly adjusted the muzzle of the M500, aiming at the direction where Matt flew upside down.

In that place, there are several detonators that I planted more than ten days ago.

boom! --boom! ——

Two more shots, and these were the last two rounds in the two M500 drums.

boom! ——

The flames soaring into the sky appeared, and countless dust residues shot up into the sky.The powerful explosion of the detonator actually blasted the ground, forming a huge pit.

Just as Matt was about to hit the ground, Shi Liu pulled the trigger.

But Shi Liu couldn't guarantee that Matt could be killed by relying on these few detonators, after all, the growth of that guy's bones and blood was too perverted.

So just after the explosion, Shi Liu pulled out the two sabers he was carrying.If the two M500s were loaded with bullets at this time, Matt, who was not killed by the bomb, could take advantage of this gap to tear Shi Liu into pieces.

Just as he pulled out two sabers, Shi Liu's eyes twitched slightly.

He saw that Matt's huge body fell directly from the pit.

Shi Liu frowned. He just planted three detonators. No matter how powerful the explosion was, the depth of the crater would not exceed five meters.But looking at Matt's actions just now, it seems that he has fallen into an endless abyss.

He hastened to the pit in front of him.During the run, Chiyin's left eye constantly adjusted the sight distance so that he could see the movement ahead more clearly.

When he came to the edge of the pit, Shi Liu saw that the pit was indeed an endless abyss, and under the abyss there was a fat giant worm slowly wriggling.

Matt's huge body was descending rapidly. Although he kept using his hands to climb the pit wall, it was a pity that his huge body was too heavy, and even the protruding rock fell with him.

The giant worm was taken aback for a moment, and then it revealed its head-sized mouthparts like a prophet, and aimed at the top of the pit.

With Matt's unwilling roar, he and the rock fell into the mouth of the giant worm.

The mouthparts were closed, and the giant worm returned to its original shape as if nothing happened.

Shi Liu never expected that this gold swallowing worm was dug all the way from the mining area of ​​the G9 base to this place.

This shows that the surface of this canyon is already very fragile. After all, only three detonators are needed to blow up the gold swallowing bug, which is enough to show how soft the land is.

With old Henry and the others in his mind, Shi Liu walked away from the pit slowly, and inserted the two sabers back into his back.The first-order swiftly activated to its peak, and he galloped towards the G9 base.

Your revenge is avenged!
In the early morning of the next day, Shi Liu returned to the G9 base.

Surprisingly, all those horrific corpses in the base have been disposed of, and the ground has been cleaned up.

He walked slowly towards the work area, where a large group of miners were gathered, arguing loudly about something.

On the high platform in the working area, there stood the person in charge of the mining area named Jieto.

Next to Jieto is the girl Lisa.She lowered her head slightly, as if the group of miners was arguing about her.

Shi Liu pushed away a miner, and he strode towards Jieto.

"Unbelievable! You are finally back, sir!" Jieto opened his eyes wide, his voice obviously agitated.

Seeing this young man with two sabers on his back, two large-caliber revolvers pinned to his waist, and covered in blood, the quarrel among the miners gradually faded away.

"What's going on." Shi Liu looked at Lisa and said coldly.

"Sir, I have to tell you that we are going to drive Ms. Lisa out of the G9 base." Jieto said with a serious face, as if he was the person in power at the base.

"Oh?" Shi Liu sneered, "Why?"

Jieto glanced at Lisa, and then said: "Miss Lisa was infected with some kind of virus from somewhere. After our test, she is a second-level virus. We don't want to do this, but for everyone's safety, we can only Miss Lisa, please leave the base!"

If old Henry heard such words, he might lose his head.Shi Liu thought with a sneer in his heart, and at the same time he also witnessed with his own eyes what it means that there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.

"Yes, she should leave the base." Shi Liu said with a faint smile, and strode onto the working platform.

Hearing these words, Lisa lowered her head even more.

Shi Liu stepped onto the platform in a few steps, and he came in front of Lisa, holding her little hand.

"However, I will leave with her."

The words were very calm, without the slightest hesitation.

Lisa raised her head suddenly, her beautiful eyes like autumn water were fixed on Shi Liu's eyes.

Shi Liu smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Since this place no longer belongs to us, then we can leave together!"

"En!" The girl's beautiful eyes had water droplets, and she nodded vigorously.

Jieto was taken aback for a moment, he who had secretly felt a sense of accomplishment, was immediately stunned.

On the platform, a young man and woman just looked at each other. Lisa's heart was filled with endless warmth. She had already decided that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, she would always be by this man's side and never be separated!
(End of this chapter)

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