Chapter 136 Journey

"How long and how large a war will we have to fight to dominate the Teledis galaxy? How many war gods will it take to win this war? The answer is, where are you!" -Joe Forglass .

The autumn wind swept the fallen leaves, and in the wilderness, an old-fashioned off-road chariot sped past, attracting the attention of several corpse wolves around.

In the car, Lisa gently embraced Shi Liu in the driver's seat, seemingly falling asleep.

The off-road vehicle bumped suddenly, causing the girl to wake up suddenly.

Shi Liu tilted his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Lisa, there are still a few hundred kilometers left before we can reach the place where the red maple leaves gather."

The girl nodded slightly.

The Red Maple Leaf gathering place is a paradise on earth for ordinary people. Although it is a gathering place, it is similar to the G9 base.There were at least tens of thousands of civilians gathered there.Shi Liu learned about that place from Jieto.

Since the G9 base can't accommodate Lisa, Shi Liu doesn't mind taking her away with him.

After all, the old Henry who has been in charge of the G9 base for more than ten years is no longer there, and now Fleck has sent a young heir to take over the base.The so-called one emperor and one courtier, a small base is no exception, and no one can guarantee what kind of changes will be made after the young heir takes over the base.

The place where the red maple leaves gather is undoubtedly the best place for Shi Liu and Lisa.

In the evening, the off-road vehicle continued to speed under the illumination of the headlights.

Ahead, there were several large trucks blocking the way.

The golden pupil in Chiyin's left eye adjusted the distance of sight, and Shi Liu frowned slightly.

There are four vehicles in front, the first one is a somewhat dilapidated jeep, followed by two semi-trailer tractors, with huge oil tanks loaded on the traction bucket.

The last one is a school bus.

A raging bonfire was lit, and around the four cars, a large group of people were sitting around the bonfire.

Among them were strong men, women, and large groups of children.

"Hunter, if you don't put the can down again, trust me, I will tear your mouth apart." Beside the campfire, a strong black man stood up and shouted loudly, waving his fists.

After finishing the words, the thin young man named Hunter obediently put a can of luncheon meat aside.

On the off-road vehicle, Shi Liu looked at Lisa: "Since they have food, why not buy some from them."

Lisa nodded slightly.

"Wait for me in the car." Shi Liu said, opened the car door and got out of the car, striding towards the crowd in front of him.

People were eating a simple dinner around the bonfire, and they were slightly taken aback when they saw a young man with two sabers on his back and two large-caliber revolvers in his waist walking towards them.

Immediately several strong men stood up and stood in front of a group of women.

"Hey, boy, if you want to join us, please give your name first." It was the same strong black man just now, and this time he raised his voice very high.

Shi Liu smiled slightly, strode forward and said: "There is no malice, I just see that you have food, so I want to pay for it."

The strong black man looked Shi Liu up and down, and then looked at the men around him.

"We have canned luncheon meat, bread and purified water here, that's all. I don't know what you want." One of the men said coldly.

After thinking for a while, Shi Liudao: "I want all three, make two servings, how much is it?"

Several men immediately murmured in their ears, and after a while, the strong black man standing at the front said: "It's 45 yuan in total, pay with one hand, and deliver with one hand."

"Money is not a problem, first bring me the food." Shi Liu smiled.

The black man rolled his eyes and shouted, "Hunter, bring him food."

While speaking, the thin young man named Hunter immediately ran towards the vehicle.

After a while, Hunter walked quickly with food in both hands.

"Sir, please look." The black man took the food.

Under the light of the surrounding bonfires, Shi Liu clearly saw that the food was indeed canned food, bread and water.

Shi Liu remained silent, his left hand went deep into the tactical uniform, and he took out a few banknotes.

The black hand gave Hunter the food in his hand, and motioned to get the money. The latter approached Shi Liu and took the money from him.

"This is a very good deal, I like it." The black man counted the money carefully twice, then grinned.

Shi Liu smiled slightly, then turned to leave with the food.

"Sir, may I ask, where are you going by car?" A black voice sounded from behind.

Shi Liu stopped, looked back and said, "There are quite a few of you, can you tell me first?"

He knew that the black man holding the money was probably the leader of the team.

The black didn't hide it either: "We're going to the place where the red maple leaves gather, it's really a paradise on earth."

Shi Liu raised his eyebrows slightly, the destination of this convoy was the same as his own.

"Coincidentally, I'm going to Red Maple Leaf too."

After hearing this, the black man's eyes lit up immediately, "Thank God, we have another partner! Since we are like-minded, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jess, and I am also the founder of this team."

Shi Liu nodded, "My name is Shi Liu. If Mr. Jess has nothing to do, I'm going to eat."

As he spoke, he pointed to the off-road vehicle parked behind him. Shi Liu didn't say that he was taking a girl with him because he didn't want to cause unnecessary troubles.

"Believe me, eating alone is not as good as sharing with everyone, isn't it?" the black man said, pointing to the crowd around the bonfire.

Shi Liu shook his head, and walked towards the off-road vehicle without looking back.

As night fell, on the off-road vehicle, Shi Liuhuan hugged Lisa, and the girl snuggled into his arms, sleeping soundly.

Although he knew that Lisa was carrying the second-level virus, Shi Liu didn't see it from her face or other parts.

He decided that the first thing to do after arriving at the Red Maple Leaf gathering place was to take Lisa to the best hospital.

Since Red Maple Leaf is a gathering place, the people inside will definitely be divided into different ranks. It is indeed necessary to find characters such as local snakes to make connections with. not enough.

As the cold wind hit, Shi Liu hugged Lisa even tighter.

Suddenly, the skin under the tactical uniform felt a sharp pinprick!
Shi Liu put Lisa down immediately, and habitually took out two M500s.

Chiyin's left eye adjusted the viewing distance. In the distance in the wilderness, under the moonlight, a large group of living corpses were staggeringly walking on the wilderness.

According to their travel route, they must pass the convoy ahead!
Shi Liu was startled. If they were allowed to pass by the convoy, would the men, women and children sleeping in the car still be alive?

Although he was not familiar with that group of people, Shi Liu still showed kindness slightly.

He quickly jumped out of the car and quietly touched the convoy.

Although the eyesight of the living corpses has deteriorated, their sense of smell is more sensitive than that of animals.If Shi Liu ran directly towards the convoy, the breath of healthy humans would definitely reach the noses of the living corpses.

Shi Liu was like a ghost, landing silently.After a while, he came to the door of the first off-road vehicle.

Through the transparent window glass, Shi Liu saw that black Jess was sleeping soundly in the passenger seat, and the driver was the young man named Hunter.
(End of this chapter)

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