Chapter 137 The Road
Since the car door was not locked, Shi Liu opened the car door effortlessly.

Gently pushed the black Jess, but this guy was in a deep sleep. Shi Liu continued to exert force, but he still didn't respond.

Shi Liu pursed his lips, gently pulled out a saber behind his back, pointed the tip of the knife at the thigh of the black man wearing leather pants, and poked it slightly again.

The black man jumped up immediately, and the pain from his thigh woke him up instantly, but just as he was about to open his mouth to shout out because of the pain, a hand was quickly pressed on his lips, making him hold back.

The black man looked aside, Shi Liu shook his head slightly at him.

Putting down his hand, the black man whispered in a dazed expression, "What's going on?"

"A large group of living corpses are approaching here, and they seem to be passing by here." Shi Liu said softly.

The black man immediately changed color. In his mind, living corpses are not a good role. If they are allowed to pass by the convoy, they will definitely notice the crowd in the car, and no one can say for sure.

"In this way, you wake people up by the car, and ask them to hold their breath as much as possible when the living corpse approaches, understand." Shi Liu simply ordered.

Black people make an OK gesture.

Shi Liu nodded, left gently, and walked towards the off-road vehicle where Lisa was.

Next, the people in the four cars were woken up one after another. When they heard that it was a living corpse, they all turned pale with fright. The women hugged their children tightly in their arms in panic, not daring to make a sound.

Shi Liu gently came to the off-road vehicle, he squatted down, and kept digging the loose soil in the wilderness with both hands.

Then, he opened the car door, gently took off the clothes on the sleeping Lisa, wiped the whole clothes with soil, and put them on Lisa again.

After finishing these, Shi Liu took out two M500s and squatted down not far from the convoy.

After all, while protecting Lisa's safety, he also had to protect the people in these four vehicles.

Moments later, under the moonlight, a large group of rickety living corpses approached the convoy.

They walked so slowly, as if every time they took a step, they had to use their noses to smell the breath of living things around them.

If there are, then they will naturally rush to the target, and then bite.

Looking at the approaching corpse, Shi Liu tactfully retreated to the side of the off-road vehicle.

The off-road vehicle exudes the smell of gasoline, and this strong smell will well cover up Shi Liu's human breath.

After all, the living corpse is not stupid enough to bite a car.

Chiyin's left eye adjusted the viewing distance, carefully observing the movements of the living corpses.

They have already passed by the four vehicles in groups, and they have not found anyone in the vehicle.

Shi Liu felt a lot relieved, he didn't want to have any conflicts with these living corpses.

It seems that the black Jess is doing well.

Inside the car, people stared at the living corpses passing by with wide eyes, and no one dared to show their air.

After a while, the living corpses moved away from the convoy.

Shi Liu exhaled, and the acupuncture sensation on his skin gradually weakened.

After squatting for nearly half an hour, he was really tired. Shi Liu got up slightly, but he heard the sound of a machine crashing inside his body.

Shi Liu frowned.

When I was fighting Matt in the canyon before, I also heard this sound in my body. Could it be that there are any mechanical parts in my body?

Shi Liu was puzzled and didn't think much about it.He glanced at Lisa in the car, opened the door to shake off the dust from the dress, and put it on the latter again.

Then he walked to the convoy.

The door of the jeep opened, and the black Jess and the thin young Hunter got out of the car together.

"They have gone far away, and there is no danger for the time being, but I cannot guarantee absolute safety in the future." Shi Liu stepped forward and said.

"So, for the sake of the women and children, I think it's time for us to go through the night." Jace grinned.

Shi Liu nodded, and what Jess meant was obvious, the three of them would keep vigil tonight.

Suddenly, the tingling sensation on the skin came again.

Shi Liu was startled, Chiyin pulled his left eye into the distance, a living corpse with a big gap in its head was rapidly approaching Jess and Hunter who were facing away from it!

Shi Liu stepped forward quickly, pushed the two of them away, and at the same time touched the handle of the saber on his back with his left hand.

Jess and Hunter were stunned, and the next moment, the sound of a knife stabbing flesh sounded.

When the two looked at it, Shi Liu had already inserted a saber into the head of a living corpse with such force that it penetrated the entire head of the living corpse.

But it wasn't over yet. Before he could draw out his saber, Shi Liu touched the handle of the M500 at his waist with his right hand.

The large-caliber revolver was raised, and the index finger quickly moved closer to the trigger, the muzzle flame flashed, the sound of the gunshot rang out, and a bullet wrapped in a faint flame whizzed out, shooting towards the back of the living corpse.

Jess and Hunter clearly saw a running corpse flying backwards from a distance, spilling countless blood and milky white brains on the way, and falling heavily on the ground again.

Putting away the M500, Shi Liu pulled out his saber, took a blood arrow, and then inserted it back into his back again.

These two living corpses finally smelled human beings.It's a pity that Youshi Liu is here, so there's no room for two living corpses to act recklessly.

Under the moonlight, a bonfire burned blazingly, emitting dazzling fire and heat.

The three sat around the bonfire, all silent.

At this time, the black man took out a crumpled cigarette case from his pocket, tore off the lid and threw it away, and handed it to Shi Liu.

Shi Liu glanced at him, and unceremoniously took out one.

Lit it in the bonfire, Shi Liu took a hard bite, the smell of low-quality tobacco swirled in his lungs, and then released from his nose.Although the taste of this cigarette is not very good, Shi Liu enjoys it very much.

"I can smoke one every day, and I feel like God is on my head." Jess laughed.

As they said that, the black man and Hunter also lit their cigarettes, and they obviously enjoyed a lot when they smoked.

"I agree with this." Shi Liu smiled.

At this time, Hunter's eyes fell on the two large-caliber revolvers on Shi Liu's waist.

"Dude, can you show me?" Hunter asked tentatively. As long as he is a man, there is no one who is not interested in violent weapons.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Shi Liu pulled out an M500 and handed it to him.

Hunter took it carefully, and the heavy barrel of the M500 fell between his hands. He shook his head and sighed: "Good thing, if we also have it, who else in this wilderness can bully us?"

Shi Liu smiled, but said nothing.

On the other hand, Jess frowned and said, "You kid thinks about it. I taught you how to shoot a gun before. Why didn't you learn it? You said it was too loud."

Hunter gave him a hard look, admired the pistol several times, and then returned it to Shi Liu reluctantly.

Hunter is right. In this era of the jungle, violence is far more practical than reason.

A long and lonely night passed like this, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

The jeep driven by Hunter was leading the way. Due to the darkness last night, Shi Liu did not realize until today that the front of the jeep did not have a bumper, but was attached to a thick steel plate that was as wide as the body. Inlaid with countless steel thorns, all of which expand outward.

That's why this not-so-big Jeep has to be driven.

(End of this chapter)

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