Chapter 138

About a day's journey, the outline of the residential buildings in the red maple leaf gathering place appeared in Shi Liu's eyes.

The name of the red maple leaf gathering place is not named after the red maple leaves are planted in this place.The reason is that the chairman of this gathering place loves red maple leaves very much, and this gathering place did not have a title before, so he followed suit and called this gathering place Red Maple Leaf.

Jess's convoy plus Shi Liu's off-road vehicle made a total of five vehicles.

After a while, the school bus in front of Shi Liu slowly stopped following the cars in front.

Shi Liu also stopped the car, and he poked his head slightly to look ahead.That was the entrance of the Red Maple Leaf Gathering Place, and there were dilapidated small sheds on both sides of the entrance. At this time, Jess and Hunter had already got off the car, talking with several people dressed as soldiers.

"Wait here for me." Shi Liu turned his head to Lisa and said, seeing her nodding obediently, he opened the car door and got out of the car, striding forward.

When passing by the cars ahead, quite a few people opened their windows to stare at the young man with two sabers on his back and two large-caliber revolvers in his waist.According to Jess, he was the one who dispersed the danger for everyone last night, and he also killed two living corpses by himself.

"Mom, I want it too!" A child shouted excitedly, pointing at the two sabers behind Shi Liu.

A woman frowned and pulled him into her arms, "It's a dangerous thing, don't touch it."

"I said buddy, there are so many of you, there really isn't much room for you to live in this gathering place."

"Man, you also know the dangers of this world. We two men are fine, but you have to think about the women and children in the car."

Shi Liu could hear Jess arguing with a soldier from afar.

"You can live if you want, but you need to pay, 5 yuan per person!" Another soldier yelled at Jess.

"5 yuan per person?" The indifferent and hoarse voice sounded, and several soldiers were slightly taken aback. They saw a young man with two sabers on his back and two large-caliber revolvers in his waist and asked quickly.

"Dude, you're here, hey." Seeing that it was Shi Liu, Jess smiled slightly.

Several soldiers looked at each other, as if they were discussing something with their eyes.

"Yes, it's 5 yuan per person. This is the rule set by the chairman!" A young soldier said coldly while looking at Shi Liu.

Both Jess and Hunter looked at Shi Liu. If they really wanted 5 yuan each, it would be really difficult for them to sell.

Shi Liu smiled slightly, reached for the tactical uniform with his right hand, and took out a large stack of banknotes.

Several soldiers stared wide-eyed, wondering if this is a local tyrant?Fuck, even if labor and management work for a lifetime, they won't be able to earn this money!

Shi Liu threw the stack of banknotes on the ground casually, and looked at the soldier who yelled at Jess just now, "We don't have too many people, as for the money, that's all."

Shi Liu didn't even know how much this stack of banknotes was worth.This was taken from old Henry's drawer when he took Lisa out of the G9 base. The old man was like a miser. When Shi Liu opened the drawer, he couldn't help being surprised.

Jess and Hunter secretly gave a thumbs up. It seems that this kid is not only outstanding in himself, but also a little rich man.

One of the soldiers swallowed, and quickly picked up the money again without the image of a soldier, and slowly counted it in his hand.

"Dude, I met God today! Hey!" The black Jess looked at Shi Liu and grinned.

"240 yuan..." The soldier counted carefully twice, and then looked at several companions around him in horror.

240 yuan... 5 yuan per person, how many people are worth this money!

"Jess, hurry up and count how many people are in the car, and then report to these guys." Shi Liu said lightly.

"Okay!" The black man readily agreed, and then quickly ran to the convoy behind.

"Hurry up and report to Chairman Gerald, business is here today!" A soldier shouted, he was the same soldier who yelled at Jess before.Now it seems that he should be the captain of these soldiers.

Several soldiers nodded immediately, then turned and rushed towards the gathering place.

After a while, Jess came running panting heavily, looked around and said, "Including the children, there are 32 people in total."

32 people, a total of 160 yuan, 80 yuan more than this pile of money.

"Now, can we go in?" Shi Liu asked with a smile.

There was an unnatural embarrassment on the captain's face, he was silent for a long time, and then he said: "It can be done, but it must be approved by the chairman."

"If you still have too few chairmen, I have more here." Shi Liu said lightly.

As he spoke, he took out another stack of banknotes from his pocket, and Jess and Hunter's eyes widened slightly.

How much is this guy worth?You wouldn't have been a gangster before, would you?
The captain looked at the money in Shi Liu's hand in a daze, the muscles on his face twitched slightly, and he stopped talking.

After a while, those soldiers came running again, and one of them whispered in the captain's ear: "The chairman said you can go in."

The captain nodded heavily, then looked at Shi Liu and the others: "Gentlemen, forgive my ignorance before, the chairman has already let you go, please come in now."

As he spoke, he motioned for several soldiers to make way.The spacious dirt road sandwiched between the residential buildings on both sides suddenly appeared.

The three nodded, and then turned around and drove separately.

"Man, your money is 80 yuan too much. I don't have any money left to give you. When you settle down, I will send it to you in person." caliber revolver shouted from the back.

But the other party said without looking back: "No need."

After hearing this, the soldiers became excited. The 80 yuan was enough for their brothers to drink several drinks in the gathering place!

Five cars started and drove into the gathering place one after another.

After putting the car in the parking lot, everyone started to get busy. First, they registered at the registration office and kept their personal files, and then they went to the living department to collect various daily necessities.The whole process has been busy until the evening.

Due to the large number of Jess and the others, the residential buildings in this gathering place have long been occupied.So they had to set up tents for three or two people to live in, so on the large open space behind the red maple leaves gathering place, nearly 20 tents of various sizes were erected.During the construction process, Jess and Hunter helped Shi Liu a lot.

At night, a small light bulb was hung in one of the tents, and Shi Liu and Lisa were having dinner quietly.

Two palm-sized pieces of bread, a bottle of drinking water, dinner is so simple.

It's not that Shi Liu is stingy and doesn't buy other food, it's just that this red maple leaf gathering place only has these two things.

Shi Liu picked up a piece of bread, tore off a small half and put it on his plate, then put the remaining half and another whole piece of bread on Lisa's plate.

"I can't eat so much, you..." Lisa waved her hand in embarrassment, but was interrupted by Shi Liu when she was about to push.

"Eat it." Shi Liu said in a commanding tone, and then he softened his tone: "Eat it, you are currently in a period of illness, and you need food more than me."

"En." Lisa nodded obediently, but her heart was filled with warmth.

At this moment, heavy footsteps sounded in the distance outside the tent.

Shi Liu was taken aback for a moment, he put down the bread, looked at Lisa and said, "Eat, I'll go out and have a look."

After speaking, he got up and opened the tent and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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