Chapter 139 Conflict
After leaving the courtyard, the soldiers did not continue to lead Shi Liu.Because Shi Liu told the other party that he had already remembered the way back.

Walking alone on the road in the spacious residential area, only the bright moon in the sky can illuminate his way.

Turning a corner, Shi Liu heard human footsteps.

The sound of footsteps was irregular, as if its owner was walking unsteadily at all.

Then, a strong smell of alcohol entered Shi Liu's nostrils.

A series of data immediately flooded into the brain, and finally concluded that this person had to drink at least two bottles of high-quality whiskey, and the smell could really suffocate people to death.

Undoubtedly, the other party was an alcoholic.

Under the moonlight, a tall but very thin old man staggered out from the corner.

Shi Liu frowned, and he immediately dodged to the side to prevent the opponent from colliding with him.

But for some reason, the old man still touched Shi Liu on the shoulder.

Shi Liu turned his head and glanced at him.

The other party was wearing an old-fashioned dress and a high felt hat on his head. If he was paired with a cane, he would undoubtedly be a British gentleman in the 70s and [-]s.He has sleepy eyes, a rosaceous nose, and a thick black mustache between his nose and lips.

The old man burped, and the acrid smell of alcohol sprayed Shi Liu's face immediately.

Shi Liu frowned, this old man didn't seem to have much merit.But the more such a seemingly ordinary role, the more likely it is to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"My boy, you have a good gun."

The old man's eyes fell on the two M500s on Shi Liu's waist, and he narrowed his eyes slightly: "Oh, there are really not many people who know how to use M500s in this era, why don't you sell it to me, I am willing to pay 500 for one .”

One is 500, two are 1000.Shi Liu could use the money to buy more advanced and powerful firearms, but he still shook his head and said, "Sorry, I don't sell them."

The decisive answer made the old man slightly taken aback.

Then he said with a smile: "Funny guy, you don't make money, hey, I'm starting to like you."

But Shi Liu didn't like him at all, so he turned and left.The old man kept his eyes on the two murder weapons, and sighed: "There is such a good product, but I can't meet a master who loves money. It's a pity..."

He took out a bottle of plain wine from his body, opened the lid and took two gulps, then disappeared into the night staggeringly.

When he returned to the station, Shi Liu saw many people moving about in the open space from afar.

Moreover, there are men's curses and women's screams.

Shi Liu was startled, he clearly heard Lisa's voice amidst the chaos!

His face darkened immediately, and he slightly increased his speed, Shi Liu strode forward.

Outside the tent, Jess and several men were lying on the ground, their noses and faces were swollen, and Shi Liu knew that they must have been severely beaten before.

Lisa was dragged out by several men. Judging from her clothes, she should be a resident of this Red Maple Leaf.

A blond man stood beside him, looked at Lisa and said with a contemptuous smile: "Take her away to me, I really didn't expect that there would be such a good thing among these lowly refugees. It's going to cost you money."

"Let go of her!"

Hunter yelled, this thin young man was being pinned down by a strong black man like a bear, Hunter punched and kicked him, but he couldn't help him at all.

Taking all this into consideration, Shi Liu already knew what to do.

The first-level quickness enhancement made him approach the blond man in a few steps. Before he could react, Shi Liu raised his leg and stomped on his lumbar spine. The strength was so great that he stomped the man forward again and again.

Seeing that the blond man was about to fall to the ground, a saber shining with silver light was placed around his neck without warning.

The blond man yelled immediately, he put his arms on the ground fiercely, and managed to support his body that was about to fall down.Because if he allowed his body to fall again, his neck would be pressed hard against the saber.

Shi Liu completed these movements with a snap of his fingers, and just like that, the blond man lay on the ground like a dog, not daring to move a bit.Only then did his subordinates react, and the men who were pulling Lisa immediately surrounded him, and took out daggers and pistols from their bodies.The black man who pinned Hunter to the ground also cursed angrily, got up and came over.

"Boy, do you know what you're doing?" The blond man gave Shi Liu a hard look, "If you offend me, Claude, at Red Maple Leaf, I will let you know what life is like death!"

"If you want to die, just talk nonsense."

Shi Liu said coldly, but raised the saber in his hand again.

Claude already felt a cold metal sensation coming from his neck, which made his neck shiver subconsciously.

"What do you want!" Claude yelled, and the saber under his neck told him that the young man in front of him with a saber on his back and two large-caliber revolvers stuck in his waist was not able to do so with a few harsh words. the Lord who sends.

"Tell your people to leave, and you should go away. Otherwise, I won't care who you are, after all, sabers don't have eyes."

"It's easy to say, easy to say, let's go!" Claude said hastily.

Shi Liu nodded, and took back the saber in his hand.Claude on the ground immediately got up.

He got up together, and the bear-like man next to him rushed up immediately with a roar.However, a large-caliber revolver was pressed against his forehead at some point, which made the big black man stop immediately. Shi Liu's indifferent eyes told him that as long as the other party wanted, the trigger could be pulled at any time.

"Stop it all!"

There was a loud roar, and Shi Liu glanced outside from the corner of his eye, but a group of Red Maple Leaf soldiers responsible for maintaining law and order rushed over.The magistrate was a fat man with a mustache. He pointed at Claude and Shi Liu and said, "Weapon fighting is prohibited at the gathering place! Take them all away!"

Shi Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he saw Claude beside him, he showed a strange smile with malicious intentions.

Collusion between local snakes and the magistrate is nothing new. Shi Liu knew that if he really went with the magistrate, the result would be that Claude would still be ostentatiously alive, but he would inevitably be imprisoned. Life is not guaranteed.Also, Lisa couldn't protect herself.

"I refuse." Shi Liu said lightly, "He was the one who started the trouble. To tell the truth, is this how Hong Fengye treats outsiders?"

"Fuck, you dare to resist arrest?" The security officer sneered, he waved his hand, and the five soldiers behind him immediately pointed their guns at Shi Liu.

"I don't want to kill people here." Shi Liu shook his head.What he said was true, five ordinary soldiers without any enhancements, how could they be Shi Liu's opponents.

It's a pity that his truth became a naked provocation in the ears of the magistrate.

"Give it to me..." the sheriff shouted angrily.

However, before the word "gun" came out of his mouth, a deep voice interrupted him.

"Stop all."

The person who called to stop was a man. He was wearing a neat black suit, and his jet-black hair was combed back, exposing his smooth forehead.Turning a black cane in his hand, he strode towards here like a gentleman.

Seeing him, the magistrate was taken aback for a moment, then rushed to meet him, bowed and said, "Chairman Hult, why are you here?"

Seeing that it was him, Shi Liu couldn't help snorting angrily, and immediately inserted the saber and revolver back into his back and waist respectively.

This man was the chairman of the Red Maple Leaf trade union who met Shi Liu tonight and gave him a task.However, only now did Shi Liufang learn that his name is Huot.

"If I don't come, how can I see this shocking moment." Holt looked at Shi Liu and smiled.

"Let's go, and you, Claude, if you let me know that you are secretly selling female slaves, you will know the consequences." Holt looked at the sheriff and said coldly.

Claude bent down to flatter Shi Liu, and after giving Shi Liu a hard look, he led the younger brothers out of here quickly.

The sheriff seemed a little unwilling, and said in a low voice: "Chairman Huot, this kid doesn't take us seriously at all, how can he just let him go like this?"

Holt smiled slightly, "There are some things you don't need to know. Don't think I don't know about your relationship with Claude. If it wasn't for your union representative uncle to protect you, believe me, you are nothing."

The magistrate hurriedly lowered his head, wiped his sweat, and led the soldiers away quickly.

Shi Liu came in front of Lisa, he pulled the girl into his arms, stroked the latter's smooth hair, and said softly: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

The girl nodded slightly.

"What a touching scene, Shi Liu." Holt laughed, "It seems that there are indeed a pair of mandarin ducks in my red maple leaves."

"Believe me, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future. Well, you continue." Holt said, turned and left.

Looking at the union chairman in the distance, Hunter and the black Jess stood up from the ground one after another.

Shi Liu looked at the swollen faces of the two, and said, "Thank you for taking care of Lisa when I was away."

"Don't say that, buddy, everyone in the wilderness knows that only by helping each other can we live longer. But we can't help much, if you didn't arrive in time..." Jess rubbed his head and said awkwardly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, it's getting late, we'll go to rest first, and tomorrow we have to go to the work area to find work." Jess and Hunter said goodbye and walked to their tents.

Shi Liu and Lisa also returned to the tent.

"Do you know the chairman of this gathering place?" In the tent, Lisa leaned against Shi Liu's arms, staring at Shi Liu with her beautiful eyes and asked softly.

Shi Liu nodded, lowered his head and said: "I have to say, I may not have time to accompany you to see a doctor tomorrow morning, because I have to leave the gathering place to carry out the task he gave me."

Lisa's tender body trembled slightly, "What kind of mission?"

Shi Liu remained silent for a long time. He said, "Of course it's a task to make money. You don't have to worry about it. You just need to stay here quietly and wait for me to come back, you know."

(End of this chapter)

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