Chapter 141 Betrayal

Seeing Shi Liu staring at the sniper rifle and the bullets, the old drunkard raised the sniper rifle proudly: "It's called Crazy Eagle, and it has been with me all my life. It was designed by me, Mr. Joe Forglass, and even a little All the screws are broken in by me myself. Although your two M500s are rare items, this Vulture is the only one in the whole world."

Shi Liu nodded, only then did he understand why the old drunkard Joe didn't install any aiming equipment on the sniper rifle.The workmanship of this gun is so detailed that almost a soul has been injected into it from the beginning of production to the completion of the finished product.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are also the mercenary sent by Red Maple Leaf to investigate the rock spider?" Shi Liu used honorifics. Judging from the equipment on the opponent, he could be called a mercenary.But Shi Liuzhen had never seen many mercenaries at such an age.

"Red Maple Leaf?" The old drunkard said disdainfully, "Well, I admit that I do live in Red Maple Leaf, but I don't work for that Hult, and any of my actions have never had anything to do with him."

"Then you don't spend your old age in Red Maple Leaf, and come to this dangerous place alone, aren't you afraid that no one will die for you?" Shi Liu said with a smile, this world is dangerous, and young and strong guys have to mention twelve points every day The spirit strives to protect itself, but this old man is so chic.

"Young man, if I'm not mistaken, that Hult's salary for you will never exceed [-]," the old drunkard smiled meaningfully, "but I can earn ten times your salary."

Shi Liu's eyelids twitched slightly.

"Have you read economics, cost-effectiveness, do you know? Every creature has its own value, such as these rock spiders, which can secrete a highly toxic substance, which can be extracted as a specimen, or Use it to join the ranks of weapon research and development, so that the power of the weapon is greatly improved. As far as the Stuy venom of the rock spider is concerned, each gram of venom can be sold for 50 yuan on the black market!" The old drunkard said in an educational tone.

What he said is not unreasonable. In the past few days, Shi Liu has killed no less than ten rock spiders. According to what the old drunkard said, he can now sell goods for 500 yuan, and although Hult's salary is 500, but it is more troublesome for the former.

"As a monster hunter, one must not only be vigilant, guard against or kill the prey, the most important thing is to know their value!" The old drunkard said, picking up the bullets and pressing them into the sniper rifle magazine one by one .

Shi Liu was a little touched. He wanted to be a mercenary while working as a monster hunter part-time. After all, he and this old alcoholic both lived in Red Maple Leaf.

"How about you, young man, would you like to make some money with me? Earn some extra money while doing tasks. There are not many lucrative deals in this world." Qiao said with a smile.

"Why is it cheap for me?" Shi Liu asked, there is no free lunch in the world, even if it is an opportunity to earn extra money.

Moreover, no one is willing to cooperate with other people in this kind of profitable business. One person can earn more than two people.

"Because I'm old, and when I get old, it means that I'm going to the end of my life. I don't want to cut off the way of making money that I have figured out by myself, and there are more monsters in this school. It’s safer than one person.” The old man sighed and pointed at the two M500s on Shi Liu’s waist: “More importantly, you can handle this pair of guys. Believe me, you can’t use this pair of guys with brute force alone. People with pistols and those who can control them are usually rational with unknown wildness, and such people will become good hunters. Hunters not only need to be calm and self-controlled at all times, but also need the courage and courage to go deep into the prey's lair. Determination, and you just happen to have that.”

Saying that, the old drunkard stretched out his right hand to Shi Liu.

Shi Liu thought for a while, and finally held hands with the opponent's right hand.

"Welcome to join my team, young man, you will find that being a hunter is much more interesting than being a mercenary!" Joe laughed.

The two left the multi-purpose hall and left the crumbling dormitory building.

Those people wrapped in spider silk in the multi-purpose hall obviously don't have the skills of old alcoholics.They seemed to have come here three or two days ago, and were arrested because they didn't know that there was a mutant monster like a rock spider.But in just three or two days, most of them have lost their bodily functions, and their eyes have begun to blur. Even if Shi Liu rescues them one by one, the result can only be a group of people who are no different from vegetative people.

Moreover, Shi Liu didn't want to waste his energy on them either.This world is already full of crises, and even Shi Liu doesn't know that he will die one day, so he doesn't have the heart to take care of them.

Joe didn't even have this idea, he said as he walked: "I don't know if you have heard of creatures like lurkers. They are higher-level creatures of the same kind than rock spiders. Whenever rock spiders capture prey, they will give way to lurkers first." Eat it to get the protection from lurkers. I originally planned to be a bait in the spider silk, but this plan was obviously ruined by you. The rock spider has remembered my smell. If I do it like last time Usually, they will definitely tear me apart, so there is no way for me to be the bait a second time."

Shi Liu sneered in his heart, how could he not be able to tell that the old man had something to say, and immediately said: "Why, you want me to be your bait?"

"You're right." Qiao pointed to Shi Liu and said.

"I'm not as capable as you. I'm immune to the toxins on the spider silk." Shi Liu curled his lips and said, "Is it for this purpose that you dragged me into the gang?"

Joe shook his head immediately: "I swear to God, I never had such a thought."

He said it firmly, but Shi Liu didn't have much confidence in him.This is indeed a good plan. Shi Liu enters the spider silk as bait, while the old man hides aside and hunts. Even better, once Shi Liu touches the spider silk, he will immediately become a disabled person. You don't even need to save him, so you can monopolize all the benefits!

Kill two birds with one stone!
It's just that Shi Liu hasn't been honest enough. If the old alcoholic continues to insist on this method, then Shi Liu doesn't mind blowing his head off with the M500.

No matter how powerful the crazed eagle is, it needs a proper distance to play normally. Now the distance between the two is no more than three meters, and the M500 on Shi Liu's waist is the king who dominates the audience.

In an instant, the atmosphere changed subtly. There was no trust at all in the wilderness, and mutual calculations had long been commonplace.Qiao looked at Shi Liu with sleepy eyes, and he didn't know what was going on under those half-opened and half-closed eyes.

A round of intense and dull gunshots sounded from a distance, breaking the abnormal atmosphere between the two.

The gunfire was muffled and powerful, like thunder, but never stopped, which showed that the gun fired extremely fast.Shi Liu thought for a while, and a picture of a strong Tyrannosaurus rex carrying an M134 heavy machine gun and shooting wildly appeared in his mind instantly.

"It seems that you don't need to be a bait anymore." Qiao chuckled, and immediately took a step forward. It was just a step, but it quickly dazzled Shi Liu. Chiyin's left eye narrowed his sight, only to find that the old man had already run away. More than ten meters away.This shows that the speed enhancement of the old drunkard is far higher than that of Shi Liu. He hurriedly raised his speed to the limit, but found that he still couldn't keep up with the old man's pace.

In the previous guerrilla with Matt, Shi Liu's quickness was enhanced by the first level, and the second level of quickness enhancement allowed Shi Liu to have a speed limit of 600 kilometers per hour, but the old drunkard in front of him was even faster. Up to the limit, Shi Liu faintly felt that the old man's quick enhancement was at least around the fifth level!
The old and the young were galloping through the ruins of the university like this. There is no doubt that the target of both of them was the place where the gunshot was fired just now.

After a while, the two came outside the central teaching building.Gunshots rang out on the fifth floor, and Shi Liu could even see muzzle flames gushing out through the broken glass.

It can be seen that the battle above is very fierce.

Joe stopped, and he took a general look at the crooked building. Outside the building, there were countless broken wires and air-conditioning external units, which were excellent climbing tools.

Qiao made a gesture, and Shi Liu understood that he meant that the two of them would not go inside the teaching building, but climb up directly with the aid of these assisting tools.

This was not difficult for Shi Liu, what he was worried about was whether the old man in front of him could do it.

The fifth level of rapid enhancement can indeed quickly climb a building no less than ten stories high.But this old alcoholic is at least in his 50s, and climbing the fifth floor is really absurd.

(End of this chapter)

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