Chapter 142 Betrayal

However, Qiao's actions made Shi Liu give thumbs up again and again.His footsteps moved slightly, it seemed that the steps were extremely small, but he went so far forward.

Shi Liu shook his head slightly, and he also maximized the second-level quick enhancement, and strode towards the flaming teaching building.

Jumping, reaching out, exerting force, this series of actions allowed Shi Liu to firmly grasp a thick cable that swayed from side to side. He was not worried about whether the cable was charged and hurt himself, because the old drunkard above also caught it. this cable.

Just like that, the two of them climbed upwards at a high speed on a single cable.Shi Liu could even feel through the cable that the building was shaking slightly due to the battle on the fifth floor.

When he came to the window on the fifth floor, Shi Liu looked in, feeling a little apprehensive even with his composure.There are densely packed corpses of rock spiders inside, and the death patterns are all kinds of strange. Some of them were torn into pieces. This is the credit of the M134 heavy machine gun, and some were cut into two sections. This reminded Shi Liu of the long gun behind Lan. sword.

Here, the Tyrannosaurus trio were surrounded by rock spiders, and their abilities were stronger than Shi Liu's, as can be seen from the corpses on the ground.However, the bullets will run out and the physical strength will be exhausted. If there is no good countermeasure, Shi Liu estimates that the Tyrannosaurus and the three will not be able to escape the siege of the rock spiders.

Joe couldn't help laughing after seeing this scene. Naturally, in his opinion, there is no better bait than the Tyrannosaurus trio.

Somewhere on the fifth floor, gunshots continued.Qiao made a gesture, and then ran into a bathroom with Shi Liu. The old man used extremely skilled techniques to remove the grille of the upper ventilation pipe, and then climbed up by stepping on the sink.

Shi Liu didn't hesitate. A long time ago, he used the same method to kill a butcher in Giant City.

The ventilation duct was so narrow that only one adult could pass through it, and the two of them crawled forward in it.Shi Liu only hoped that a rock spider would not jump out suddenly, which would make it very difficult for Joe, who was crawling in front of him.

Soon, the two came to the battle site.Looking down from the pipe, this is a laboratory. Of course, judging from the fallen tables and chairs, this place has long been scrapped.

The six-barreled machine gun rotated at high speed, and the flames of the M134 spewed out nearly one meter away. The deafening gunshots resounded throughout the laboratory. The strong Tyrannosaurus Rex hid half of his body behind a laboratory cabinet. His firepower target was this room. The only gate of the laboratory, countless bullets were shot at that place, and the flesh and blood shot by the spiders pouring in like a tide were scattered and shattered.

Besides him, Raff was not idle either.Covered by the firepower of the heavy machine gun, he walks back and forth around the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex with two MK5 submachine guns in his hand, and the submachine gun in his hand will roar wherever the heavy machine gun can't shoot.

And Lan, a woman with a plump body, walks in the experiment cabinet on the left side of the Tyrannosaurus rex holding the long sword in her hand. There are too many experiment cabinets in this place, and the Tyrannosaurus is now shooting at the door, so some The spider managed to escape the heavy machine gun fire, but it couldn't escape the long sword in Lan's hand.

Sure enough, a few spiders dexterously avoided the bullets flying all over the sky, and jumped to the left side of the laboratory again, trying to detour to entangle the enemy.Holding the long sword, Lan made a high-position slashing gesture. She held the long sword high with her slender arms, and swung it accurately at the target again.Immediately, invisible fluctuations swept forward quickly, and even white smoke appeared on the ground. Those spiders were all shattered in the smoke, and their corpses were incomplete.

"Wind pressure cut, a plump and terrifying woman" said Joe licking his lips on the pipe.The words of the old drunkard expressed Lan's danger from the side.

After a wind pressure slash was performed, Lan's face remained unchanged, but her back movement was much slower. It could be seen that this technique was quite exhausting for her.

At this moment, the bullet belt on the Tyrannosaurus gradually decreased, and the frequency of changing bullets was also much slower.

"No, we will die here!" Raff yelled, "Tyrannosaurus, Lan and I temporarily suppress the spider at the door, you blast the wall behind, we have to go!"

The tyrannosaurus did not hesitate, and turned its muzzle, which was already red and hot, and the six barrels turned at high speed again, and began to sweep wildly at the wall.

Lan and Raff acted at the same time.

Raff used two MK5s to shoot the spiders that rushed in, and Lan was responsible for picking up the leaks.

Lan swung his long sword desperately in front of him, but didn't realize that Raph behind him had already placed a large number of hunters on the ground.

Trapper, a mechanism prop similar to a mousetrap.It's just that it is not as bloody as the latter, if it is stepped on, then there will be two pieces of alloy steel hooping the target's feet from left to right, making it inconvenient to move.

However, all the traps Raf put down weighed more than 30 kilograms. If Lan stepped on it, it would be almost the same as being unable to walk.

"This kid is so ruthless, I like it..." Seeing this scene, Joe couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and touched the short beard on his chin with his hand.

Shi Liu looked at him, but didn't speak.

There was the sound of the wall collapsing behind him, and Lan knew that retreat was imminent. She swung her long sword twice, and performed the wind pressure cut again. Immediately, an "X"-shaped crack appeared on the wall outside the door, and the oncoming spiders Also split in half.

After doing this, Lan put away the long sword, turned around and walked back.

That poor little foot stepped on a trap, Lan was taken aback, and subconsciously looked down.

A chaser tightly bound her left foot, Lauder frowned slightly, and she looked up at Raff who hadn't retreated yet.

"Sorry, we need enough food to contain the enemy. For your sacrifice, the Tyrannosaurus and I will always remember it." Raff said sorry words, but there was no apology on his face. Under the other party's unbelievable eyes , He merged the two submachine guns into one place, then strode out from the gap in the collapsed wall, boarded the window in one step, and found a cable to go down the river.

As for Tyrannosaurus, he had already gone downstairs in the same way.Now he was downstairs waiting for Raff.

Lan looked away, and she tried to move her left foot, but the nearly 30-kilogram trap made her want to cry.Dragging such a heavy thing, Lan Xin thought that she might not be able to get out of this laboratory today.

The result of being betrayed will end in death, Lan is not surprised by this at all.She knew that even if Raff didn't betray her, she would not hesitate to use the two men as shields in the necessary life and death moments, but she was a bit slower than the other.

Anything can happen in the wilderness, which is an eternal truth in this world.

Although there is no hope in sight, Lan is not about to give up.Born in the wilderness, it has long been commonplace for her to fight against fate.

"Poor woman." In the pipe, Joe couldn't help sighing softly.

Shi Liu's heart twitched slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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