Chapter 143 Dreamland

Immediately, Shi Liu silently took out a high-explosive grenade.

"Don't tell me you're going to save her." Qiao Zheng watched from the other side with a smile, and frowned when he saw Shi Liu's movement.

In this era, no one is willing to save a person or thing who is on the verge of death, which can save himself a lot of unnecessary trouble.Obviously, the old drunkard didn't intend to care about this woman with a long sword, even if this woman might be a power user in the fifth-order power domain.

Shi Liu glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Then, his feet hooked the pipe guard, and his whole body fell back toward the vent.

"Young people nowadays are really crazy." Qiao shook his head again and again, and then prepared to run for his life.

Shi Liu's abdominal muscles slowly exerted force, and his body gradually fell on his back towards the vent.

Gradually, he saw Lan who was caught by the hunter.

Lan was ready to fight to the death, but the sound behind her still made her turn her head subconsciously.

"Come here!" Shi Liu shouted.

Lan saw the young man with two sabers on his back and two large-caliber revolvers stuck in his waist who had been on a mission with him before.

She didn't talk nonsense, dragging the heavy hunting device and ran towards Shi Liu.For her, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, then life will go on.

Just when she was struggling to move, a wall of the laboratory collapsed amidst the dust and smoke, and countless rock spiders flew in in the smoke and dust.

Lan was taken aback. Right now, with her own strength, she couldn't fight against so many spiders, and the catcher on her left foot couldn't restore her previous speed.

Seeing Lan getting closer and closer to him, Shi Liu subconsciously stretched out his right hand.

Lan gritted her teeth, she concentrated all her strength on those long legs, and jumped up vigorously.

It has to be said that Lan's jumping ability is very good, even if the heavy catcher on her left foot increased her weight to nearly 100 kilograms.Shi Liu gritted his teeth and grabbed her hand, hooked the pipe guard's feet and tried again, so he didn't let himself fall.

Then, Shi Liu carried Lan and threw her towards the pipe, and at the same time threw the grenade in his left hand down.

boom! ——

The fire flashed, accompanied by a burst of thick gunpowder smoke, and the huge explosion made the entire pipeline tremble.Just as the grenade exploded, Lan had already been thrown into the pipe by Shi Liu, thus avoiding the impact of the explosion.

In the pipeline, Shi Liu looked at the catcher on Lan's feet and said, "This thing will hinder all your actions."

Lan looked at Shi Liu: "The mentally retarded thing developed by Raph can be solved as long as it is not brain-dead, it just takes time. Also, thank you for saving my life."

"It's not easy to come out and do the task." Shi Liu nodded.

"Do you have a dagger?" Lan asked.

Shi Liu shook his head. He knew that Lan wanted the dagger to untie the iron thing on his feet, but the fine steel dagger had been scrapped when he was dealing with Matt, and the long sword behind Lan might be a bit long.

"Is this suitable?" As he said, Shi Liu pulled out a saber behind his back.

Lan Mei looked at it and nodded.

Taking the saber, she poked at the hunter.


The sound of metal colliding sounded, and Shi Liu looked over subconsciously. Sure enough, the two pieces of iron that had been firmly clamping Lan's left foot opened in the shape of a chrysanthemum, and Lan carefully took out her foot.

"Okay, it's over." Said, Lan returned the saber to Shi Liu, "Who is that person in front?"

Shi Liu followed Lan's beautiful eyes to see that Qiao was waving to the two at the end of the pipe.It turned out that when Shi Liu rescued Lan, the old drunkard had long been hiding away.

As expected, Jiang is still old and hot. He is afraid that the explosion range of the grenade will affect him. After all, this old bone really cannot withstand the explosion fluctuations of the grenade.

"Let's put the ambiguity aside, we have to get out of here quickly!" Qiao said with a cold snort.

Shi Liu and Lan looked at each other, and immediately crawled towards Joe's place together.

When he reached an exit, Joe deftly moved the fence and jumped off first.

Shi Liu and Lan jumped down and looked around, seeing a vast parking lot.There are still red warning lights flashing in the parking lot, making everything around it red.Several stone pillars at the exit of the parking lot collapsed, blocking the way out, but this is not a bad thing, at least it can guarantee that no spiders or other mutant creatures will sneak in.

"My God! Can we still see the sun tomorrow?" the old drunkard cursed after looking around.

Shi Liu didn't speak, he found a place to sit down and rest.

Unexpectedly, Lan also sat down.

"Want to do it with me?" Lan Meimou stared at Shi Liu and said very concisely.

Shi Liu was surprised for a while, and then smiled wryly: "Is this considered repayment?"

Lan nodded, "But after that, I will try my best to kill you. Of course, if you have the strength, you can sleep with me for as long as you want."

"I didn't save you to do things that waste energy." Shi Liu said solemnly.

Now it was Lan's turn to be surprised, her white and pretty face was full of doubts: "Don't pretend to be clean for me, none of you men are real!"

"Don't compare me with the two of them." Shi Liu glanced at her. To be honest, Lan Chang is not ugly, but has a sense of nobility and grace. Coupled with her plump and well-shaped figure, Enough to attract the gaze of a male creature.

It's not that Shi Liu has no feelings for her, it's just that Shi Liu puts Lisa first in his heart.

"It's because you can't get along with yourself. No wonder I'm here." Lan curled her lips boredly, then got up and walked away from Shi Liu, looking for a place to rest by herself.

Shi Liu didn't say much. He and Lan were only limited to a cooperative relationship and had no other involvement, so he still felt that he should not have too many negotiations with Lan.

Time passed quietly, and Joe leaned against a slanted stone pillar and fell asleep holding "Vulture" in his arms.Lan also curled up in a corner, sleeping soundly.

Shi Liu looked up at the cyclically flashing red warning lights above the parking lot, trying to recall his past.

The next day, the sun still rose.

At six o'clock, not even a second missed, Shi Liu opened his eyes.

Looking around, Shi Liu couldn't help frowning.

The old drunkard and Lan who were still sleeping here last night are gone now!
Shocked, Shi Liu immediately stood up from the ground, and habitually took out the two M500s on his waist.

Although it was already daytime, the parking lot was still dark. Shi Liuping held two M500s and wandered vigilantly in the parking lot.

Joe and Lan were here last night, why are they gone now?
Moreover, this parking lot is exactly the same as last night, even if they escape, there must be a place, right?

(End of this chapter)

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