Chapter 144 Dreamland

While Shi Liuzheng was puzzled, he suddenly felt a void under his feet, and immediately fell to the ground!

He seemed to have fallen into a dark abyss, an endless hell!


There was a loud cry in the quiet hospital, and Shi Liu suddenly sat up from the ground.

He looked around, startled.

A group of alliance mercenaries were sleeping soundly against the wall, and there were two female mercenaries, Fox Hunt and Dark Night.


Shi Liu suddenly felt like he was being tricked. He was still in the parking lot before, why did he come back in the blink of an eye?
Was it all a dream before?
The figures of Old Henry, Ryan, Holt, Matt, Lisa, and Lan came to mind again, all so familiar and vague.

Subconsciously touching his waist, Shi Liu felt a cold metal sensation, and took out the two M500 revolvers, but two silver Desert Eagles.

Immediately, he patted his back again, and the sound of metal clashing immediately sounded, and at the same time he touched the two sabers.

This made Shi Liu puzzled. Since there were still two sand eagles around his waist, it meant that it was just a dream.But what should be the explanation for the two sabers on the back?

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded, listen carefully, it came from outside the door.

Shi Liu looked back and saw clearly that the people who came were Dao Feng and Kuang Long.A group of alliance mercenaries followed behind the two of them.

"Poisonous wolf, why are you screaming in the middle of the night?" Dao Feng said as he walked.

Poison wolf?Yes, I am called Poisonous Wolf...

Shi Liu nodded self-consciously, and immediately stepped forward, telling Dao Feng about his previous experience in detail.

"Haha! That must be your dream. You know, Kuanglong and I have been guarding outside the hospital, but you haven't gone anywhere and slept until now." Daofeng laughed after hearing this.

A trace of disappointment flashed across Shi Liu's face. This dream was so real and so long. Now, the picture of him fighting with Matt still flashed in his mind, and Lisa's better face was also lingering.

But the dream is still a dream, and it has been doomed since the moment Shi Liu saw the blade.

"Don't think so much, get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow we will live a life of escape." Dao Feng said with a wry smile.

"Is the alliance destroyed?" Shi Liu asked thoughtfully.

Blade nodded heavily, "Just tonight, the anti-army launched a global biohazard, captured and occupied the Alliance headquarters in less than ten hours, and now, two-thirds of the world has been controlled by the anti-army , we have become anti-military forces.”

"From what you mean, the rebels have occupied the alliance headquarters and they don't plan to stop. They also want to wipe out the scattered alliance mercenaries one by one." Shi Liu said.

"That's right." Blade nodded, "So tomorrow our first task is to contact other mercenary regiments or teams around us. No matter how many, we must form a group and never stand alone."

Shi Liu nodded, and said: "Since the alliance headquarters has fallen, the bases of the various mercenary regiments may not be safe. So I will go back in the morning."

Dao Feng was stunned: "The base of the Fox Hunting Mercenary Group?"

Shi Liu nodded: "My captain, Feihu, didn't take part in this mission because of her injuries. It's an emergency, and I have to go back and save her."

Dao Feng was silent, and after a long silence, he said: "Okay, how many people are needed."

"Say less, 30 is enough." Shi Liu thought for a while and said.

Blade nodded.

"Can you count me in?"

Just as the two agreed, a female voice sounded from outside the hospital.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a Miaoman figure walking towards here with straight steps.

Dao Feng frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "Mandala?"

Shi Liu also narrowed his eyes slightly, the sexy woman in front of him was Mandala, but why did she come here alone?What about her team?
Seeing the woman approaching, Dao Feng said: "You are really in a good mood, you came here alone without a team."

"My team?" A trace of disdain appeared in Mandala's beautiful eyes, "I have already killed them all."

Dao Feng was taken aback, "Do you think they are too in the way?"

"You're smart," Mandala smiled. "You can't understand the current situation. If we want to be independent, we must first solve the problem of food. If I bring so many people here, won't it put pressure on you?" .”

"Besides, my fighting power is far superior to theirs. Aren't you willing to exchange a lone hero for a group of mobs?" Mandala added with a smile.

Dao Feng curled his lips, but what Mandala said was right, there is no ration or water source at all, and the more people there are, the more troublesome it will be.

"Independence is indeed urgent, but I haven't discussed it with the two mercenary regiment leaders." Saying that, Dao Feng looked at Hunting Fox and Dark Night in the distance.

Mandala cut, "That's your business, don't care."

"Since you are so loud, why don't you do something for me." Shi Liu's voice sounded.

Everyone looked at him, surprise appeared on Mandala's pretty face, and he immediately smiled: "Okay, tell me."

Shi Liu told her his thoughts, and the latter readily agreed.

"With Mandala, I don't think anyone else is needed." Shi Liu looked at Dao Feng and smiled.

"Originally." Mandala said angrily.

The night passed quickly, and the sun still rose the next day.

At the entrance of the hospital, many alliances are gathering here.

"Leader, let's go, she is our captain!" Coffin shouted.

"That's right, Captain, not only Poison Wolf is responsible for saving Captain, but all of us are responsible," Blood Eagle echoed.

Shuilei Linghu and the others also booed, expressing that they would follow Poison Wolf to rescue the captain.

Foxhunting's red lips clenched tightly. Why didn't she want to rescue Feihu, but she also knew that the base of the Foxhunter Mercenary Corps has long been full of unknown dangers.

Last night Poisonous Wolf woke her up and explained the situation to her, and Hunting Fox naturally agreed.But now the members of the Flying Fox team are all clamoring to go, which really makes Fox Hunting can't make up his mind.

In the end, she used her eyes to seek An Ye's opinion, but the latter nodded.

"Okay, the members of the Flying Fox Team come out." In desperation, Hunting Fox said coldly.

Then, several people came out in response, consciously standing in a row from short to tall.Poisonous wolf, spirit fox, green mirror, sea mine, coffin, blood eagle, evil fish, these former members of the flying fox team, plus Datura, there are a total of 8 people.

"Poison wolf, after rescuing the flying fox, you must not love to fight." Hunting fox looked at Shi Liu and warned.

"Understood." Shi Liu nodded.

Hunting Fox looked at Mandala again, and said coldly: "I also hope you don't make any moves on the road."

Mandala snorted coldly, but did not speak.

"We don't have any tools, and you all know the distance between the Southern Wilderness and the Western Emperor. Except for transport planes or helicopters, other means of transportation cannot provide rapid support." Hunting Fox said.

"You mean, let's go to Nanhuangyu Airport to hijack the plane?" Mandala looked at Hunting Fox in disbelief.

"At present, there is only this way." Hunting Fox nodded, and then sneered, "Don't tell me that the small force at the airport can threaten you."

"You are knowledgeable." Mandala snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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