Chapter 145 A New Beginning
The sun in the sky is gradually shifting, and it has reached the mid-heaven at this moment.

In Hurricane City in the Southern Wasteland, a five-man anti-military patrol patrolled under the scorching sun, but there were still a few figures active on the streets.

On a certain street, a patrol team had just passed by, and a figure quickly rolled into a small alley from the back of the sun, with ghostly swiftness that made the rebels unaware.

In the small alley, members of the Flying Fox team were waiting here, and the person who rolled in was Blood Eagle.

"Poisonous wolf, I have already figured out the enemy's pattern. The patrol team consists of five people, which are replaced every 15 minutes, and the number of people is counted every three to ten minutes. All the rebels will go to the center of the city to eat and rest at noon and evening. After 10 minutes Cycle again." Blood Eagle looked around at the crowd and said in a low voice.

Shi Liu nodded after hearing this, "Then let's take advantage of the free time at noon and enter the airport."

Everyone nodded.

After a while, Blood Eagle went out to inspect again, and finally sent a message to everyone: You can act.

In the alley, Shi Liuhuan looked at everyone and said: "Move quickly, walk."

Everyone got up one by one to touch the outside, and moved quickly according to the planned route.

At Nanhuangyu Airport, a group of rebels were coming out of their posts, walking and saying: "Hurry up, hurry up! If you go late, you won't have anything to eat."

"You guys hurry up! Remember to ask the chef to leave us the next meal!" In the airport guard station, several rebels who stayed here shouted at the companions who went out.

After all, the airport is different from other places, and people must be stationed at all times.

Next to the airport is a road with many buildings on both sides.After the group of rebels left, several people walked out from behind a building.

"Blood Eagle, what's the location on the roof?" Shi Liu looked at the rebels in the sentry station from afar, and then looked back at Blood Eagle and asked.

Blood Eagle stared at the sentry station and nodded immediately: "No problem."

"Okay," Shi Liu nodded, "but you must be quick, and you will be waiting for us on the roof when the time comes."

Blood Eagle nodded, and immediately took out the AWM sniper rifle from the weapon system, put a silencer on his waist, and ran into the building with the sniper rifle.

At the same time, Shi Liu asked Shuilei and Eyu to set up sniper rifles on both sides of the building, in order to prevent the blood eagle from making mistakes.

After a while, Blood Eagle panted slightly and appeared on the roof.He first looked at the situation on the roof, and then ran towards the huge main air conditioner in front of him.

After coming to the back of the machine, Blood Eagle poked his head out slightly and looked downstairs. The sentry station was about 700 meters away.

He installed the silencer on the AWM, then squatted down at a corner of the machine, raised his left hand to support the body of the sniper rifle, slowly moved the index finger of his right hand towards the trigger sleeve, and aimed his right eye at the scope.

leave! ——

A sound that sounded like a sound but disappeared without a trace in the wind.The glass of the sentry station below suddenly shattered, and a rebel's head suddenly fell to one side, and then fell to the ground dripping blood.

Pulling the trigger, a bullet casing longer than a finger was ejected, and the Blood Eagle loaded another bullet into the sniper rifle and aimed again. This series of actions was completed in less than two seconds.

leave! ——

It was the same sound just now, sparks splashed in the sentry station, scaring the rebels to rush away from the corpse.

Blood Eagle's shot was empty, he cursed in his heart, and repeated the previous action again.

However, just as he was reloading the bullet, a rebel at the sentry station still died of bleeding from the head.

Blood Eagle smiled, he didn't know whether this person's head should be counted on the head of the water mine or the head of the evil fish.

At the sentry station, several left-behind rebels saw two companions fell to the ground and died inexplicably, knowing that an enemy was planning to enter the airport.One of the rebels hurriedly reached out to press the siren connected to the headquarters of the Southern Wilderness.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a bullet hole the size of a bean appeared on the back of his palm instantly, and it penetrated through, thick blood immediately flowed out.

Downstairs, Shi Liu loaded the AWM with bullets and aimed at the bottom of the siren again.

leave! ——

The wall skin under the siren was cracked, and powerful bullets shot into the wall, directly interrupting a certain line inside.

At this time, a rebel scrambled to press the siren.But no matter how much he slapped, the siren remained silent.

The next moment, he and several companions fell to the ground together.

"Quick! Let's go!" Seeing that all the enemies were dead, Shi Liu yelled and rushed out from behind the building first.

The rest of the people followed him to the airport.

Although the rebels have already occupied the southern wasteland, the various aircraft in the airport are still the original models of the alliance.Sai Lei randomly picked a helicopter, checked the fuel to make sure it was full, and let everyone go up.

Amid gusts of wind, the helicopter slowly lifted into the air, and after reaching a certain height, it flew towards the building ahead.

In the cabin, the coffin opened the hatch and threw out a long thick cable.

On the roof, Blood Eagle put away the AWM and ran to the edge to get ready.

The helicopter was getting closer and closer, the Blood Eagle calculated the inertial distance, and immediately jumped up, grabbing the cable accurately.

The helicopter lowered its nose, turned 90° and flew towards the Western Emperor Territory at high speed.

Near evening, the moon is on the branches.

Behind the base of the Fox Hunters Mercenary Corps is a tall mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles—the Haitian Mountain Range. In front of the mountain range is the base, and behind it is an endless wilderness.

A helicopter with flashing red dots flew from a distance, and its destination was this wilderness.

The weeds on the ground swayed wildly to one side, and the helicopter landed slowly.The hatch opened, and the alliance mercenaries jumped out one by one.

When he came to the ground, Shi Liuhuan looked at everyone and said: "I have already contacted the captain. Not only the base, but now the entire Western Emperor Region has become an anti-military world. The captain has arrived at Silver Tree City not far from here. Now we go to Go to pick her up, but you can't use helicopters anymore, it will be easy to be discovered by the rebels."

Silvertree City, everyone has an impression in their minds.It was a place similar to a small town. It was not far from the base. It was roughly located between the Haitian Mountains and the base. If one wanted to enter Silver Tree City, there was no other way to go except to cross the mountains.

The anti-army can occupy the alliance headquarters overnight, which is enough to prove the horror of its biological and chemical weapons.And according to the information Feihu gave Shi Liu, the rebels who occupied the base of the Fox Hunter Mercenary Corps seemed to be very careful. They dropped two-thirds of the biochemical weapons into the Haitian Mountain Range to prevent accidents.

In other words, if Shi Liu and the others wanted to enter the Haitian Mountains, they would most likely encounter biochemical weapons dropped by the rebels.

But even though it was so dangerous, Shi Liu still asked Feihu to wait for him in Silver Tree City.

Under the moonlight, a group of heavily armed alliance mercenaries rushed towards the Haitian Mountains that stretched for hundreds of miles.

(End of this chapter)

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