Chapter 149 Confluence ([-])

The night passed quickly, and at dawn the next day, a team of alliance mercenaries appeared in the wilderness less than a few kilometers away from Silvertree City.

After leaving the indigenous tribe last night, everyone followed the instructions on the map and ran non-stop for a whole night.The only food during this period was a stag hunted by mines and coffins in a large forest.

Everyone passed through the endless wilderness, and the blurred city outline of Silvertree City gradually appeared in people's vision.

Along with the city, there is also a large group of rebel soldiers and several armored vehicles around.

These armored vehicles are the original "pioneer" tanks of the anti-army, but compared with before, they seem to have undergone major changes.

Everyone came to lie down in a depression in the wilderness, and looked towards the Silver Tree City in front of them together.

"The captain is right. Silvertree City has indeed entered a first-level security state." Shi Liu blinked his eyes behind the binoculars and said in a low voice.

"As far as I know, there is only one entrance to Silver Tree City, and there is no way to get in from other places." Mandala said while lying beside Shi Liu.

"What? Scared?" Shi Liu asked with a smile.

"Are you afraid of you?" Mandala gave him a white look, then stared at Silvertree City in the distance, and murmured: "However, those armored vehicles are really difficult..."

Shi Liu laughed dryly, continued to use the binoculars to observe the movement ahead, and said at the same time: "I understand what you mean, it's not that the armored vehicles are too difficult to handle, but that they are parked so well that they form a good fire coverage network. making it difficult.”

"You are the only one who is smart!" Mandala said angrily.

Shi Liu was silent, and after a while, he said slowly, "I have an idea."

"What idea?" Mandala thought for a long time but couldn't think of any way to break through the combined defense of those armored vehicles. After hearing that Shi Liu had a way, he showed curiosity.

"The reason why armored vehicles are powerful is that they are a kind of weapon that can only defend but not attack. This kind of weapon will exert the greatest defensive effect when it stays in place. Therefore, only by letting them move can we have a chance to destroy them. " Shi Liu put down the binoculars, stared at Mandala's beautiful eyes and said seriously.

"Move?" Mandala's beautiful eyes wrinkled, and she asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, what I mean is that we need someone to lure them, let them chase the same target together, and then kill them on the way." Shi Liu nodded.

Mandala frowned immediately after hearing this, "That's four armored vehicles, who has the ability to face four armored vehicles at the same time?"

The members of the Flying Fox Team also nodded in response. After all, humans are made of flesh and blood, and just one armored vehicle is enough to drink a pot, let alone four.

Moreover, this "Pioneer" chariot has been improved, and its speed and firepower have been permanently improved. As a product of heavy industry, its defensive power is even more immeasurable.If you want to show this kind of thing, it is difficult to do it without the strength of a four-star Pluto-level mercenary.

Shi Liu chuckled, then looked at Mandala, and said with a wicked smile, "What do you think of me?"

Mandala smiled wryly and shook her head again and again. She obviously thought that Shi Liu was teasing her.

Shi Liu's strength, no matter what, can't pass the limit of a three-star warrior-level mercenary. What can he use to fight an armored vehicle?

"I'm going to divert the armored vehicles away, and then only the rebel soldiers will be left at the entrance. After you go in, quickly meet up with the captain and leave the city. Don't fall for fighting on the way, understand." Shi Liu turned his face to look around the crowd and said.

Everyone was stunned.

With that said, Shi Liu took out all kinds of equipment from the weapon system, ready to go.

"Are you stupid!" Linghu shouted immediately, "Do you really think you are so powerful? Or have you never seen the power of anti-military armored vehicles?"

The other team members also dissuaded him one after another, thinking that Poison Wolf's decision was to seek his own death.

"Don't even talk about it!" Shi Liu snorted coldly, "Since you don't agree with me being the bait, then you should push someone out. This matter always needs a bait, and a strong attack is definitely not enough."

Everyone is indifferent.

Although they knew that Poisonous Wolf was obviously trying to kill him by doing this, they also knew that if Poisonous Wolf didn't go, there really were not many people who could do it.

"Hmph, what are you doing?" Mandala said with a slight frown, "Did you not pay attention to me, a Pluto-level mercenary?"

Shi Liu glanced at her, curled his lips and said nothing.

"I'll go with you." Mandala said as he selected the equipment in the weapon system, "When the time comes to be chased by an armored vehicle, don't call me for help."

"Let's go!" Mandala packed up the equipment, and immediately rolled Shi Liu's eyes and urged in a cold voice.

Shi Liu smiled wryly, but in his heart he began to like this mandala full of game.

According to the discussion with Feihu last night, there is a ruin not far from Silver Tree City, and it is not far from the entrance.

Shi Liu and Mandala planned to introduce the armored vehicles into the ruins, and then use the crumbling buildings around them to bury all the armored vehicles.

Two hours later, Shi Liu and Mandala appeared in the ruins.

The ruins occupy a very large area, with countless collapsed buildings everywhere. Apart from the broken stones on the ground, there are human blood and internal organs, which emit a stench under the sun.None of the surrounding buildings were intact, and the ruins piled up nearly six or seven meters high. Only one building that collapsed from the sixth floor was still intact, and of course it was only from the sixth floor.

"Okay, let's work." Mandala found a huge concrete block, sat on it and looked at Shi Liu and ordered.

Shi Liu was taken aback, and was about to speak, but was blocked by the other party, "I'm just a bait, as for the rough work of planting bombs, it's better for you to do it."

Shi Liu looked at Mandala's sweet smile and was speechless for a while. He silently took out the bomb he just bought from the weapon system, and then calculated the distance and force of the surrounding ruins collapsed, and then used a military shovel to dig the soil and plant mines.

During the whole process, Mandala just sat on the big rock and looked at Shi Liu boredly, and provoked him from time to time, but Shi Liu always roared.

It was already noon when Shi Liu planted the last mine.The sun in the sky emits poisonous ultraviolet rays, causing large drops of sweat to slip from Shi Liu's face and then drip onto the ground.

Using a military shovel to shovel up the soil and fill in the mines, Shi Liu couldn't help but look back at Mandala. The girl was sitting under a piece of concrete backed by the sun, and she was smiling sweetly at herself at the moment, which was so dazzlingly beautiful.

Shi Liu glanced at her in disgust, and immediately walked towards her with a shovel.

"You haven't done any work at all, why don't you provoke the rebels first." Shi Liu sat down beside Mandala, frowning.

Mandala flapped his hands symbolically at his nose, frowned and said, "Stay away from me! It stinks..."

Shi Liu was speechless for a while, then turned his head away and ignored her.

"Don't worry, I won't pull you back." Mandala snorted and said curiously, "I haven't seen your captain yet, how does he look like?"

Upon hearing this, Shi Liu looked back at Mandala, and he saw a pretty face like a bright moon.In terms of appearance alone, Feihu was on par with her, but he naturally knew how much Shi Liu had experienced with Feihu and Mandala.

So, he said, "Much better looking than you."

(End of this chapter)

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