Chapter 150 Confluence ([-])

Mandala glanced at him, cut it full of disdain, and said, "I haven't seen many women who are prettier than me."

Shi Liu laughed dryly and said, "You are too confident in your appearance, aren't you?"

"Isn't it?" Mandala retorted, that stubborn face was dazzlingly beautiful.

Shi Liu is very tired now, and doesn't want to argue with her about her appearance.He said "yes" several times in a row, then turned his head away and ignored her.

During the break, Shi Liu contacted Feihu and told her about his plan.The other party repeatedly told Shi Liu to be careful, and at the same time said that he would fully cooperate with the actions of other team members, and it would be best to successfully leave Silverwood City without firing a single shot.

Nearly 10 minutes later, Shi Liu had almost rested, and felt his body was alive again, so he looked at Datura: "It's almost done, let's go?"

"Let's go." Mandala spread his hands and said.

The next moment, the two came out from under the stone together, turned their mercenary speed bonuses to the highest, and rushed towards the entrance of Silver Tree City.

At the entrance of Silvertree City, a large number of rebels are stationed here, and four armored vehicles are parked on the street behind, with rebel drivers inside, so that they can fire at any time.

There is no place to hide around the entrance, it is a wilderness.

Several rebels were walking back and forth, and suddenly they shouted: "There are enemies!"

In the endless wilderness, an alliance mercenary with two sabers on his back appeared in the vision of the rebels.

The next moment, the rebels picked up their AK-47s and aimed at the enemy.


As soon as a rebel picked up his gun, his head suddenly turned sideways, and then he fell to the ground.


Another anti-military head sprayed blood and fell to the ground!

"Wall! Wall!" The rebels yelled, and on the slender and tall city wall, an alliance mercenary wearing a blue tight-fitting tactical uniform appeared!

Harsh gunshots sounded again, and the rebels opened fire on the city wall.However, the opponent jumped directly from the wall, and on the way, killed a rebel with the sniper rifle in his hand.

The alliance with two sabers on its back stood still, and he took out a big black guy from the weapon system - M134 machine gun!

The six barrels of the machine gun began to rotate, and the rebels were all surprised when they saw it, because they knew how terrible the M134 with full firepower was.

Therefore, when the six barrels of the machine gun rotated at high speed and roared and fired bullets all over the sky, most of the rebels had already tactfully hid behind the armored vehicles.There were also a few slow-moving rebels, all of whom were beaten into honeycombs.

At this time, the armored vehicles began to play their role. All the armored vehicles turned their turrets and machine guns, aiming at the Alliance mercenary in front.

Here, Mandala pulled past Shi Liu who was still shooting, and the two came to the corner of the city wall.Datura yelled: "Don't die!"

Shi Liugang was about to speak when a whistle whistled.

He subconsciously pounced on Mandala, throwing him to the ground together with himself.Then, a shell instantly landed on the two people's original initial positions.

boom! ——

A huge explosion was produced instantly, and countless dust was also splashed in the ground shaking.

Several more whistles sounded in succession, Shi Liu didn't even think about it, he picked up the mandala, and strode forward.

boom! ——

Countless shells exploded behind and on both sides, and countless bullets whizzed past, and the flames shot into the sky. Shi Liu, whose face was blackened and dusty all over, ran out holding the mandala.

"Poof! Poof! Clang!—"

The sound of bullets piercing through flesh sounded twice.Together with the sound of a bullet colliding with steel.

Shi Liu suddenly half-kneeled down, and the instant pain in his left leg made him unable to stand.As soon as he fell to his knees, one of his shoulder blades shook suddenly, and blood flowed out.The two sabers behind him also trembled suddenly.

This was a bullet from the anti-army "Pioneer" tank behind. One shot hit Shi Liu's left leg, one shot hit his right shoulder blade, and the other shot was supposed to hit the back, but the two sabers were shot by Shi Liu. Six acts as a buffer.

The beautiful eyes of the mandala who was hugged by his princess suddenly widened, and she said loudly: "Put me down! Put me down!"

The pain of being pierced by the bullet made Shi Liu's entire face twitch violently. He glanced at the woman in his arms, but he still reluctantly stood up and ran holding her again.

Dust was flying behind, and several "Pioneer" chariots chased after them one after another.

Shi Liu had calculated the distance from here to the ruins, and when he entered the ruins with the speed bonus of a three-star warrior-level mercenary at his peak, several armored vehicles caught up with him.

At this moment, Shi Liu ran desperately with the mandala in his arms, dodging countless bullets along the way.

As soon as he entered the planned building, there was an earth-shattering explosion in the ruins outside.

Then, Shi Liu saw through the glass of the building that a door of an armored vehicle fell from the sky and made a loud noise.

"You fool... What kind of hero are you? Don't you know that I am faster than you..." In his arms, Mandala sobbed with tears in his beautiful eyes, and raised his fist to thump Shi Liu's shoulder hard. one time.

Shi Liuxie smiled charmingly, "You are so beautiful, I can't help being a hero."

"Also!..." Mandala was angry and funny, and thumped the opponent's shoulder again.

"Bah!~" Shi Liu grinned in pain, he was shot in the shoulder blade, and now he was hit by this girl with her small fist, it was really painful.

Immediately, Mandala broke free from Shi Liu's arms, took out two life serum agents from the weapon system, and injected them into Shi Liu's wound.

Maybe that guy from Green Mirror made in-depth research on this life serum agent. Within ten seconds after the injection, the bullet hole the size of a thumb was miraculously healed quickly. This ability to regenerate flesh and blood made Shi Liuzhi smack his lips.

The two left the building. Outside the ruins, the four "Pioneer" chariots had been blown up by the bomb planted by Shi Liu, and they were still emitting thick black smoke.

"It is estimated that at the entrance, Linghu and the others have already taken care of it."

As Shi Liu said, he and Mandala went back and made the same mistakes again.

Sure enough, when the two arrived, the rest of the people were already there waiting for them.And there were a large number of anti-military corpses lying on the ground.

"Poisonous wolf, everything is done." Seeing the two people coming, Blood Eagle said, looking around at the corpses of the rebels on the ground.

Shi Liu nodded, and immediately turned on the communication system to contact Feihu.

After some conversation, Shi Liu learned that Feihu was already waiting in Beicheng. Due to the large number of rebels, it was very difficult for her to join the crowd quickly.

"Brothers, I'm afraid we still have to go deep into this Silver Tree City." Shi Liu looked around at the crowd and said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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